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Sep 15, 2021

Aid to Israel is now a highly polarizing issue, a poll conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the pro-Zionist Israel Democracy Institute have found.

The survey taken last month found that the US government's deferential treatment of Israel is completely out of line and unrepresentative of popular opinion.

On the question of whether to restrict US military aid to Israel, 50% of all Americans support ending such support, compared to 45% who oppose it. Among supporters of aid restrictions are 32% of registered Republicans, 62% of Democrats, and 52% of Independents. This is a drastic rise from historical opinion polls for all political persuasions right, left and center.

In respects to the Israel-Palestine conflict itself, only 32% of Americans believe the US government should be getting involved on Israel's side.


Sep 15, 2021 Aid to Israel is now a highly polarizing issue, a poll conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the pro-Zionist Israel Democracy Institute have found. The survey taken last month found that the US government's deferential treatment of Israel is completely out of line and unrepresentative of popular opinion. On the question of whether to restrict US military aid to Israel, 50% of all Americans support ending such support, compared to 45% who oppose it. Among supporters of aid restrictions are 32% of registered Republicans, 62% of Democrats, and 52% of Independents. This is a drastic rise from historical opinion polls for all political persuasions right, left and center. In respects to the Israel-Palestine conflict itself, only 32% of Americans believe the US government should be getting involved on Israel's side. https://national-justice.com/new-poll-finds-50-americans-support-cutting-aid-israel

(post is archived)

Mossad jew double agent who was actually a jewish Chinese person. The best type of double agent.

General Milli Vanilli!!

Fuck yea I'd watch that show!

[–] 0 pt

Haha.. I think it would be a great comedy if you have any ideas to add and I know the msm pc leftists would like. Just use my basic comment and adittionalize.

[–] 0 pt

I added some notes where the wheelchair uses nuclear power and has rockets which propel the machine or can be launched from his point.

What about a tesla solar powered wheel chair with autonomous driving. But the OTA update keeps telling then to stop for gas.

[–] 0 pt

driverless like all. Remember to join monologues like jewocide, multiculturalism and niggers plus migrants and little girls.. pedophilia is okay.. we're democrats and jewish. How do we get to California?