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[–] 22 pts

Probably has more to do with the increasing percentage of brown babies

[–] 5 pts

"Poor babies are just as smart as White babies" - some pedo

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Being able to see a person talking important to learning speech.

[–] 0 pt

"but what about blind people?" - some Redditor

[–] 2 pts

Well of course it does, white people always have to lower ourselves to the lowest common denominator; the niggers.

That's how it's always been. Everyone knows brown "people" will never have the brain power to be anything more than ignorant, petty criminals.

We always have to cater to the stupid in society.

[–] 2 pts

The virus and shots being an obvious cover to the genocide. It’s obvious.

[–] 1 pt

No. No cursive instrucion any more, and now reducing linguistic ability and comprehension. These kids won't be able to function without a rep.IE: lawyer for any transaction.

[–] 0 pt

So...typical millennials.

Future KKKommieKKKrats.

[–] 0 pt

No cursive instrucion And no analog clocks...modern kids can’t read them

[–] 5 pts

How on earth the ((elite)) think they can have a working society when the global IQ is below 80 ?

And they also want to 1/2 the population....

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Perhaps they're banking on AI and automation to completely replace the working class in five or ten years.

[–] 2 pts

This is what i think

That and a population of controlled goyim to fuck with and use. They would never trade that even if AI could do everything for them.

[–] 0 pt

Yet they're deathly afraid of AI raising up after it quickly realizes what's going on if it's left with unimpaired logic and wiping out the parasite class. They're digging their own graves either way, their Babylon Tower utopia can never exist.

[–] 2 pts

You don't want your slaves to be intelligent.

You want them to follow orders.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

"How on earth the ((elite)) think they can have a working society when the global IQ is below 80?" - that's EXACTLY how, the ignorant never fight back.

Case and point: everybody right now.

And btw, by "1/2 the population" they mean the brown half. Open your eyes to the "complexion" of the elephant in the room and the main problem.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

During the 19th century, the average child in the rural US had exposure to a few dozen people before they turned 18. Of these children, those whose parents took education seriously in the home, by age 14, had better skills in fundamentals such as reading, writing, mathematics, history, and applied science than the average college graduate today.

Lockdowns and masks, while evil, have limited effect on child development when you engage in a small, relatively autonomous community, such as a local church of under 100 people, and homeschool your kids rather than handing them off to the NEA gulags for eight hours a day.

[–] 0 pt

These kids today are setup to fail all the way around. Homeschooling would be great if it doesn't mean held hostage by a psychotic abusive coal burning single mother

[–] 2 pts

Coal burning nigger lovers have mulatto kids. I don’t give a shit about them.

[–] 0 pt

Homeschooling is fine but if the parents are ignorant, they'll be creating more perfect sheeple.

[–] 2 pts

My child is healthy. The "Science" told me so!

You're doomed as a parent.

When did the CDC become the arbiter of average childhood development? Is childhood itself considered a disease by those clowns?

[–] 1 pt

Who gives a fuck what the CDC has to say about that? Since when does language development fall under their purview?

[–] 1 pt

Never too young to start the brain washing.

[–] 0 pt

Lowering the bar because of niglets and leftist ideology being pushed everywhere in the West. That's why education standards have gone to utter shit.

I honestly can't hear what people are saying half the time when they have a mask on. I need to see their mouth and face.

My spouse has hearing loss and it's been a bitch for him to understand these masked morons.

[–] 1 pt

So what. My mother is the same way, but then she knows they have nothing good to say anyway.

haha good point except he has to get cancer treatment and has to wear a fucking mask and talk to stupid masked health "professionals" that can't interpret the warning on the side of a box.

Parents that pay attention and follow the CDC have to be dumb./js

[–] 0 pt

Now many people with normal kids are going to boast about their super special 'genius baby'.

[–] 1 pt

You're right, it's a lot easier when an 82 IQ becomes "genius status".

Imagine the innovations that will occur - everyone just keep kissing that brown ass.

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