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[–] 5 pts

How the fuck do people even like these dogs? Just look at the faces of these demonic sons of bitches, there's nothing there. Only pure evil. It's an absolute travesty that these poor innocent white babies died in such a gruesome way. The niggerdog-loving parents need to be thrown in prison for life.

[–] 4 pts

im not even sure how they came to be so popular. normally theres some family movie featuring some breed of dog and that particular breed gets popular which lasted a couple years until the next popular family dog movie got released.

really hasnt been a movie like that in a number of years, market kinda got killed with all the Airbud sequels

[–] 0 pt

That fcking Tom Hanks movie in the 80's or early 90's - featured a huge 'cute lovable' American Shit-bull - first time i recall seeing the breed in media, it was all downhill from then on. Niggers and meth heads got into it for street clout, underground dog fights took to the breed bc 'pitbull' and backyard breeders made easy money hocking off corrupted bloodlines ...

[–] 2 pts

There's an endless stream of "cute" pit bull videos and these fucktards eat it up and go on thinking pits are the greatest dogs ever. It's blatant brainwashing and fools fall for it every time.

[–] 0 pt

A couple of bullets would be cheaper...

[–] 5 pts

Funny sub name. Awful stories.

[–] 5 pts

I feel so bad for the girl. She knew she was being attacked by these beasts. The parents deserve to be gassed.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

You keep these dogs around young kids and you’re gonna fuck around and find out.

I don’t care how sweet yours is, or how many peaceful years you’ve had with it.

It only takes one time for these dogs to snap and kill a child faster than you can react.

[–] 4 pts

Those were beautiful children who's deaths were totally avoidable

[–] 2 pts

It's shocking the parents were White. Usually pitbulls are only violent because they are used by niggers.

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Pitbulls are violent by nature. There are certain "triggers" that set them off for some reason. I had one that I raised from a puppy. He never really grew out of being a puppy and thought he was a lap dog.

Until one day my nephew got close to him. He stood up on his hind legs like dogs do when they're being playful and just wanting to lean on your chest. He started being aggressive and biting at him (Think Scar and Muffasah scene). Luckily my mom (I wasn't even there) snatched my nephew up and ran before he could get his teeth in him.

My mom said the only reason he didn't get bitten is because my dog was trying to go for the throat but she snatched him up before he could knock him down to his level to get to it.

Shortly after that, we're pretty sure he died of an aneurysm. He just kind of stiffened up, fell over, and died. Anyway, what I'm getting at is I thought it was all in how they're raised too. The reality is, they are competely unpredictable. You hear more about niggers having issues with them because that's their choice of breed coupled with how they abuse them.

[–] 3 pts

'pretty sure he died of an aneurysm. He just kind of stiffened up, fell over, and died'. No, your Mom poisoned him and rightly fcking so ....

[–] 0 pt

Never crossed my mind. Possibly.

[–] 4 pts

Pitbulls are violent because they are mindless beasts bred for violence. Some abuse can bring that out more than if they are in a loving and stable home, but even in ideal conditions the pitbull is known to kill even its primary caregiver. These dogs are evil shits and no one should have them.

[–] 3 pts

Shows you there are ignorante fuck tards everywhere. This whole story makes me want to puke. Stupid f ing parents. Why have those animals in the house?

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Wrong. It's the breed itself.

but muh puppy so cute and don't do nothing bad

Fucking no! No matter what an owner'd say, I'd always keep a lond distance to these beasts, unless they are in a zoo or something

Edit: it's tempting to spam downvote on your comment. Nothing personal though

[–] -1 pt

it is shocking considering ive been aaround white owned pitbulls my whole life and never seen one attack anything other then other animals to defend property. pits were breed for babysitting and protecting children from wild animals and people who try to harm them. they are amazing hunting dogs and great pets but then again there are plenty of white niggers out there. ive had 3 pits in my life and ive seen kids do some serious meaness and never seen one of my dogs even sigh at them. they have always been babied and cared for

[–] 5 pts

LOl, ' breed for babysitting and protecting children from wild animals ' no they provably fcking weren't. No wonder dumb ass parents have these things around their young kids with ridiculous false comments like yours ..

[–] -2 pt

Whatever feelings you need to justify the hatred your heart holds

[–] 4 pts

They were bred for the "sport" of fighting wild bulls in a pit. Hence the name pitbulls...

[–] -2 pt

Which pit breed are we talking about? Can you tell the difference in the various breeds? Sure some guy breed a type of pit bull for fighting you have to consider most pits in American are a form of pit bull and directly bred for guarding farm work hunting and police work.

[–] 3 pts

No, they were bred to fight and kill. The nanny dog myth is just that, a myth.


[–] -2 pt

Some blog won't change mind. I've been around about a thousand pitties in my life. Not one was dangerous. I've seen dobies taco dogs beagles rotties and all kinds attack unprovoked even black labs but pitties have always maintained proper nature. Hey did you know Cocker spaniels will bite you faster then a pit or rattlesnake

[–] 2 pts

You got lucky. The nanny dog bullshit is so retarded

[–] 0 pt

I aim to kill as many pits as I can.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt

My uncle had 3 of them during different periods and it was the same. They were great with the kids and all of them eventually died from old age, and each of them never even attacked another dog. I've been bitten by a black lab, that same black lab bit my friend in the face while he was sleeping, going thru his eyelid, my cousin had his back completely torn open by a pet belgian malinois, my cousins German Shephard snapped at his face when he was 6-7, my coworker had the tip of his finger but off by a jack Russell terrier, my client almost lost two fingers to her Goldie when the Goldie was already 11 years old.

Theres 18 million pits in the US... How many attacks are there in the past 10 years? 200 total? Look at the percentage on that. They are nowhere close to nigger percentages.

[–] 0 pt

Good shit bro glad to know yaw raise dogs nice and white

[–] 1 pt


That baby's body was extremely likely to be in pieces. Likely tore off limbs.

Hope that makes the parents feel extremely bad about getting these dogs.

Question: people call for ending the pit bull bread (by outlawing the bread and sterilizing the existing dogs) because of how violent they are compared to other breads (close to half of all dog attacks come from Pit Bulls). Soooo...that has implications towards black Americans, too. I hope people realize that when they make that argument.

[–] 1 pt

I won't get into if they are naturally violent. What I do know is their bite is one of the strongest making them the most deadly pet to have.

[–] 0 pt

Their own pit bulls or someone else's?

[–] 2 pts

"family's", their own

[–] 1 pt

Just asking for clarity, because it didn't mention what family. I figured though.

[–] 2 pts

Their own. I wouldn't want a dog that size around kids, nevermind a pibbles.

[–] 3 pts

Shepherds are great around kids if trained, and they're bigger than niggerdogs.

[–] 3 pts

Yes. The trend of acting like all big dogs should never ever be around small kids is strictly to cover for the behavior of the breed of peace.

[–] 1 pt

if they are trained

Every animal is trained until it's impulse or stimulus exceeds discipline.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

It's not a matter of size, it's a matter of genetics/breed/temper, also education/training

First, no males around children, regardless of the race and education, just to be sure. Female dogs are a different story, they don't have the same impulses, it's safer

A female boxer isn't going to attack the kid, ever. However it will get between you and the kid if you scold him despite the fact that you're the parent, it's funny. That breed is a tad dumb but well-meaning, very protective

[–] 2 pts

Even my little 30# beagle is rough with kids, he's rougher with bunnies though.