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[–] [deleted] -2 pt (edited )


I am not your Bro, you fucking fruit cake. Grow a pair you cunt.

Muppets like you that critique others opinions, but are two fucking cowardly to state their own, are so fucking common, your becoming a repressive regime.

take your cancel culture and shove it.

Get the fuck out here with that shit.



Your that insecure, you blocked me days ago, but still throw insults like a child throwing its toys out the pram at me days later.

I should pity you, but really, your not even worth pity. I feel sorry for what ever country that has to host you.

Your going nowhere fast. And even seem to relish in it.

You talk like a moron that enjoys punching himself in the face.

You should have grown out of being the class clown by now. Eating all them crayons as a child, really did make you extra special.

You are in the running for the biggest coward on Poal award.

You talk shit, and start fights, throw insults, and then run off expecting people to chase you.

Your a coward. And your only going to get more cowardly longer you live. Hence my pity for the nation you parasite off.

[–] 1 pt

You're jewish. We all get it.

You're extremely jewlous of Whites. We know.

You fantasize about your sisters and mothers fucking niggers. And they do.

These are all things everyone understand as jews push the lie on Whites and as jew of you is doing: specifically White females.

You're jealous. Get in the oven.

[–] 0 pt

Geez dude...I’m probably the most opinionated person in my circles. Not sure where you’re going with that and the...cancel culture? The fuck are you on?