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I didn't get the chance to bring up how his generation sent all the good jobs away and crushed domestic wage growth which precipitated the crisis in the first place.


I didn't get the chance to bring up how his generation sent all the good jobs away and crushed domestic wage growth which precipitated the crisis in the first place. sigh...

(post is archived)

[–] 11 pts

Social Security crisis? There's no SSI crisis. We always hear about how SSI is running out of money and will collapse at soon, but never once have we heard that welfare is in crisis and will collapse. How can welfare, which requires even more money to spread around annually, not be in crisis when SSI is? The 'crisis' is manufactured and is a means to force working class Whites to suffer while always ensuring do nothing niggers and shitskins can stay on the government teat. It's about control. There is no crisis.

[–] 4 pts

The money is fake. The national debt will not and can not be repaid, it’s a function of the central bank monetary system, and most people realize that. So they create money for things they want, and claim they can’t do other things because there “isn’t enough money.” And fiscal conservatives just nod their thick heads.

[–] 5 pts

Exactly. The crisis is propaganda designed to divide us. They can print trillions of shekels for jewflu gibs but they can't save SSI. It's time to wipe the central banking system out of existence.

[–] 1 pt


[–] 2 pts

SSI isn't supposed to be funded by anything other than SSI payroll deductions. It's a ponzi scheme and since there are no good jobs left the boomers are going to eat up the all the money genx and millenials paid in leaving nothing for them.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Not quite. The money is fiat, printed endlessly out of thin air. The purpose of taxation is to KEEP WHITE PEOPLE POOR AND STRUGGLING. Any money we do pay in taxes is quickly siphoned off by the jews, so nary a penny ever gets 'put away' in some magical SSI bank vault. It's taken and then it's all gone.

So fret not about SSI running out of money. It's all accounting trickery. You'll get yours - or not- regardless of what Boomers spend today. You young'uns are screwed in so many ways, but not by Boomers. By government. Always and only by government, directly and indirectly.

[–] 0 pt

Except in this case that doesn't apply. The endlessly printed money can't be used to fund SSI, and the hyperinflation it creates makes the ponzi scheme even more fragile because you need a constantly growing population which is why the boomers are crashing it.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

They rolled all the SSI shit into the market years ago and the central banks have been using it as a piggy bank to pump the parts of the market they decide are too big to fail or as an insider trading scheme. They do the same thing with the 401k's, use a giant pile of money to manipulate everything. Thats why they are stuck now trying to fund boomers off of incoming payments from a decreasing pool of millennial SSI payments as they squandered stole and lost any gains they made using the shit as an investment engine. Now the whole thing is so leveraged hundreds of different ways into toxic bullshit they can only sustain it by printing endlessly.

[–] 2 pts

Excellent point. People don't understand how the money is created or where it comes from.

[–] 1 pt

It is perhaps well enough that the people of the nation do not know or understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

[+] [deleted] 6 pts
[–] 6 pts

Solution to every government run problem.

  1. Pay more.
  2. Get less.
  3. Pay more and get less.
[–] 4 pts

Our government is run EXACTLY like an organization that has no other purpose than to maximize the amount of money it can get out of the people without revolt.

[–] 3 pts

The "solution" is to stop the fucking rape of "income taxes" and gradually work its way into "taxes".

People earn something from their labors and keep what they earn and then use that money to pay others for their labors. It's the basic principle of trade. The idea gets fucked up when there's a mediator that represents work.

The elderly should be cared for by family. The youth should be cared for by family. This idea that every member of a family should be this catalyst of an empire ( meant to be built upon the hardships of isolation) is Ludacris. FAMILIES should be helping and supporting one another , so that their bloodlines flourish. That might mean one home, or one property. Farming it for food/livestock and being as self sufficient as possible. While the elders teach the youth, the women clean, prepare, and tend the sick, while the men hunt, farm, discipline, and repair/build.

[–] 1 pt

Yes the "income" tax is wackadoo, but the root of the problem is in the issuance of the currency. The federal reserve note is a debt based scam.

[–] 0 pt

If you read more than the first line of my reply, you'll see that's what I said.

This makes sense, I wonder what dumb kike down voted you. Must've offended their inmate jewishness.

[–] 0 pt

Every "mod" here is a jew. Just like reddit. They're just self-loathing jews. You'll notice that every poster , whose still allowed to post here, who makes sense and uses reason/logic in their replies is given a happy merchant thing next to their name or a turd one. It's how the mentally immature jew trys to reclaim his "power" while still pushing the false idea (to himself) that he's clever.

When their jew kicks in and they simply have reached their threshold of reading how bad (((their)))) people are, they go off on post deletions, shadow banning comments, outright blocking responses, give your jew score here a negative rep, etc.etc.etc.

Don't think for a second that the jews aren't running this site (and voat.xyz) in hopes of catching some goys in their traps.

[–] 2 pts

Originally the age to collect was above average life expectancy.

[–] 4 pts

Crazy system isn't it. Why not just stop taxing me and let me manage my retirement how I'd like to?

[–] 2 pts

Yep and if you hit retirement with no money just shoot them. This is not sarcasm.

[–] 2 pts

There should 0 property tax for US citizens, ideally White males, and foreigners should pay even more taxes overall. Most White men would put their retirement to the development of their own property.

[–] 1 pt

Best idea I’ve heard today

[–] 2 pts

sorry, as soon as you said 'boomer' i couldnt stop laughing. i read the words and i hear a whiny 5 year olds voice...

[–] 1 pt

Many such cases. Very sad.

[–] 1 pt

we had no niggers leeching the system in my day, might just be coincidental though...

[–] 1 pt

Boomers were sold on how they could pay money into SS and they'd get it back after retirement, as a "social safety net". They paid in all their lives. So I understand where they're coming from.

Me, I'm right in between Boomer and GenX. I won't ever be applying for SS, out of principle. But I can sympathize with people who've been conned being unhappy about it.

[–] 0 pt

More whiney BS. SS would have been the largest single pile of money on Earth and everyone would be getting 10 grand a month IF Liberals had not stolen it to give it to those who paid in Nothing. The 'solution' is make Liberals Pay back what they stole from SS and still are.

[–] 0 pt

Why is he responsible for what happened then if you're not responsible for what the jews are doing today?

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