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Sep 15, 2021

Aid to Israel is now a highly polarizing issue, a poll conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the pro-Zionist Israel Democracy Institute have found.

The survey taken last month found that the US government's deferential treatment of Israel is completely out of line and unrepresentative of popular opinion.

On the question of whether to restrict US military aid to Israel, 50% of all Americans support ending such support, compared to 45% who oppose it. Among supporters of aid restrictions are 32% of registered Republicans, 62% of Democrats, and 52% of Independents. This is a drastic rise from historical opinion polls for all political persuasions right, left and center.

In respects to the Israel-Palestine conflict itself, only 32% of Americans believe the US government should be getting involved on Israel's side.


Sep 15, 2021 Aid to Israel is now a highly polarizing issue, a poll conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the pro-Zionist Israel Democracy Institute have found. The survey taken last month found that the US government's deferential treatment of Israel is completely out of line and unrepresentative of popular opinion. On the question of whether to restrict US military aid to Israel, 50% of all Americans support ending such support, compared to 45% who oppose it. Among supporters of aid restrictions are 32% of registered Republicans, 62% of Democrats, and 52% of Independents. This is a drastic rise from historical opinion polls for all political persuasions right, left and center. In respects to the Israel-Palestine conflict itself, only 32% of Americans believe the US government should be getting involved on Israel's side. https://national-justice.com/new-poll-finds-50-americans-support-cutting-aid-israel

(post is archived)

[–] 25 pts

100% of Americans could support cutting aid to Israel, and that wouldn't stop the Israeli Nationals who run the Country from maintaining said aid, indefinitely.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

It'd never happen. There are too many that are too vested in their beliefs; one of which is that they're "our greatest ally." 50% is a good start, though. It's only going up from there.

[–] 4 pts

They need to di......rect themselves to God... Yeah that's what I mean.

[–] 1 pt

[When asked how it felt to take human life]

"I wouldn't know, I've only killed POLITICIANS.” ― Sam Hyde

I don't know how that crazy sunovabitch keeps getting away with it.

[–] 0 pt

The only good jew is a dead kike.

[–] 11 pts

50% of Americans are clueless retards who still cling to the holohoax narrative from their K-12 education.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The "church" has that honor.....muh chosen people. Biggest lie ever even over muh 6mil.

[–] 0 pt

They were chosen all right, by moloch.

[–] 9 pts

isnt it illegal to provide aid to countries with nuclear weapons

[–] 11 pts

Yes, if they are not one of the non-proliferation treaty signers. Israel is not. It's illegal to give them any aid.

[–] 6 pts

All they need is a few new Netflix shows depicting Israelis as cool and heroic and that number will come back down.

[–] 3 pts

they just need to make sure there is a black female or transgendered multiracial character with a liberal ideology or it won't succeed.

Fail no wheelchair not reverse and declusive enough!!

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Good point.

For this new protagonist in the hit series we need a war struck, migrant, half black, one quarter jew and one quarter Libyan who is in a wheelchair, has no legs and autism but is considered the smartest person in the world. "She" eventually becomes President since her black father was in the military and a US citizen who in a plot twist was having sex with Mossad jew double agent who was actually a jewish Chinese person. The best type of double agent. The black American just thought it was a chink whore.

Now the super nigger jew chink trans female with autism and no legs in a wheelchair is the President of the USA.

It chronicles her battles and encourages mass diversity. Eventually "she" dies but becomes a head in a jar that talks through a tube and remains Leader of Earth.

This is my idea of a new hit series for Netflix. It will be a success.

[–] 5 pts

but Israel controls the US? Look at Biden and his 100% jew cabinet. Never before has that occurred.

[–] 3 pts

What's the difference between Israel government heads and China head of government? Answer- I don't know.

[–] 5 pts

only 50% ?

[–] 4 pts

With the insane levels of kike propaganda out there I'm surprised it's at 50%.

[–] 1 pt

meh, the entire system of lies that the jew has constructed is incredibly fragile, one only needs to be irritated by niggershines one too many times for the entire thing to begin collapsing.

[–] 2 pts
  • We have work to do.
  • The other 50% are in favor of bombing it out of existence.
  • 50% have been brow-beaten to the "I don't want to upset the masters" brainwashing.

Take your pick.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Oy vey, I can smell another hollocaust brewing for dumb goyim to fall for

[–] 2 pts

Change "cutting" to "cancelling all" please. They should not get a cent

[–] 1 pt

No country should be getting a cent of our money. NATO should have ended decades ago. And ally status should be reviewed periodically, I say 10-15 years with a 5 year honeymoon period from date of renewal/extension. Countries can and do change quite a bit in that time as that is almost a generation.

[–] 1 pt

u can vote your way into supporting israel, but u have to shoot your way out

[–] 1 pt

50% of Americans support ending the fed?

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