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Keep on keepin' up with the joneses!

Keep on keepin' up with the joneses!

(post is archived)

[–] 9 pts

The lawn is a symbol that you are wealthy enough to not grow food on your arable land.

[–] 3 pts

Homeowners plant their victory gardens in their fenced-in backyards. Growing fruits and vegetables in the front yards just invites niggers to pull the plants up by the roots.

[–] 1 pt

I plant watermelons in my front yard and the niggers come out every night.

They start shocking and jivin' and rapping, dancing all around and having a good time.

Then the white bois show up and i charge them admission to the concert.

Works just fine if ya need some extra cash

[–] 1 pt

Gravel works just fine for front yards.

[–] 1 pt

Yard apes would just kick that shit everywhere. On the sidewalk, on the path leading to your front door, on your car...

[–] 3 pts

Indeed. But shhh... we're hating on boomers b/c they deserve it.

[–] 2 pts

Next you're going to say "your house is your castle" or some such.

[–] 2 pts

I do both, food gardens are pretty easy to maintain and you can't beat fresh stuff.

[–] 7 pts

When I was your age we had to import 10 Mexicans to work the fields so I could afford college and a 10 bedroom house. You kids don't know the struggle

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

So its you filthy common core gender confused medical marijuana smoking man-larping titty boys with the knee high front yards creating all the blight, driving property values down? Lazy barstards! Mow your fugging lawn!

[–] 0 pt

xeriscaping bitchesssssss

[–] 3 pts

Boomers just want their Indian (dothead kind) neighbors to know they have the best pooping field.

[–] 3 pts

Obey your programming.

You don't want to own homes with lawns. You only want to live communally in densely packed apartments surrounded by pavement and concrete. You don't want to achieve and accomplish more than others. You want equality, equity, and everyone to have the same amount. The benefits of sacrifice and hard work are to be eliminated. Everyone must have the same amount; the same things. No one is allowed to have more than others.

All symbols of wealth and prosperity must be destroyed. Anyone appearing to have more than you must be attacked and shamed. Having pride in oneself, having a sense of achievement and accomplishment must be replaced with the worship of equality and equity. No one should ever be allowed to have more than others.

Obey your programming. - You will own nothing, and be happy.

The only problem with White people is they mow their lawns too much. One of my neighbors leaf-blows his yard 3 times a week.

I'll take it. You can leave your garage door open here when you go to the grocery store and everything will be there when you get back. A neighbor might notice your car is gone and close your garage door for you.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, well... the city council doesn't agree with my "eco-friendly, natural pasture" excuse for letting the front lawn grow wild this summer. They didn't buy the "fire ant and stinging nettle security system" bit either.

[–] 1 pt

Don't know about your premise. I like lawns.