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He's right.

He's right.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Why won't he call for a ban on homo marriage and abortion then?

[–] 1 pt

I think he is anti abortion and doesn't believe in fag marriage, although they 'bless' faggot couples which is wrong. I'm just glad he said something right for once. Surrogacy is wrong. I wish he'd take an anti adoption/child abandonment/glorified human trafficking stance too which is related to this but it's a start.

[–] 2 pts

The Pope is a jew cuck. Who cares what the fuck he says. Anyone that believes in his "position" is literally stupid in the head. It was a sin before he said it and it will still be a sin when the next jew pope retracts it. If you can't have kids on your own, that means God does NOT want you to have children! Simple as...

Pope Francis has granted his formal approval allowing Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples so long as they do not appear to endorse their marriage

The Pope is a fucking clown

[–] 1 pt

I'm not saying I agree with that stuff. Wtf? I'm not even Catholic. I just really really don't like adoption/surrogacy/any of that nonsense and I was glad to see even demon pope acknowledge it's wrong. I was adopted out by Catholic charities, they preyed on my mother and assisted her in child abandonment rather than saying no it's wrong and help her. Instead they took me away and sold me. It offends me people think I posted this cuz I'm all yAy PoPe. Not yAy PoPe, surrogacy is just wrong. Even if he is wrong about nearly everything he says and does, I'd rather Catholics in general be thinking "hmm is this way of procuring children exploiting anyone? teh pope said that's wrong" If they'd asked those sorts of questions before I wouldn't have been sold by them. Lots of people who do take him seriously might reconsider surrogacy also, which is great.

[–] 1 pt

I want to be very clear here... The pope is an Apostate. He practices Apostasy. Here is an article of him apostatizing.


The pope will burn in hell...

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I don’t doubt that. I don’t like him. But he’s right about surrogacy being wrong. He’s prevented child abuse by being the broken clock that was right twice a day.

[–] 0 pt

I didn't say you did agree. I was giving "my" opinion.

Lots of people who do take him seriously

Shouldn't be breeding!

[–] 0 pt

How do you know he's a kike? I legitimately need to know. I jewgled but came up nothing. Just that he's a jesuit

[–] 0 pt

How do you know he's a kike?

"jew cuck" I believe were my words. He cucks to jews. I do know there is some speculation that he may have jew blood in his ancestry. And he wouldn't be the first jewish pope if he did.

[–] 0 pt

Hook nose and angled ears, ya'll can argue about sauce all you want but I believe my lying eyes.

[–] 0 pt

If you can't have kids on your own, that means God does NOT want you to have children!

Based upon...what?

[–] 1 pt

Based upon...what?

Not being able to have kids...

If you can't have kids on your own, that means God does NOT want you to have children!

How is that hard to decipher?

[–] 0 pt

Ah, so half the population is meant to be effectively blind too? And that's God's will according to...you?

Funny, you dont sound like God.

[–] 0 pt

The same pope that is pro tranny and pro fag? What's the angle here? Oh, Less reproduction. ok. Got it.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

If you want to reproduce do so without the assistance of abusive kike technology. The way God intended, without child abuse. Mother and father, mother carries her own baby and they stay with the biological parents. If you support surrogacy you support child abuse.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

No. Surrogacy is child abuse. It’s traumatic for the child and not natural. If you can’t have kids naturally then don’t use another woman, buying her body like a prostitute to have children with her out of wedlock. A baby shouldn’t live 9 months in a womb and be torn away from the woman. Babies aren’t emotionless robots, and the mother/child bond begins during pregnancy. They’re aware of being taken away. I was aware of being taken away as a baby when I was adopted. I wondered where the first lady I saw went and it was upsetting, my first memory of thought and I didn’t even have words just blurred picture memory, awareness of the fact she was missing, trying to remember her face and locate her. I laid there as a tiny baby trying to figure out where she went. That is the very definition of trauma, I shouldn’t have memories that young of anything let alone wondering where my mother was. I missed the foster mom too, remembered 2 women I was taken from before being adopted though I was more concerned with the first, my mother. Not to mention when they use sperm or egg donation it prevents the child from being around one of their biological parents, is glorified human trafficking same as adoption.

[–] 0 pt

Project much?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

So you're for surrogacy? Allowing a baby to grow inside a woman then separating them forever, using her body like a prostitute to procure children from when you have no marriage and literally paying her for the task, all that's a ok? What about when they use egg/sperm donation which denies the child the right to their biological family? Do you support regular prostitution and human trafficking also?

[–] 1 pt

Calm down there sparky. The pope is projecting their own use of surrogacy for their nefarious deeds.

[–] 1 pt

This is more about genociding middle class Whites that most often use this resource for reproducing. Dude's sperm count is trashed from jew pollutants or the woman's womb- same.

Another bite of the White population elephant.