I can understand the sentiment. Russia leaves a lot to be desired, but at least it doesn't explicitly hate Christians, white people, men, and productivity. It also doesn't have hordes of fat slobs everywhere. The ugliness crushes the soul.
Russia is not perfect, but "no niggers or pajeets" is really tempting.
Russia has niggers as does China. The thing is, once Putin is gone what will happen to Russia then, will it be gobbled up by the new israel nwo?
I hope they still remember to mail in their ballots.
They're MAGA, it would of been thrown into the trash disposal.
Russia has potential.
>far east Siberia Wow, that's quite the shithole by Russian standards. That's where they used to banish criminals in the past. But I guess even that is better than current day America, huh.
Appropo of moving to Russia, the biden rapee tara reed is in political asylum there because the jewtocracy threatened her life. They even went after her daughter.
So this is the story they're spinning to explain why Trump will get so few votes when the voting machines register every other vote for Trump to Biden, all those voters moved to Russia!
I have thought a lot about this. I am currently married and have kids, but fuck my life sucks.
And I'm half Russian - actual family somewhere back there.
Now I'm thinking about just splitting. Fuck all of this.
(post is archived)