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[–] 19 pts

WHY do morons keep getting 'tested', by a faulty test?

[–] [deleted] 15 pts

Gotta keep the narrative alive, at all costs.

[–] 11 pts

My moron brother got 'tested', and was living in fear for weeks, until he figured out he was 100% healthy.

[–] 5 pts

One of my brothers is just like me. The other masks up and freaks out about covid. Ten year difference between us. He's totally indoctrinated. Can't budge anything.

[–] 0 pt

Me too, my older brother went into panic at the start, at least he admitted he abused his body for 50 years and continues too. I have nothing to do with my entire family, love my Dad but he's so cucked by my psycho mother I can't see him.

[–] [deleted] 11 pts

And why is our side now using those same shitty fake tests to play a “gotcha” game? Can we be consistent for five fucking minutes?

The only thing passed around at that party was HIV.

[–] 0 pt

Because that's (((their))) side not our side. It's false opposition.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt (edited )

I doubt at this point that HIV was ever real.

[–] 2 pts

Ol' Fauxchi was behind that too.

He's the Jar-Jar Binks of the medical field.

[–] 6 pts

We are going into the common cold season, any coronavirus ( including the China bug) or even influenza gives you a positive. This has nothing to do with healthcare. It’s a set up so MSM can skip over the selection election.

[–] 3 pts

Münchausen syndrome by proxy

[–] 2 pts

I have to get tested twice a week for work. I just open the applicator and put it right in the vial. It never goes near my nose.

It's BS that they only test the unvaxxed, when vaxxed people seem to be spreading it just as much if not more. I don't support any of this testing, but if you're testing one, logic says you test the other. Of course that data might lead to some unapproved 'science'.

[–] 2 pts

Who cares, we should require the entire Martha Vineyard populace to be tested and quarantined after Obama's SuperSpreader birthday [that none of them were invited to]!

[–] 17 pts

One can only hope its the Omega Delta Pi variant that has a 100% mortality

[–] 8 pts

That doesn't matter because the MSM has already reported that they are a more sophisticated vaccinated crowd.

[–] 9 pts

I saw her nose, read her name, and I just knew. But I googled anyway. Every single time man. It's tiresome.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

also like we know for the past year or so these tests are mostly bullshit and also don’t typically correlate to actual danger which makes it pretty cringe as a political attack, as if there was any shortage of actual dirt on this commie (there isn’t)

[–] 1 pt

I'm glad that most people were outraged by the reporters saying you had to be vaxxed AND 'sophisticated' to break the rules and party.

[–] 7 pts

Just a trick to get you to pretend it's real.

[+] [deleted] 5 pts
[–] 5 pts

Obama, the super spreader. Should be locked up for that.

[–] 1 pt

They're calling it the Obama variant now.

[–] 5 pts

Oh please. We would never be so lucky. I hope it's real and obama coughs on mikes dick until he dies.

[–] 4 pts

This is a part of the reason it happened.

normies see it happen



then normies see this

oh well COVID is real and serves them right!!!

[–] 4 pts

Only fuking retards think that covid isn't real.

It's a fuking virus not an alien spaceship

[–] 2 pts

My gf and I are just now getting over covid. It's real.

I don't trust the vax, tho. My gf got the jab last year. A lot of good it did. She was just as sick as me. Now I have naturally built up antibodies and doc said I don't even need the vax. Not that I was ever going to get it.

[–] 0 pt

It isn't even a vaxx is the first clue not to take it

Second is that those pushing the jabb want the world population reduced

[–] -1 pt

A cold ....you got over a cold

[–] [deleted] -1 pt (edited )

It may as well be, there's probably more evidence of alien spaceships.

Virology is boomer bs.

[–] 2 pts


This stupidity really gifts opportunity to dehumanize those who stand in opposition.

[–] 2 pts

My thoughts exactly. Also, this suggests that the party goers could somehow contribute to the areas covid stats. I bet most left soon after the party on their private planes and guessing not that many of the workers live in that area.

[–] 3 pts

And what test was used...? The same test that is incapable of distinguishing between "covid" and other coronaviruses and the flu? Fucking kikes.

[–] 3 pts

Niggers and Edomite CHAZAR mongrel claimed Jews. Pray they all die.

[–] 3 pts

If we can lose one worthless celebri-nigger or (((close friend of dat nice schvartza mensch Barack))), I can at least laugh about it.

[–] 3 pts

to what, a fake fucking disease?

[–] 0 pt

Excellent point. Maybe someone will OD on crack. Fuck if I know.

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