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[–] [deleted] 7 pts

Where the fuck did this happen at ? Surely this kind of BS hasn't started happening in the US yet. If so then these two needs to challenge this shit to congress because this is a huge violation of freedom of speech. This is also why I laugh my ass off at poor-me niggers who think they're still oppressed. Tell me again which race has laws that protect them from "hate crimes" that's more of a criminal offense than assault or battery ?

[–] 5 pts

They pulled a shotgun out as well. Not defending the judge in anyway these people got fucked by reverse racism and years and decades of jews fucking white Americans over. This type of bullshit will only happen more and more.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

A black would get probation.

[–] 2 pts

black murders get less everyday.

[–] 1 pt

A black would have been given a seat on the city council .

[–] 1 pt

A black would have been pled down to weed-possession and labeled as non-violent.

[–] 3 pts

Kikes (upload.wikimedia.org)

[–] 2 pts

>The partygoers contend that members of the flag group yelled racial slurs and displayed a crowbar, a knife and either a rifle or a shotgun, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights group in Montgomery, Ala., that is representing some of the accusers.

[–] 5 pts

If the SPLC contends it happened, then you know it’s bullshit.

Thank you for reading the article. Most people see a headline and comment novels on a minimal amount of information.

Well you got me. I should've read the article instead of asking stupid questions.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

On the morning of February 27, a judge sentenced Kayle Norton to 15 years in prison, with six to serve and Jose Torres to 20 years in prison, with 13 to serve.

20 years or so for such offense is still fucking overkill in my book

I mean, some get much less for voluntary manslaughter


For instance, the federal law against voluntary manslaughter states that defendants should receive fines, a prison sentence of not more than ten years or both. California's manslaughter law, on the other hand, gets a little more specific and states that anyone found guilty of manslaughter should receive a prison sentence of between three and 11 years.

Sure it was an unnecessary and potentially dangerous dumb move/provocation, but it's a breach of peace at best, nothing but feelings got hurt in the end, nobody died, nobody got physically hurt, while I concede that it could have resulted into an armed confrontation on the spot, if the facts reported in the articles are accurate

According to the accused, the confrontation started when someone at the party threw an object at one of the trucks, but party attendees’ accusations and video of the incident were enough to charge two people, Kayla Norton and Jose Torres, with violating Georgia’s street-gang terrorism law.

Pfff, as if a bunch of provocative idiots in a pickup truck was the equivalent of an actual street gang bordering on terrorist organization, like bloods and crips

Talking about bias, racial or otherwise... I guess the irony is lost on the judge

Dura lex, sed lex I guess


So it turns out it happened in Georgia, btw

[–] 0 pt

I'd argue that if you couldn't tell if it was a rifle or shotgun but could also identify a knife. You are playing redneck bingo and hoping they'd have at least one of the weapons.