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(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts 1y

Archive because jew-owned anti-White CNN doesn't deserve traffic: https://archive.ph/acpSz

[–] 2 pts 1y

Thank you. Didn’t want to give cnn the traffic.

[–] 3 pts 1y

In some areas, like where I am, that's always been a problem. There are stores and restaurants, with the odd man out staying open past 6-7PM on a Friday night. Stores try to come in because "Downtown!" and quickly find that there are no people downtown after hours, and the few people that live downtown aren't enough to keep them going.

The ones in the news now, we all know why they are closing.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 1y

The audacity to blame rents.

As if Blackrock and Vanguard moving money from one shell to another is actually a market force.

[–] 1 pt 1y

And no comment section on the article. Cowards

[–] 2 pts 1y

Criminals don't care what people think.

[–] 1 pt 1y

direct link to cnn? forum discourse had hit rock bottom

[–] 1 pt 1y

Simply because