Normal is the problem. 75+BMI says you a fat fuck.
Concern Faggot is still concerned someone else is unhealthy!!!
What the fuck ever, ya pathetic faggot. If eating some yummy fried pork cutlets is a problem , you are untermensch and shoulddo the world a favor and just fucking hang your weakling self. Or, of course, you are perturbed by the PORK for the usual reason. Either way, the best solution is to hang yourself.
Proves yet again a lot of what you know just aint true. Just because you believe it never makes it truth. Truth is hate to those that hate truth.
Or, you're just a Concern Faggot, which turns out to be the case.
Lard Rated One of the Top 10 Healthiest Foods (
I don't know where you got muh carbs from on a meat based dish... Was it the little flour added? I'm currently at only 215g carbs today. I frequently have days of 350g+ carbs and I guarantee I'm far healthier than you. I've sent @AOU gay selfies.
75+ BMI
What the fuck are you on? BMI categories are;
Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5–24.9 Overweight = 25–29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
No one is 75+... Like... I'm actually confused.
(post is archived)