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"Did you know that dogs always look to the left side of your face for confirmation of how you are really feeling? Also, about the "forearm" bait. When a dog like a pitbull or Rottweiler bites down, its gotta a "lock jaw" which means its not gonna let go unless you either kill it while its tearing left and right to open you up, or you gotta cut off its air supply and convince it that its gonna suffocate or drown. But the third option is better. A dogs teeth, like a snakes, curl inward, meaning if you try getting your forearm out, it will tear your flesh. But if you grab the back of its head, you can force your arm into the back of its mouth, and if you keep forcing, that will pop their jaw out of place and cause them extreme pain.."

"Did you know that dogs always look to the left side of your face for confirmation of how you are really feeling? Also, about the "forearm" bait. When a dog like a pitbull or Rottweiler bites down, its gotta a "lock jaw" which means its not gonna let go unless you either kill it while its tearing left and right to open you up, or you gotta cut off its air supply and convince it that its gonna suffocate or drown. But the third option is better. A dogs teeth, like a snakes, curl inward, meaning if you try getting your forearm out, it will tear your flesh. But if you grab the back of its head, you can force your arm into the back of its mouth, and if you keep forcing, that will pop their jaw out of place and cause them extreme pain.."

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Looks like maroonsaint is still alive & kickin'

[–] 3 pts

I think anon is full of shit.

[–] 0 pt

He states a lot of obvious shit. Kicking literally any animal in the nose, mouth, or jaw is how you concuss something. So, no shit, soccer kicking a dog in the face will make it run.

There is something to be said for teaching defense against dogs and other animals, though. A lot of grown adults and kids get killed every year by animals far smaller than they are. Most deaths are preceded by PANIC. Panicking is deadly, and it's contagious. Staying calm is the best thing you can do in any kind of fight. That's hard to do when a pibbul is tearing your forearm apart, but you need to stay cool.

Dogs with collars are actually remarkably easy to choke out. Garrote style, grip the back of the collar with both hands and pull in opposite directions, kneel on the fucker if you have to.

Also, this guy describes himself as a chink of some variety. No wonder he's so into killing dogs. "Chuck Norris" taught him how to kick them, I guess?

[–] 2 pts

Offer forearm as bait, pull away before latch and come up with knife into neck. Also a primal yell a full forced sprint at a dog, woth full intent on killing it will send a lot of dogs running. Retard nigher dogs won't go for it and you always just go for the kill. Always.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

As a kid I ran across a pack of dogs one day without realizing they were probably feral. The pack leader was about 40lbs and that dog would not have run away from an attacker. That dog was smart enough to turn and snarl at me as a warning not to mess with them and I didn't. I was a lucky kid that day.

[–] 1 pt

I also ran into a dog pack when I was a kid walking to school. They tried to ambush me, 1 in front, 1 behind and 1 to my left on a ridge walking parallel with me. They had picked a great location for it too, bar one thing, I was standing on a gravel patch.

[–] 1 pt

Some time ago, I was working on a house for a nice young lady and we needed a screwdriver. Of course she didn't have one in the house, so we walked down the street to borrow one from a neighbor. On the way back, a dog of maybe fifty or sixty pounds ran out from a yard we were walking by and at the time he seemed intent on murder. Now he was probably a good dog, just doing what he thought was his job in keeping intruders away from his master's house, and he was just poorly trained. But I wasn't really thinking about that at the time. Instead, threw the screwdriver toward the dog, pushed the girl behind me, raised my arms, and roared like a demon. Of course the screwdriver missed the dog by a couple of feet, but I think I changed its religion any way. He yelped like I just whipped him and ran right back with his tail between his legs. If I hadn't had a young lady with me, I think I would not have reacted that way (protect, stand ground, and fight), but I'm not sure what I would have done differently.

Any way, to your point, it works. You have to get a really dense nigger-dog to find one that doesn't realize that the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

[–] 1 pt

I've done polar opposites of this where I am overbearing and do like a high pitched "oh hi baby doggie hiii hey friend come here sweet heart what's wrong??? Come here baby doggie let's be friends" but an animal can sense when you will not hesitate to kill then and I've confused the shit out of some dogs long enough for an owner to show up. I prefer the berserker yell, but there are people in my life who don't need to see that side of me unless absolutely necessary. My wife got cornered by a neighbors loose dog and I went full berserk. Dog wasn't sticking around. Also had a nigger pit bull corner Mt wife and I, and I did the baby tall to keep it calm enough to get close to it. I'd rather take on a dog that didn't habe a running start at me, and I'd rather get in the first lethal blow. I don't fuck around when it come to dogs.

[–] 1 pt

Dogs are fast enough that you should already be committing momementum to your weapon hand as soon as it makes a movement toward your forearm.

[–] 1 pt

18 kills and no video? Yeah, right.

[–] 2 pts

This anon must be prince harry.

[–] 1 pt

Only Jews and Niggers are afraid of dogs. When A dog doesn't like you, they know you are a mentally ill. Even dogs protecting their land, I have made friends with.

Something is seriously wrong with this guy, Id love to strangle the air from his lungs and piss in the mouth of the corpse.

[–] 1 pt

Probably a jew given his proclivity for fantasizing about killing dogs. Only sandjews and regular grey jews hate dogs like this.

All the dogs I've ever owned liked or at least tolerated everyone but niggers and jews.

[–] 1 pt

Carry conceal. Or weapon use yourself with nigger dogs in your neighborhood. Don’t hesitate to take the nigger dog down if it charges you.

[–] 1 pt

Quick someone try this shit on a bear and report back.