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[–] 9 pts

Two words:

Reverse mortgage

One of my boomer neighbors just died, she has a 10 acre plot and land is going up expensive and selling fast. Her kids just found out she had a reverse mortgage on the place and the kids aren't sure if they can afford to buy it back.

Fuck boomers and fuck the predatory banks.

[–] 3 pts

I've seen the exact same thing. Its indescribable selfishness

[–] 2 pts

How could you even think of doing such a thing? A man who doesn't leave more to his children than his parents left to him is no man at all.

[–] 3 pts

Boomers think it's unfair to themselves, if their kids' starting platform in life is higher than theirs was. They actually think it's just not fair, unless their kids struggle as they did. Prosperity of their bloodlines be damned, it must be fair to boomers.

[–] 0 pt

Boomers think it's unfair to themselves, if their kids' starting platform in life is higher than theirs was.

Many of them do, and it's entirely backwards. I won't think it's fair unless my kids have a better starting position than I did.

[–] 0 pt

That wouldn't actually be such a bad philosophy if things were genuinely just as good and/or bad as it were when they were young. The main issue being that things are MUCH...much worse and they refuse to account for that in their thinking.

In their minds they "struggled to work their way through college, so why are you complaining about having to do it?" when, in reality, we're not complaining about having to work through college, we're complaining that we can't even do that. An entirely different problem...and yet, very easy to understand, but still...they persist in not wanting to admit simple and quite obvious truths about how shitty the general situation is, let alone role up their sleeves with us and work together to at least make it better.

[–] 7 pts

Boomers put their own egoic needs ahead of the family.

They also squandered the generational wealth and refuse to pass it to their kids.

Boomers broke the generational agreement of wishing to provide a better life for their offspring and have always been jealous of their kids and wish them worse instead of a better future. ("you kids have it too easy these days")

None of the has to do with the jews.

None of it.

The jews certainly pushed it along, but it was the boomers that decided to start a generational war against their own kids.

All on their own

That is why boomers are hated.

[–] 3 pts

The first generation that was so self-centered they actually thought they deserved to live forever. That’s a big part of why they hate their kids. They are not aging gracefully at all. They are terrified of it, actually, and they take it out on younger people.

[–] 6 pts

Worse, they demand the young pay for their healthcare so they can suck off their grandchildren's teets for another decade or two.

[–] 3 pts

You comment strikes close to me. I'm 31 and have 0 medical issues and pay for 0 prescription medications. Most of my healthcare consists of my gym membership and some high quality supplements. I spend almost zero dollars on medical expenses, and I just want a catastrophic type plan (you know, actual insurance...) and to start paying into a health savings account for when I'm older...It's basically impossible to do that.

The modern health "insurance" scam is nothing other than young healthy people paying for older people...which wouldn't be totally evil (although I'd still disagree), but we all know the resources won't be there for us when we're old.

[–] 3 pts

You do realize the boomer hate was created and pushed by the jews right? They started the whole splitting apart of the family unit by labeling different generations with names to break us apart. Stop falling for jewish tricks.

[–] 4 pts

Maybe, but that doesn't make the issue any less real: widespread generational financial and cultural theft has occurred, and how do we deal with that?

It may not have been "the boomers" that caused the issue, but it happened, and it doesn't help any of us younger people that, regardless of how we bring this issue up, when we do, no older people want to admit it, let alone actually help deal with it.

[–] 0 pt

Theft? They worked through the biggest boom economy in the history of the world. That's not stealing. Many of their mindset is very entitled because they were raised in the boom. That's why they always say "just work harder" because they don't see that their largess comes from the boom, not them being harder workers and later gens lazy.

[–] 0 pt

Yes, theft. Literal theft. Generational theft. True, resources you earn from legit work isn't theft, but obviously I wasn't talking about that...I was talking about debt, which, when incurred by one generation, but left to be paid off by the next generation is: THEFT.

Again, the issue right now isn't so much how or why it happened, but that it did and now we have to deal with it, and it would help a lot if those older people at least admitted it happened and started to help us deal with it. That's not what's happening...that's THEE issue right now.

Ummm, no. I hated the boomers waaaaay before any "jew" pointed out the fact that the motherfuckers were the most self centered assholes in the world, burning it all down and leaving nothing behind. Yeah, my parents are boomers and they didn give a shit about anyone but themselves, they really didn't even care for each other much as a matter of fact. Yeah, my wife? her parents are the same. All my friends growing up? Yup! same. So GTFO with the muh jews created this hate for the boomers bullshit. I don't buy it cuz I lived it.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

As if the corporate "millenials" (or whatever shitass label is attached to the slim-pants-smartphone-faggot-generation-next), were any better

That's the true irony here

[–] 1 pt

Do you have any substantive thoughts about the actual content of the post, such as the very real issue that young people have to deal with; that generational financial theft has occurred?

Or are you really just going to sit there and childishly stick your tongue out and say "Yeah, but you suck too!"?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I'm part of that generation having to deal with the consequences, and I'm some 3 decades away from retirement, if I ever even get there. As a matter of fact I don't plan to ever retire

But the difference between you and me, is that I'm not looking for an excuse to blame everything on my parents

The world could plunge into a nuclear war tomorrow, I don't give a damn, I'm not going to look for a way to blame that on my parents, I'm going to fight my way through it, cover myself in mud and blood if need be, whatever it takes, and this is going to be the best part of my life...

That's the difference, right there, between me, and the shit puppet that you are

[–] 1 pt

But the difference between you and me, is that I'm not looking for an excuse to blame everything on my parents

What a stupid thing to respond with...

I like how you still don't respond to the actual facts and issue: intergenerational theft has occurred, now how do you suggest we deal with it? When did I "blame my parents" in any of this?

The very simple fact of the matter is that we're in a tough situation here and one thing making it almost impossible to deal with is members of that older generation not wanting to admit and deal with this issue, and, in most cases, them doubling down on it and making it even worse.

Nothing you said even touches on any of this, you actually just come off as some dude with insecurities that's trying to seem like a "tough guy"...which means you're also not actually helping solve the problem.

You're really immature and a waste of my time. I won't respond to anything you say to this. Have a great day!

[–] 3 pts

Looks like you triggered a few Boomers, @Vitalij 🤣🤣🤣

[–] 8 pts

Such a sensitive pack of faggots. It's probably b/c they've never faced real adversity in their lives.

[–] 2 pts

I'm not a boomer, but do tell, what adversity have you faced?

[–] 4 pts

3 recessions, the largest exodus of manufacturing jobs in the history of America, the largest and longest period of dollar devaluation in the last 100 years, the destruction of traditional family and values, the rise of digital censorship, the covid hoax, the second coming of the chosen to destroy all that remains.

Just a few things.

[–] 3 pts

point in case... they even raise sensitive faggots.

[–] 3 pts

What I don't quite understand is how insulated a generation can become to not see that ALL that matters is the future generations and their prosperity. All the boomers who hate on younger people obviously have no idea about how tax revenues fund their end of life care.

[–] 2 pts

Boomer here...you young punks are just addicted to weed and social media, and afraid of hard work and sacrifice.

[–] 2 pts

Not all of them. 300 acres worth of not sucking. But admittedly, the suck rate is 75%, lucky to have the one who came through. It is also 'medicine'. They sell their everything upon the lie of a cure for old.

[–] 0 pt

My dad's last year of the boomers. Love that nigger.

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