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[–] 5 pts

Niggers have contributed NOTHING (absolutely nothing) to the advancement of CIVILIZATION (western OR eastern(asian)) NOTHING in the fields of MATH, PHYSICE, EARTH SCIENCES (biology, chemistry),ENGINEERING, ECONOMICS, you NAME it.

EVERYWHERE on Earth where niggers are prevalent for MILLENIA is an UNMITIGATED shithole (by CIVILIZED standards).

Niggers are UNGRATEFUL parasites the WORLD over, and have "evolved" to the point of DEMANDING the handouts as their RIGHT.

NIGGERS GOTTA GO. ALONG with nigger lovers (evil).


[–] 1 pt

The 100% pure black Africans are basically animals with average IQ's of 70.

Today they would be all in Liberia or segregated in a reservation had we not interbred with them.

First, the male slave owners fucked the young niggresses creating the American niggers who are about 25% European and have IQ's of 85. That's enough to somewhat learn the English language and complain. It also produces a small amount of niggers with normal intelligence that are put on display to pretend they are "just like us".

Now the women are fucking the IQ 85 American niggers and creating IQ 90 hate-filled mongrel outcasts and statistically also a very small number of smart niggers like Obama who get into positions of power.

I'm not sure we can stop this. What happened to South America is happening to the US and Europe, mainly because we can't keep our pants on.

[–] 0 pt

Also I have NO problem keeping MY pants on in the presence of shit skins OR niggers. I wouldn't touch them, just like I wouldn't fuck a dog or a fish or a dogfish.

[–] 0 pt

Oh yeah. NIgger slavery STILL exists IN Africa to THIS day. and BACK THEN, the British "slavers" BOUGHT nigger slaves from nigger SLAVERS for pots and pans and trinkets (niggers had NEVER seen).

[–] 0 pt

What happened to South America is happening to the US and Europe, mainly because we can't keep our pants on.

Our problem is not taking our pants off, it's keeping our pants on. We are not breeding enough white babies, in part because something in the environment has turned white men into effiminate low-sperm-count cucks, and partly because the Jews who control the media have bombarded us with anti-white propaganda all our lives.

[–] 0 pt

And partly because we tend to not breed like a bunch of niggers, preferring to raise our children properly instead of just dumping a load and running.

[–] 0 pt

WHY I implore God to STEP IN and give us some HOPE (promised in the Bible). Is this a PUNISHMENT? Are we ALL responsible for the nigger situation? What about render unto Caesar? We were LISTENING to GOVERNMENT (most of us) EXPERTS (frauds) telling us niggers were JUST like everyone else EXCEPT for skin color, even though REAL life taught us differently, we STILL believed and obeyed as BEST we could. AND all the FEMINISTS infiltrators (who HATE white men) in the fields of "social work" and "Counciling" and all WELFARE abministration (nigger institutions).

PLEASE God. You would have SAVED Sodom and Gomorrah IFF 10 good people existed. Are we THAT light (even me) following your laws and plans as we understand them?

[–] 0 pt

Niggers are one of the biggest scams sold to the west by Jews. It’s really hard to not blame the absolutely brain dead white men who fell for the scam.

[–] 1 pt

DELIBERATE fraud (NO mistake, HIDDEN FACTS from us ALL this time). EVIL and LOOK how it's blowing up NOW.

We had FAITH (our fathers) the SMART people were NOT deceiving us, the surprising OPINIONS handed down were EXACTLY the OPPOSITE of what we KNEW, which REINFORCED our belief and WE were NOT experts, and being GOOD people, would play along.

This is an object lesson (one of the many we are exposed to) about WHY evil MUST be eradicated from OUR midst (after death). HOW unrelentingly POWERFUL (secretive and deceptive) it IS.

A CANCER of the species (like niggers) propogated among us like candy. PAID positions (Feminist filled) from TAXPAYER to administer the nigger infection.

Can't insult, threaten a nigger, but niggers CAN insult,threaten, ATTACK you. Can't insult, threaten a feminist, but feminists CAN insult,threate, ATTACK you.

We have to WAKE up or it's OVER and evil has US in it's MOUTH.

[–] 0 pt

Totally agree, but I have little faith in our race to recognize what is actually going on. Whites are the most empathetic race by far and the Jew has exploited it.

Whatever you do, find a white lady with good genes and have at least 5 beautiful children. That is something totally in our control. Fail at that, fail at life.

[–] 0 pt

But who will man the trash trucks, who will do the menial labor? Who will deliver the mail you depend on? At the end of the day, everyone has their use, but it's no use to deny the truth.

[–] 2 pts

We have our OWN dolts to do this. PLUS MOST of it WE have AUTOMATED. BELIEVE me we DO NOT need (or want) NIGGERS FOR ANYTHING. Niggerball? ABSOLUTE waste of time, energy and resources (PLATINUM Level nigger welfare).