Maybe she just cunt?
I live in CA and return my cart every time. To prevent leaving my kid in the car I just let Toddler push the cart with my guidance. There has been the rare occasion where the cart receptacle is extremely far away if I park in the wrong place at Costco. The bare minimum in those situations is find the pile of carts already established out of the way of vehicles and add my cart by inserting it as to take up as little space as possible.
I have once been returning my cart to the receptacle and watched a nigger youth shove a cart over that was already in the receptacle for some insane reason that I picked up. It's madness out here but at least the weather is nice
California. Psychologist. Social media whore.
Yeah. I guarantee it.
The mother of two, pictured with her son, daughter and husband
Imagine being married to that. WTF was that dude thinking?
Lmao, Look closely at that family group photo - this bitch has used filters/ photoshop in every single one of her selfie shots to make her face appear much younger, thinner with more defined features - every single one looks nothing like her real self in the family pic. lmao Stupid whooore...
You’re just a prop and subject matter for her stupid videos where she tells way too much about her personal life.
But but '300 000 followers (baaaaaaaa ) and 11 million views' . OMG globohomo metrics to die for . Real time idocracy.
(post is archived)