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Pineal Gland General
Have you not heard of the pineal Gland? Do you not even Joe Rogan(
The argument goes that the Pineal Gland is the part of the body that interfaces with the psychic or spiritual planes -- essentially the third eye or Ajna chakra in modern terms. However, most of our Pineal Glands are unnecessarily calcified, due to flouride exposure in our youth. If we could only decalcify that Pineal, we would be able to be more psychic and more spiritually connected. Some people recommend taking iodine to do just that or to counteract iodine deficiency related to fluoride intake.(
Skeptics assert the above is pseudoscientific, new age bullshit. And they apparently can get quite huffy about if on Q&A sites like Quora. 1( 2(
I can summarize their argument as the following: Flouride doesn't calcify. There is no evidence the Pineal Gland is supposed to perform any spiritual interfacing function, nor is there any evidence that flouride calcifies it and stops this function.
The skeptics arguments strike me as somewhat suspicious because of their tone (adopting a high academic lexicon to appear more intelligent and attempting to shame rather than simply correct the perceived inaccuracies , which I've often seen paired with other dubious viewpoints such as racial universalism, Holocaust trutherism, brexit remain camp, gender wage gap, etc.) and also because their dismissal of flouride as a calcifying agent seems like an overreach and possibly a unicorn truth that ignores the complex interaction of chemicals in the human body.
To wit, my dentist says we flouridate water because dietary flouride causes better calcification of the teeth (only in young people whose bodies are still developing; doesn't do anything for adults really). Whether flouride calcifies the teeth directly or through interactions with other calcifying agents shouldn't matter. The introduction of it to the developing human body eventually leads to calcification of the teeth, according to my dentist. I did not ask the dentist about the Pineal Gland because I assume they would have no opinion to offer.
Yet the skeptics of Pineal Gland calcification do raise an important question: If Pineal Gland calcification is a reality, what is the evidence for it?
Further: What is the evidence for the Pineal Gland's spiritual component or interactions? Is decalcification even possible and if so, through what means?
I'm going to be casually looking into this a little more tonight. Will post answers I find in comments. In the meantime it'd be cool if anyone who knows a little about it would weigh in.
(post is archived)