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> For the second time in a week, a very popular Blogger who’s name I won’t mention and to who’s site I won’t link to, has come out with posts trashing the Boomer Generation.

> Reading through the comments, there seems to be a slathering wish for what they are calling “The Day Of The Pillow”, where they feel perfectly justified by their perception of Boomer self centeredness and greed, to suffocate us in our beds when we get old and feeble enough to be unable to defend ourselves.

> Both posts are full of vitriol pointed towards the Boomer Generation but upon closer inspection, I see a lot of anger issues from Gen X’ers who’s main self righteous anger seems to be stemming from their common claim that they were “Latch Key Kids”.

> Just so you know, I had that exact same experience growing up but for some reason I haven’t figured out how to blame the entire generation of my parents.

> Funny that.

> This claim exposes the true reasons for their anger without them apparently being able to see it when I can, from space.

> They feel abandoned.

> Poor widdle snowflakes gots the Daddy Issues but can’t seem to put 2 and 2 together so hey, lets attack that whole generation because our parents were too busy partying and being self centered to love us, right?

> You try and tell them hey, you little fuckers are all growed up now and are beginning to hold office and take over the joint. If you don’t like what The Boomers In Charge are currently doing, then walk away from the Pity Party and fucking do something about it .


>> For the second time in a week, a very popular Blogger who’s name I won’t mention and to who’s site I won’t link to, has come out with posts trashing the Boomer Generation. >> Reading through the comments, there seems to be a slathering wish for what they are calling “The Day Of The Pillow”, where they feel perfectly justified by their perception of Boomer self centeredness and greed, to suffocate us in our beds when we get old and feeble enough to be unable to defend ourselves. >> Both posts are full of vitriol pointed towards the Boomer Generation but upon closer inspection, I see a lot of anger issues from Gen X’ers who’s main self righteous anger seems to be stemming from their common claim that they were “Latch Key Kids”. >> Just so you know, I had that exact same experience growing up but for some reason I haven’t figured out how to blame the entire generation of my parents. >> Funny that. >> This claim exposes the true reasons for their anger without them apparently being able to see it when I can, from space. >> They feel abandoned. >> Poor widdle snowflakes gots the Daddy Issues but can’t seem to put 2 and 2 together so hey, lets attack that whole generation because our parents were too busy partying and being self centered to love us, right? >> You try and tell them hey, you little fuckers are all growed up now and are beginning to hold office and take over the joint. If you don’t like what The Boomers In Charge are currently doing, then walk away from the Pity Party and fucking do something about it . >> OH THE HOWLS OF OUTRAGE WHEN YOU POINT THIS OUT!

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts


Boomers will say anything to validate their vitriolic narcissistic jealousy of the younger gens.


As a Gen X kid (read parents are true boomers = Gen X kids, not Z or millennials) I can confirm this. They have always despised me. To the point that I have disowned their narcissistic asses, and they act like I did something wrong STILL! Fuck them!

[–] 1 pt


Narcissistic jealousy.

First generation in human history to wish it worse for their kids.

My lovely Boomer fucks of parents tried to put me in jail for 6 years because I finally decided to punch back.

Got out of that with a very good lawyer, then they had the absolute gall to pretend like it never happened.

Fucking asshole boomers, scream and bully their kids, then parent by cop when the kid starts fighting back, then goes on a narcissistic rager and tries to destroy the kid, then is baffled when the kid disowns them.

Fucking clowns.


My mom got fat and said she ate every time she wanted to beat me. She was on her way to cow status by the fifth grade.

[–] 3 pts

Boomers have screwed up big time. But this is just more trickery for you to hate other Whites instead of directing it where it belongs.

Divide and conquer and you guys are happily partaking. Pathetic.

[–] 1 pt

They are blatant narcissists and need a Punch in the mouth to remind them they they too will die someday and you really don't want to get to that day being the person you are.

Maybe both are to blame, allowing a tv babysitter that programmed your childs mind and instead of like for centuries children working by their parents side and learning about god in my time it was wanting romper stomper and listening to Captain Kangaroo and liking the fool Gilligan on Gilligans island. Having teachers alone teaching the kids and working for shit so your kids had more shit and we stupid like myself and also spoiled. Not going to church, not teaching common sense and logic, no being punished with pain or at least showing them when they messed up bad.

It was not just the parents but us the kids that are to blame, we partied when we should have been marrying, working, and praying for wisdom and forgiveness. We as in me was looking to get laid not finding a wife, not wanting a child, not improving myself, just corrupting my body and soul.

It was not the boomers and not the kids, it was this world and TV that fucked us all over. We weren't taught and we didn't seek to improve so all are guilty. We looked for sex to satisfy that urge in us that was looking for love but we denied it and instead lowered ourselves and I speak of my personal stupidity and sin and stubborness to be the best I could be for myself and others around me.

To ignore everyone and look inwardly at my darkening soul whining like a little bitch. Once I left the house I was responsible for it not my father since I could have called and asked advice but I was to busy drinking beer and smoking weed to care about anyone but ME, stupid me was all that mattered, what a fucking waste I was of a person.

I really hope I didn't hurt anyone to badly in this life. Can't go back and change the past or give myself the advise I would likely reject outright and laugh at myself for suggesting it was smarter than the stupid path I was stubbornly clinging to.

They are clearly angry as hell because they realize they will never be as cool as their grandparents or live as well as they did. Poor things can't handle the truth, isn't that right @YourJewish?

[–] 1 pt

If boomers are cool because they bow to the jews, enable leftists to carry out the jews bidding, praise jew pushed consumerism, send their kids and grandkids off to die in jew wars, give the jews power and money and allow the jews to end their own bloodlines, then I'm glad not be a cool boomer. I'm the first generation the boomers fucked over. They hate on Millennials and Gen Z but they don't even give my generation, their own children, any thought at all. It's a good thing they are now becoming dependent on my generation to care for them in their final years. We can just park them in front of the TV and ignore them all day like they did with us. That should be sufficient for care, right? It worked for them so they deserve the same.

[–] 1 pt

We get to take over? Cool, Social Security and Medicare are gone, you Boomers [the richest generation the world has ever seen] can pay your own way.

the jew's work is seeing fruition with the generational warfare. my dad, on his deathbed, admitted that he had treated me badly, that he should have done more for me. see, cause he never really SAW me until he was bedridden and i was the one caring for him.

i looked at him and told him sorry for what? that you taught me how to work hard and enjoy the fun when it came? that you taught me making excuses is for cowards? that you didn't coddle me but when it came down to it, you came to my aid prepared to use deadly force? no, never apologize. sure, it woulda' been nice if you had gotten me a car or bought me a home, but none of that is a condition of my love for you. Daddy, you taught me character. now if the lessons were delivered because of your selfishness or your concern, that is for you and your Maker to work out.

[–] 0 pt

Hey, they made a (((movie))) about this...


*I actually have no clue what that movie is about, but the name had me laughing.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )


They hate their mothers which means they inherit a female spirit.

So they cry, complain, blame, beg, accuse, and so on. All the female attributes.

They need to forgive their mothers to get over it. Forgive theirs mothers for turning them against their fathers and return to the father.

Only then will they get the male spirit back.

None of this is to say that the boomer generation are any good. Because they aren't. Useless cunts. Handed over the only fucking inheritance most had to give I.e. our countries. They handed them over without so much as a complaint.

And now that we are trying to fight back most of those retards are attacking us calling us racists. They are all complying with the occupying government at every stage. Faggot generation in fairness.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Please keep in mind the boomers had THE strongest values (family, love, liberty, etc) and the communists had to break them first and the hardest propaganda to start the downward spiral, they were victims too. Not all have woken up, some have. Their children were the idiots who destroyed housing, voting, diversity, everything for us.

EDIT: But yes, most are still entitled selfish pieces of shit too.