He was only allowed to say that because he is black.
But it goes against the narrative so expect some past transgression to come out of the woodwork and bite him hard.
Doubtful, he owns his transgressions.
This. Kikes do not want people to realize that the statement is purely wrong. All niggers outside of Africa are bad. All of them. The "good ones" are exceptions, and you know what that does?
Should be making White babies is the answer and raise them accordingly.
It's almost like they have to build a slave empire for a prophecy to come true or some shit
anyone is reading that
not all niggers are bad
All blacks are niggers.
I personally know a few niggers that aren't by themselves much of a threat. The problem is, I've talked to them extensively about politics and taxes and social issues, and it's clear that "being better than africa" is good enough, and it doesn't matter that the empire is crumbling to shit, they don't care, it's much better. That apathy voting just fucks us right in the ass. And they ALWAYS vote for more niggers. Always.
Oh also their families are all drug dealers and gang bangers... they're the exception as usual. People think they can trust a nigger, maybe. But it's their cousins you have to worry about. You're just a lick compared to other niggers.
jew account
loves niggers
Yes. That makes sense.
Well, and he's retired. Doesn't need their contract deals anymore.
Nigga aint no nigga after they got a meal ticket in the bank. That nigga white.
(post is archived)