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Heart attack, drowned in jacuzzi. Maybe vax related but the guy was on borrowed time.

Heart attack, drowned in jacuzzi. Maybe vax related but the guy was on borrowed time.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 1y (edited 1y)

This was coming a long time ago. He probably didn't even get vaxxed because if you have millions in the bank you don't get poisonous experimental injections. Too big a risk. He was an opioid and alcohol user on extremely heavy levels for over 28 years.

The only way a millionaire would take an experimental poisonous injection would be if their doctor said you have to, or; "your bank balance will be zero tomorrow, you'll be homeless with nothing and desolate".

Only a retard, social justice warrior took a coronaronadingdong injection for a new variant of the 12000th+ identifiable flu virus.

It was all to create fear worldwide and rig elections and eliminate free speech while big pharma and politicians as well as bulk grocers like Walmart/Costco made billions.

UberEats also exploded because everything was closed for 3 years. Weird how these people were allowed to profit and plunder from a made up health threat.

Thanks jews.

[–] 2 pts 1y

he was vaxxed

[–] 2 pts 1y

What an idiot. He threw his life away over a common flu strain? What a waste. I'm not a millionaire and even I know never take an experimental poison because the libtard elites tell me I should.

Oh well. Hopefully it's proven he died from those idiotic injections and many more wake up to how ridiculous coronaronadingdong is.

[–] 2 pts 1y

I agree. Plus Jacuzzis can trigger heart attacks for people on the verge.

[–] 0 pt 1y

You are assuming these people all have an understanding that the vax is dangerous. They don't. Thousands of extremely wealthy people genuinely believe the propaganda surrounding these drugs.

[–] 0 pt 1y

It's hard to believe how delusion these rich people getting poisoned are. They have the world in the palm of their hands and can literally get any specialists advice or guidance that isn't a part of this completely idiotic scam called coronaronadingdong. Even I know this and am unpoisoned.