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[–] 22 pts

He was only allowed to say that because he is black.

[–] 6 pts

But it goes against the narrative so expect some past transgression to come out of the woodwork and bite him hard.

[–] 2 pts

Doubtful, he owns his transgressions.

[–] 4 pts

This. Kikes do not want people to realize that the statement is purely wrong. All niggers outside of Africa are bad. All of them. The "good ones" are exceptions, and you know what that does?

[–] 5 pts

It is not that all are bad. It is that they are bad on average. I expect we would classify at least 7-10% of whites as bad, but the larger volume of "good" ones keep the rest in check, through familial relations, friendships and outreach programs. If, however, 35% of your males will see a prison cell, 75% of the children grow up in single parent homes, your people average a standard deviation lower in intelligence, and 60% of black women are sexual abused by the time they are 18 (most often by family members), then there is not enough "good" blacks to correct the systemic issues. This means they spiral out of control, as a group and tend toward self destruction.

Interestingly enough, before the destruction of the black family, they weren't so bad. They were certainly a lower class, as intellectual hurdles are very difficult to overcome, but they had strong family values and mostly self corrected for crime. Almost all societies need a lower class to smoothly function. That lower class does not need to be abused for this to work. A hundred years ago, in the US, it was free,but poor blacks. Today it is illegal hispanics. When there isn't an intellectually inferior group to place the more burdensome work on, a class will be generated. Historically, someone would be enslaved. Today, poverty stricken classes are generated by debt, substance abuse, poor education and exploitative socially acceptable policies.

I theorize that (((they))) thought they could train blacks up to be that ideal underclass, but realized (((they))) needed a more intelligent underclass. They seem to be pushing for hispanics now, since they are more intelligent than blacks, on average. They still need to push enough degeneracy to destroy their families, before they attain an ideally malleable population, and they have to exterminate a fair measure of the existing educated whites, but it seems like everything is pushing in the direction they want. If they have their way, they will kill off most of the blacks, and most of the whites, then force whatever is left to interbreed into a brown, half intelligent, immoral, degenerate, easily controlled mob. We all know this is what they are pushing for. If we think it though, it's not even that hard to figure out how they might go about it.

Now, the real questions is, what are we going to do about it?

[–] 3 pts

Should be making White babies is the answer and raise them accordingly.

[–] 1 pt

It's almost like they have to build a slave empire for a prophecy to come true or some shit

[–] 0 pt

anyone is reading that


not all niggers are bad





All blacks are niggers.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

I personally know a few niggers that aren't by themselves much of a threat. The problem is, I've talked to them extensively about politics and taxes and social issues, and it's clear that "being better than africa" is good enough, and it doesn't matter that the empire is crumbling to shit, they don't care, it's much better. That apathy voting just fucks us right in the ass. And they ALWAYS vote for more niggers. Always.

Oh also their families are all drug dealers and gang bangers... they're the exception as usual. People think they can trust a nigger, maybe. But it's their cousins you have to worry about. You're just a lick compared to other niggers.

[–] 0 pt

jew account

loves niggers

Yes. That makes sense.

[–] 1 pt

Well, and he's retired. Doesn't need their contract deals anymore.

Nigga aint no nigga after they got a meal ticket in the bank. That nigga white.

[–] [deleted] 14 pts

Black People are Awesome People

Citation Needed.

[–] 9 pts

How can most blacks be awesome people when they are literally not people?

[–] 7 pts

Most blacks are not awesome people.

Agree. How about niggers that Barkley knows or niggers with jobs? At least they aren't robbing me I guess.

[–] 5 pts

We should be divided, permanently

[–] 3 pts

Yea, it's the politicians who divide us.

/end sarcasm

[–] 2 pts

Only a dead nigger is a good nigger. Fuck this faggot.

he's black and virture-signaling for a little attention and adoration. Sad so many Poalies fall for this shit.

The reality is it's the truth. There are a lot of hard working, innovative, artistic etc niggers out there who aren't causing a problem.

It's just not enough. They don't pay enough taxes to break even. They don't do enough good to make up for the 10x murder rate of the shittier niggers.

The reality is, there are plenty of white people who are worse than plenty of black people. But white people are like a violent golden retriever while niggers are like a domesticated hyena. You don't want to bring a million hyenas in because one was nice to you. It's just not worth it.

You're never going to convince people to support your war effort if you generalize. They either need to get victimized severely before they open up to that, or you need to work with real numbers, not absolutes.

[–] 2 pts

Only the first half of his statement is true.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 2 pts

I wonder if he really believes this.

[–] 0 pt

I think he's probably just sheltered.

[–] 0 pt

eh...I would be surprised if he does.

[–] 4 pts

Based niggers are paraded before us to show that not all niggers are bad. When you can afford to be wrong as a rich nigger you can say all you want.

[–] 1 pt

most White people are awesome

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