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[–] [deleted] 9 pts

the article brings up the question of just how servicemembers could quit. servicemembers should hold fast to their principles because what is the DoD gonna do? Seperate hundreds of thousands of active duty? bar them from reenlistment? throw them in the brig? i foresee JAG having a lot of work in the future if they mandate the poison injection.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

They’d have to med-board ever single person who refuses and I am sure that no base on the planet has the resources to do that.

[–] 2 pts

I'm pretty sure there's no way to stop a felon or a discharged soldier from buying the equipment to build ghost guns.

[–] 2 pts

Hire faggots and turn the military into a gay parade.

the military already has a retention problem. do you know how long it takesto get a skill set in some fields, especialy maintenance and flight support?

[–] 1 pt

I believe that is the point - to weaken and destroy the military from the inside for our foreign adversaries. Global Communism is going to be routed through China to the rest of the world which requires China numba wun.

[–] 0 pt

The nuclear propulsion program is one of the longest for initial training and the worst for retention. I’m sure they will get a pass on any vaccine bullshit. They are their own little world that so happens to be in the military. I know from experience.

[–] 2 pts

And then they'll prosecute all of them for desertion?

They are subject to different laws.

[–] 3 pts

If a soldier goes AWOL and eventually deserts, no one id going out looking for them. The resources for that simply do not exist. not suggesting any of them do that, but if they did, they're not being hunted. If they got puled over or something, they'll get sent back and separated from there. The chances of anyone going to Ft. Leavenworth are slim-to-none.

[–] 0 pt

It would also mean never running for office, no vote, never own firearms again, federal aid, etc.

Editing to add that I am fairly certain about this, but could be wrong.

Does their contract allow them to be injected?

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

Yes and no.

This is how vaccines work in the military.

They (some office at the DoD) determines what vaccines servicemembers need to have in order to maintain “worldwide deployment readiness” status. This includes the flu shot, which is a yearly requirement for everybody. Some specialized career fields, specific job assignments, or locations may have unique requirements, like yellow fever, anthrax, or smallpox. However, what’s really critical is the deployment readiness thing.

You can refuse a vaccine. You can refuse anything you want. That’s fine. Of course it is! But if it’s something they need you to have for your deployment readiness, well, that might keep you from getting to go on that fun assignment to Japan or South Korea. It might prevent you from being able to get any OCONUS base assignment. It might even trigger a medical board, where they’ll review your case and decide that no, if you’re not going to get this vaccination, you cannot maintain deployment readiness status, and you’ll need to be separated. For the good of the unit, don’t you see?

I should add that there is usually pressure in situations like this, because the last thing a commander wants or needs are people who can’t be deployed. It messes with manning numbers and fucks with morale, because it means that other people in the unit are going to be hit more often for an out of cycle deployment.

[–] 1 pt

Yeah. It does. Their contract also guarantees them access to service related medical services for life, but it's not exactly like everyone is following the contract.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Depends of how much spite the DoD has in them. They can declare them deserters, and make them felons by dishonorably discharging them. Officers have it easier, they can simply resign their commission, if accepted, and leave their post.

You have to understand by enlisting are simply an arm for the government. You volunteered for this.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 7 pts

I've never had a single vaccination my entire life. Never will and hopefully it stays that way because I'll be dead after refusing to surrender.

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

You have smart parents. Wish I didn’t get loaded up with all that shit. Did you have to home school

[–] 5 pts

Thankfully I was born before it was forced. Wasn't home schooled but rebelled the whole time and graduated.

I even formed a right wing based squad that got pretty popular.

[–] 1 pt

Circumcision too, parents and dumb as fuck

[–] 4 pts

Hey, a lot of you may not know this but: soldiers have no rights. Zero. All rights are forfeited when you sign to join the military. This article is stupid and will go nowhere because the military has been forever giving servicemen all sorts of drugs that are not approved use, for testing purposes.

[–] 6 pts

You can refuse, but you will be discharged under article 15 of the UCMJ. So, in effect that is how you quit. The military will make every minute as painful as possible on the way out the door. That's how they enforce compliance.

Refusing a vaccine is more likely to lead to a medical board, not a punitive discharge. Unless Biden wants to change the rules.

[–] 1 pt

If you go back in history to those discharged over the anthrax vaccine you'll see there is a precedent for punitive discharge over vaccine refusal.

[–] 1 pt

Currently, the vax is listed as experimental. Seen way too many head shed emails stating that explicitly and that vaccinations are strongly recommended, that is why we are not seeing units have wholesale njp or summary courts martial for not getting vaccinated. When the vax gets past the experimental stage, that is when it becomes mandatory.

[–] 1 pt

I'm on active duty, I understand the current status and what will happen once there is a presidential order or full FDA approval is granted

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

This is correct. A septic tank has more rights than an American soldier.

[–] 4 pts

IF you are active military and you are forced to take this jab, DOCUMENT EVERYTHING that happens to you afterwards, every headache, every fever, every heart palpitation. Claim that shit as a service connected disability. Make them pay for forcing that shit on you.

[–] 3 pts

The whole global system now exists to fuel a dangerous klepto-oligarchic cabal that gambles in negative progression.

[–] 2 pts

I'd quit immediately and join a well organized militia.

[–] 1 pt

You can't just 'quit'. You are obligated by a service contract that you agreed to similar to identured servitude with shitty pay.

[–] 0 pt

I'd take a disorderly discharge because I don't fight beside trannies.

[–] 1 pt

I will be finding out what they do over vaccine refusal quite soon I'm sure. Regarding the tranny policy, I've yet to come across one in the Navy. Hopefully it stays that way.

[–] 1 pt

That's exactly what we hoped for.

  • Woke Military Brigade
[–] 1 pt

In 1976 I refused the mandatory swine flu shot. I got pressured,ass chewings, threats etc. from my chain of command. Nothing happened. Today, I don’t think the same will happen.

[–] 1 pt

just start your own army bro...

[–] 1 pt

I had a buddy who was doing contracting quit when the company said they were going to require it.

Betcha they don’t.

[–] 0 pt

Right? Wait til their wives hear about them "quitting."

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