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[–] 7 pts (edited )

So, they all know this gene therapy doesn't work.

What they have inadvertently done is paint them selves in to a corner. The politicians cannot say it's okay for people to die and the people want a magic potion to solve all problems so the politicians are forced into making a deal with the devil: big pharma. Politicians said, you got anything, they said yes but it's highly experimental if you want it we get full immunity, and voila, off we go.

What this gene therapy does, as you all know, is the rna is re-purposed into generating an adjuvant to get the immune system to generate antibodies for it. The problem is, this virus like all corona virus is mutating at a fixed rate and the populations of the mutant strains are struggling for dominance in the herd they are infecting. Usually this results in ever shittier mutant strains and these always peter out. Unfortunately, the situation above, has created a feedback loop where the gene therapy is culling the entire populations of the virus and leaking the MOST DEADLY STRAINS out of the population on each iteration resulting in things like the Delta strain, and eventually to even more deadlier strains.

This now means that they have to have booster shots and even start thinking about the two pills a day additional treatments to deal with the feedback loop that keeps on producing stronger and stronger mutant strains because of the very first paragraph. This is also why the Australian health minister is saying that she cannot see the gene therapy ever ending BECAUSE she is conveniently leaving out that they created this feedback loop, they are in this now up to their necks and if the people ever find out what they have done they will be paying with their lives.

In the past there was no such feedback loop because a vaxx would be deployed outside of a pandemic fully inoculating the herd BEFORE the virus shows up and making everyone fully immune.

Now they are all panicking because in order for this to not turn into a pure slaughter they have comitted to doing anything that they can to pump this shit into everyones veins to STOP THE VIRUS LEAKAGE FROM GENERATING NEW STRAINS.

This is why Australia, Canada and even now Biden are fucking panicking and locking everything down.

Now, if this stuff did NOT cause any damage, perhaps even I would take it. But, it is untested, it is an experimental gene therapy with who knows what kind of immediate and long term effects. My choice is to volunteer to be one of the 10% to what ... 35% of people with mild to severe damange and WHO KNOWS what percentage of the dead in order to let our politicians a hail mary pass to try and cut off the leakage or to take may chances with the virus?

FUCK THAT. I'm taking my chances with the virus.

The immediate effects we are already seeing is killing children and adults alike BECAUSE these fucking criminals flinched and did not have the balls to do the right thing.

There will come a day where we are going to have to try these people for crimes against humanity, for the murder of perhaps millions and start bringing back the death penalties in all western countries.

This is pure an utter murder because the incompetent people we put in charge are making incompetent decisions.

Yes, all of this was planned too, yes Alex Jones was right about Fema camps, yes various groups and layers of bureaucracy are taking advantage of the situation. But the root of the problem is the incompetence loop in the first paragraph.

[–] 0 pt

Do you have any links to more information about the creation of feedback loops via gene therapy? I'm going to do some digging on my own but it sounds like you've got solid info and I'd love to read it and share it with some of my friends!

[–] 0 pt

I can't, all that is from listening to everything from the Darkhorse podcasts to the video AOU posted the other day and stickied on the front page here (I cannot find it).

Just for clarification, I am referring to process feedback loops that happen in systems all around us:

1) The first feedback loop is the politician <--> voter feedback loop. Politician wants to say its okay for people to die but cannot because voters expect politicians to be able to fix everything. Politician makes a bed decision that makes the virus worse as a result, voter now wants more desperately for the politician to solve this problem, but the politician cannot say it is okay for people to die so he makes the same mistake again the the situation gets worse ... and so on.

2) The other feedback loop is the vaxx the infected herd <--> get a new resitant variant loop. In normal respiratory propagation without vaccines, from what I understand, we might get a new strain every year but because viruses mutate at a relatively fixed rate the strains are always fighting for dominance in the infected herd but no single strain can because each new strain that is generated over time has more and more new variants to compete with. So, in a normal infection pattern, over time the variants of that years new strain become less dangerous with each generation and peter out.

What has happened with the gene therapy they are trying to deploy is that they are deploying the gene therapy INTO an infected herd. What happens with each deployment, according to the scientists talking about this stuff, is that the technology kills most of the strains of infection BUT there is always a variant that is resistant and escapes.

So what is happening is that the gene therapy is clearing out the field of most of the viruses, leaving out the toughest and most resistant one and once the field is clear that new strain now has NO competition and can take over and spread. And each genereation that survives and takes over dominance is now resistant to the gene therapy so boster shots are required, which I believe is just a label for them generating a different kind of protein in each booster shot that they think will get the variant that went through.

Except, viruses are always mutating and by the time they get the new booster shot out the new virus might be dominant but the ecosystem of viruses is now full of mutated viruses and the booster shot once again clears the field of most variants and will once again result in a resistant one getting through.

So now they are forced to think about daily pill of something (I presume gene therapy again) to get ahead of this loop because in order to break out of the loop the politicians must find a solution because voters want a magic solution so they are pressuring the doctors and everyone else and the scientists can only come up with the daily regimen in order to COMPLETELY clear out the field of all virus variants.

As you can see, the further down you read the more ridiculous this gets.

I cannot find the podcasts where they talk about virus mutation rates and how vaxxing into an epidemic is putting the evolutionary pressure on the virus through the process of clearing out the field of viruses and inadvertently leaving the competitive environment open to the resistant strains to take over. Most of the information I got from Darkhorse podcasts over this year on Odyssey. I knew about the political process loop around may of last year, I was talking to someone about it, that usually why most politicians are garbage. The vaxx loop only became visible once I watched a podcast that explained the virus mutation rate always keeping one virus from taking over a herd because of competition and the vaxx clearing out the field of mutated viruses and leaving the field open for a resistant mutant virus to take over.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for all the info, I'll definitely give Darkhorse a listen and will dig around for more on this. I appreciate the clarifications!

[–] 0 pt