When someone stops your right to freely travel, that is a federal crime.
When a group of people attack you and your property it is a crime.
If a group of people stop you from freely traveling that is a criminal conspiracy.
These violent protesters are committing many crimes on the general public.
It didnt happen in this case, but when the coppers help the protesters in cases like this they become accomplices in the conspiracy.
Dont play in the street.
If a group of people stop you from freely traveling that is a criminal conspiracy.
Its also kidnapping. restricting the movements of another is kidnapping. You don't have to relocate them.
Just ask OJ who went to jail for years because his buddy stepped in between a hotel room exit door and a guy OJ wanted to talk with.
How about "stay off of the road unless your crosswalk signal indicates you can cross"? It's really that fucking easy as a pedestrian or "protestor" to not be hit by a car, barring bad drivers swerving onto sidewalks and such.
I think there should be new legislation drafted for protesting: that when you engage in a protest that involves you being in an area with motor vehicle traffic, you fully accept the risk of being hit by a car and you can't hold anyone liable. Watch the number of protestors dwindle.
Some states have adopted that law after the blm protests from two years ago.
(post is archived)