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[–] 17 pts

She should be given a sentence commiserate with the crime of which she falsely accused someone else. That's justice.

[–] 9 pts

That was the biblical standard!

A false accurer got the punishment the accused would have gotten.

[–] 2 pts

Our ancient ancestors, from well before the bible and that whole christianity thing, had many of the same ideas. And they worked back when they controlled their own people.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The guy should have just been given the right to rape her. Ideally in the form of a transferable card that he could auction to the highest bidder.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

That seems like harming him twice with the same broad.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts (edited )

That's why he sells it to the highest bidder. Have her family explain to her they would rather keep their homes and cars than* outbid some crypto millionaire to whom money, and her dignity, have no value.

[–] 9 pts

Capitalized “Native American” but not “White”

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

((daily wire)))

[–] 0 pt

TEEPEE RATS are good for fuck all.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 2 pts

Had the cunt been believed, the man would have spent YEARS in prison, getting his anus expanded by Tyrone and Cletus

[–] 4 pts

If he wasn't simply beaten to death for being a "rapist".

[–] 0 pt

Yeah for sure anus expander...he'd go into jail with an asshole and come out with a manhole.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

If there is no actual physical injury, and no direct evidence, then sexual assault charges should not be pursued. Either bring evidence or STFU, since in the absence of actual physical injury there's no real harm, GTFO of here with that "mental anguish" shit, a non-injurious fucking is about as mentally damaging as being tickled by older siblings. If there are injuries, then by all means, pursue assault charges, but "sexual assault" charges should only result when the assault actually causes sexual damage.

We've taken an unpleasant social interaction and turned it into a major felony for some reason. Yes, bodily autonomy is an important right, but we can't rob one person of bodily autonomy at the mere accusation of another robbing one of it. Without solid physical evidence, it just becomes a matter of deciding who wanted to do what with whom and when. It's not like there is an injury to point out (unless there was an actual physical assault), property taken or damaged, or life lost. Many "rape" allegations were based on next-day regrets, or mutual intoxication.

So we have this strange phenomenon where the things that do the least actual damage to society and its members, such as "racism" or "sexual assault," are treated as if they are worse than beating someone up or robbing them or burning down their business. We have women who have "body counts" in the triple digits and above telling white men that they are scary and "rapey" for being white men. Women are changing their kids' sexes too.

If women were truly scared of sexual assault, if it was truly as bad as our society treats that accusation, then women would not be clamoring constantly to break into places where men have traditionally been in the vast majority. if women were truly as worried about men sexually assaulting them, they would not constantly be trying to join them in the Armed Forces, in the traditionally masculine professions such as road work or Engineering, and would not be painting their faces to make themselves look like pre-pubescent Thai whores.

Most women appear to have no fear whatsoever of being sexually assaulted by men, and indeed appear to encourage it (such as describing their rape fantasies and trying to indulge in similar roleplay). Yet for some reason we treat it as almost WORSE THAN murder itself.

[–] 2 pts

That's good, but not long enough.

[–] 1 pt

Not enough. She needs sentenced to the same sentence a man would be for rape as well as sentneced to actually be raped.

[–] 1 pt

She should have to serve her sentence in the men's prison. That will teach her ass, and make anyone else think twice before pulling that crap.

[–] 1 pt

... There is a propoganda campaign that is pro-wyoming right now. I wonder where that is coming form?

[–] 1 pt

No jobs, the people suck, 3/4 of the population has taken the inoculation, more than 90% wear muzzles and extreme disregard for the second amendment is the norm. Plus, the wind always blows, STAY AWAY!!

[–] 0 pt

That's not what the town I live in is like. That's what it was a month ago. What I saw of Cheyenne last week is completely opposite but they do seem to have more masking maybe because its on the border of Co.

@Laquisha "There is a propaganda campaign that is pro-Wyoming right now." I wonder where that is coming from?"
We're making sure it stays Wyoming over Lulz Cheney.

Seems Lefties are moving in quickly trying to turn us into a commie state. Fuck all the old RINOS here greedy bastards!

[–] 0 pt

Yea, I know. The biggest prob with WYO is the location of the capital. I think it should be moved to Hiland, Powder River, or Shoshoni.

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