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My wife gave birth 1 year ago, and the idiots at the hospital actually wanted to send my wife home early, and KEEP THE BABY for a few days more. People have really lost their minds. Don't be afraid to stand up and speak out. I calmly, and politely, told them that would be very unhealthy for the baby and the mother, and stood my ground for almost 30 minutes until they caved and let them stay together.

Their excuse was, of course, covid. But watching all the nurses and doctors carry in their starbucks cups and mcdonalds bags into the hospital at the beginning of their shift really showed me what a bunch of crap it all is. A critical thinker can easily see that my wife and baby are MUCH less of a risk than those nurses and doctors roaming about the countryside prior to their shift.

My wife gave birth 1 year ago, and the idiots at the hospital actually wanted to send my wife home early, and KEEP THE BABY for a few days more. People have really lost their minds. Don't be afraid to stand up and speak out. I calmly, and politely, told them that would be very unhealthy for the baby and the mother, and stood my ground for almost 30 minutes until they caved and let them stay together. Their excuse was, of course, covid. But watching all the nurses and doctors carry in their starbucks cups and mcdonalds bags into the hospital at the beginning of their shift really showed me what a bunch of crap it all is. A critical thinker can easily see that my wife and baby are MUCH less of a risk than those nurses and doctors roaming about the countryside prior to their shift.

(post is archived)

[–] 13 pts

I legitimately don't understand why people don't kill over this.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts
[–] 0 pt

Can you screenshot that for me, I can't access the site?

I want to share this story.

Basically the story is, his boy was in a coma and they were gonna pull the plug. he got drunk and went apeshit, got a rifle and laid siege in the son's room. Swat finally came in and he surrendered, and right when he did the son woke up. Insane story.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I legitimately don't understand why we wait for them to do it to someone we love.

We know they all do it to others.

[–] 0 pt

Because most of those others they do it to WANT it done to them. If you "saved" them they would attack YOU.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

So we don't stop it because a helpless patient might attack us.

Really reaching there, boy.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Dude, it was a real struggle to stay calm and polite, but I knew they had all the power in that situation and if I "got out of hand" then the cops would take me down and nothing but trouble would come of it.

[–] 0 pt

I was referring mostly to the title of your post.

You handled the situation peacefully and they gave in, which is great. I'm just saying if that had failed, kidnapping my children is a line in the sand.

[–] 0 pt

Because they don't want to have their lives ruined.

[–] 0 pt

What life do you have if you abandon your own family and the next generation?

[–] 0 pt

A comfortable one, up to a point.

[–] 4 pts

I have already told my wife and we agree neither of us will die in a hospital and there is no legal requirement for either to be in a hospital, at least in Ohio. And yes, I've checked and read up on it in case some pesky Dr. of the shit skin variety tries to play fast and loose.

[–] 7 pts

I personally know people who got COVID and refused to go to the hospital despite being in pretty bad shape. They knew they would be killed there. They made it.

[–] 5 pts

I will not go. Period. I'll die at home.

[–] 0 pt

people who got COVID

people who got a cold

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt

ALL these supposedly "brilliant" healthcare workers,...HOW does covid know to only infect patients after 7 pm???? Answer the question!! If you cannot see how illogical and insane this is, you best get a new career!!

[–] 2 pts

They're mostly morons like everyone else. I was in the hospital years back for a surgery and spiked a fever that night even though I was on IV antibiotics. I told the nurse I was concerned about the possibility that I had an antibiotic resistant infection. She told me it wasn't possible to have an infection while on antibiotics. SMH.

[–] 2 pts

I was also in medical for 15 years. These "doctors" can pass a medical exam, but can't balance a checkbook. I was astounded by the lack of knowledge they DON'T have for basic common sense stuff.

[–] 1 pt

those scrubs are nasty as well there was a write up by a nurse some years back how gross they are.

[–] 0 pt

In New Zealand they are turning away sick people from hospital beds in order to keep the hospital beds free should a person get sick with covid

[–] 1 pt

A person makes these rules. A person should be horsewhipped.

[–] 1 pt

My immediate thought is, are they separating parents from underage sick children as well? Can you imagine your 6 year old sick and wanting his parents and the hospital kicking you out. All sorts of terrible shit is going to go down in the future. Somewhere an FBI agent is reading this and having doubts about his job, somewhere else a JIDF agent is reading this and rubbing his hands together.

[–] 1 pt

I sure hope the fbi, cia, dod, irs, and every other abc agency is reading this and re-thinking your oath YOU TOOK, REMEMBER THAT OATH gubbermint workers??????

[–] 0 pt

They won't. They're all faggots.

She's old but will be a Mother until her dying day!