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[–] 5 pts

The fact that the junkie nigger was doing a monkey dance in a convenience store while holding a fucking banana is absolute meme magic.

[–] 1 pt

When I first saw it, I thought "Damn, whoever edited this footage did a really good job of covering up whatever he's actually holding. How'd they make him do that weird little dance?"

And then I saw the same video somewhere else. And it dawned on me- that was the real footage. Fucking Poe's Law got me again.

Nothing is to absurd, too unreal to happen anymore.

[–] 0 pt

I heard about it on Telegram and couldn't believe my eyes. "Do the monkey dance, nigger?"

"Oooga booga" dances with a fucking BANANA!

I was laughing my ass off.

[–] 1 pt

There's some interesting things to note about Floyd's behavior while he's in the store.

Firstly, he's clearly under the influence. He is showing the "jitters" that meth heads display (oh look at that- meth in his system!), seems very excited and happy about something- I believe this is "dupers delight". Ever hear of that? "Duper's delight" is easy to observe in bad liars, like children- often when children are trying to lie, there might be a little smirk that appears on their face. They know what they're doing is wrong, and they think "Haha, I'm fooling this sucker, I'm so good, I'm about to get away with this!" That's duper's delight. Good criminals/liars will not show this, unless intoxicated or something.

Here, Floyd thinks he's about to pass off this fake $20 and get real cash to go outside and pay his waiting drug dealer. He is so proud of himself, he is exuding confidence, approaching and bothering other customers, dancing around, drawing a lot of attention to himself- all signs that this guy is up to something. It's the old "Hm hm hm, I'm just shopping, nothing to see here, hello fellow shoppers!" trick.

But you can see him almost physically deflate when the cashier confronts him. "Sheeeeit, he ain't buyin' it, I gots ta go somewhere else". I think the cashier mentioned the police, because you can see Floyd's body language suddenly turn from "very open and inviting" to "defensive and nervous". He goes outside to the car, but unfortunately for him, Officer Chauvin just happened to be nearby when the call came in.

Knowing that this was a drug deal clarifies everything. I remember watching the vid for the first time, and wondering "Why is this nigger so surprised/startled?" It's because he had his drug dealer in the car, and they were in the middle of business; serious business, felony drug dealing.

[–] 0 pt

Or further irrefutable proof that we've been fucked with this whole time.

Fucking 'chauvin'ist? It's designed intentionally to piss off retarded liberals. Why isn't he wearing a mask in the original video? In cuckasota where all the retards are still semi locked down and accepting it?

Order from chaos jewish tricks and nothing more.

[–] 1 pt

wearing a mask in the original video

Minnesota didn't mandate masks until Saturday, July 25 and Fentanyl Floyd took his last hit May 25.

[–] 1 pt

My point is everyone in minnesota, especially govt employees, were being mask cucks long before any mandates were made