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[–] 10 pts

Yeah, no million dollar payouts or prison time for the police officer. God dang this White privilege is so real isn't it?

[–] 8 pts

Time to riot

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Defund the police and put grassroot politicians in place to empower self-defense laws.

[–] 2 pts

i do need a new TV

[–] 1 pt

I could use new work boots

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I remember I tried hiding some food stamps under them but you actually use them so it didn’t work. I need a new hiding place.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 1 pt

White folk are to placid. Spent years with thin blue line flags ignoring how badly trained police can get away with murder

[–] 6 pts

When you were growing up and learning to drive, did your parents teach you how to act during a traffic stop? Mine sure as shit did.

This cop was a fucking idiot, but the kid hopping out as soon as his vehicle stopped with something in his hands is pretty fucking stupid too.

Let me preface the next part. I'm not an attorney, and the following should be viewed as best practices, not legal advice. Some information may not be applicable to you where you live. Read, review,.and become familiar with your local laws, and consult an attorney in your area for further.

If your parents didn't, let me help you out. When you see the red and blues flashing behind you, safely make your way to the farthest right lane/shoulder if it's available and come to a complete stop. You are officially being detained at this point, and are not free to leave until told otherwise.

Whether you are armed or not, keep your hands on the upper portion of the steering wheel, ask that your passengers keep their hands out of their pockets. Case law gives officers the authority to control the movements of the occupants of a vehicle during a traffic stop.

Be polite to the officer and provide the required items (drivers license, insurance, registration, truthful answer about weapons in the vehicle). Passengers, if you are asked and the stop is just for a traffic violation, you are not required to provide any information unless evidence of an additional crime is observed in the vehicle (drug paraphernalia, open containers of alcohol, blood stains, etc.) Driver, you don't have to answer questions, as long as you provide all required information.

Stay in your vehicle during the stop unless instructed otherwise. Do not make any abrupt movements during the stop.

Again, let me reiterate, law states you and your vehicle are seized during the stop and the officer has authority to control your movements. If you disagree with the stop, or the citation, or the way the officer is acting, etc. You can ask for a supervisor, and/or wait for your day in court.

If things go sideways for you, and you end up getting arrested, for fucks sake, don't fight with the officers. Ask for a supervisor, and/or fight it in court.

Common things that will get you arrested during a traffic stop, driving while impaired from drugs or alcohol, driving on a suspended license, having active warrants out for your arrest, having open containers and/or drugs and/or paraphernalia in view, speeding over 20mph over the limit. DON'T DO YOU THESE THINGS.

Tickets suck, but we all get them. Don't turn a little civil violation into a felony or a death sentence by acting like a fucking idiot.

[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 1 pt

I've been held at gun point by police before. Know what i did? Everything they told me to, which is why I'm here and I dont have my picture on somebody's well meaning, but tacky, memorial t-shirt. You are exactly right, a stop is not the time to get into a struggle or argument about what may or may not have happened.

“Parents? Like more than one? What the hell is that? Or do you mean my grandma?”

  • black guys
[–] 1 pt

Anyone got a list going of white people killed by niggers and cops this year ?

I'm thinking of making some homemade tee shirts with hashtags on them for a family reunion, that'll double as "summer gear" for when large groups of family/friends get together for other public gatherings.

[–] 1 pt

I was almost shot by an officer. I was driving north on highway 126 I think it was, on my way to Fillmore Ca. When an unmarked car started flashing a searchlight in my mirror. Being fresh out of high school i was totally ignorant about what I should do or even stop. Finally I did stop and an officer ordered me to exit the vehicle which I did. He walked up to the back of the truck and asked for ID. I said, "OK, lemme get it and reached back in to get my wallet off the seat." Then I heard him shout, "Freeze right there!" And I did exactly that as I looked over my shoulder at the officer. He had his gun drawn and pointed right at my head. I'm looking right down that barrel best I could with him shaking that pistol. All I could think was that if he was so keyed up he could easily shoot me by accident as he trembled.

So he orders me back to him with my hands up walking backwards and pats me down. Then he starts bitching me out for going ten miles an hour over the limit. Done with the bitching he asks me what I've been doing and doesn't believe me when I tell him I work for a large commercial beekeeper and on my way to meet up with my boss using his truck. So he searches the truck looking for God knows what while my wife sits there watching from the passenger side. He searches the jump seats and I can see him examining my bee net I had tossed back there. Then yelps and throws the net down. He comes back to me scratching the stinger out and showing me the welt. Three backup highway patrol cruisers show up and they are not pleased with him. He's an off duty sheriff who they point out should have gone home instead of trying to do their job.

He makes excuses he had to pull me over for speeding. He still not gonna let them do his job and makes a big deal about running the plates and my license. While he's doing this the highway patrol guys are quietly making comments about the old guy while one of them comes over to chat with me. I tell him what happened and point out how the berating seemed to calm the sheriff down. Patrolman chuckles about this.

Anyway, I signed off on my ticket and left. How close I came to making a mistake and getting killed in front of my wife was not lost on me.

A couple years later taking a load of empty drums home on a ten wheeler an off duty cop tries to horn into traffic from an onramp and pretends he made contact with my front bumper. He eventually gets in front of me and brake checks me. Rush hour bumper to bumper traffic and he comes to a complete stop. I can clearly see there's a blonde headed woman with him and it appears she trying to get him to stop this bullshit. I see an opening and go around him as he flashes his badge out the window. He gets in front of me again and stops. Again I get an opening and go around. Meanwhile my grandparents had been following me and seen everything and came alongside as this idiot gets in front of me once more. In a moment of insight I realize what my grandparents were wanting to do and I quickly slowed down to create a gap they could slide into. The badge flashing cop now realizes I have friends and we watched as he sort of maneuvered his way up through traffic. No way was I gonna stop and have a conversation with another off duty cop in an unmarked vehicle.

[–] 1 pt


[–] 0 pt

RIP Brittain

You died to prove that sadly, sjws, pc people and non Whites are why there is a problem


[–] 0 pt

Wtf. Brake trouble too? Just set the parking brake or hold the brakes dipshit.

[–] 0 pt

body language is a big thing for cops. i bet the kid stepped out of his truck fast and made quick movements grabbing that item from the bed and swung it around to try to stop the vehicle. and the cop had to react

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