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[–] 11 pts

This is why there is vigilante justice. Our justice system is racist against whites and allows niggers to kill indiscriminately w/o repercussions. The niggers killing Asians are a fact, but the Chinee News propaganda says it's the white's fault that niggers kill Asians.

I don't use the word nigger b/c I find if offensive against blacks. But these pieces of shit deserve to be disparaged in every possible way. They are cold blooded killers and someone needs to give them justice and let GOD send them on to BURN FOR ETERNITY IN HELL WHICH THEY MORE THAN DESERVE.

I also suggest that these niggers stay out of farm communities b/c they'll pop a cap in your ass and send your body to the taxidermist to hang on their wall. A giant fook you.

[–] 6 pts

We have a legal system not a justice system

[–] 5 pts

We have a jewdicial system.

[–] 1 pt

There is no "justice" system - it's just us in the system.

[–] 1 pt

A legal "system" implies it is blindly given to all the same. We don't have anything like a legal SYSTEM.

[–] 4 pts

I don't use the word nigger

time to start, nigger. These bitches are niggers, to the bone.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

In my very early years, blacks were cruelly disparaged (1960s). One of the ways they were "put in their place" was to call them "boy" or "nigger." In that they had almost no rights, these words rubbed the gov'ts institutionalized daily humiliation into their growing wounds. It would be like coming up with a name to mock a child who had been sex-trafficked.

Blacks were different then. They were in a position that young people 60 years later cannot fathom. So, that word elicits all kinds of horrible thoughts and feelings from my life experience, and I'd have to be enraged to use it.

[–] 6 pts

And look where faggots like you got us. In the middle of a chimpstorm with no way out. You feel this way because you have empathy. The majority of them do not. Learn to overcome your weakness.

[–] 2 pts

They call each other nigger 10000000000000 times more than other races do.

[–] 0 pt

Lol thinking I give a shit about niggers or nigger history at this point. What a faggot. Lynch those niggers and the rest of them too.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I was talking with a forklift mechanic out in farm country many moons ago, shooting the shit. He mentions a thing about vigilante justice. He heard a local story about a man that had gotten off on molestation charges. Evidence got fucked up or something. That man was out for a few months or so then the local PD found him with a hair curler stuck up his ass and still turned on. He had been there a couple of days. The local PD ruled it a suicide.

[–] 2 pts

That's what I'm saying. These farmers and country folk are NEVER going to give up their guns without a war. And if you mess with them they'll make it their job to get you.

In the city, the whites put up with things. I live in the city, and I'm not violent(unless you attack me physically then oh yeah I'm violent). What these city people don't understand is that millions of people aren't at all like them. The blacks causing these problems think all whites are like urban whites.

They need to understand that if they try to mess with the men in the country, these men will get them without batting an eyelash. These rioters need to understand that they mean NOTHING to these country men once a line has been crossed.

[–] 0 pt

These rioters need to understand that they mean NOTHING to these country men once a line has been crossed.

Out here in the country, we believe in "The Three 'S' Words" ...




[–] 0 pt

I think Italian blood is just as dangerous to niggers. We call them "mulignan" and can't stand most of them. I was accosted by a "mulignan fudge packer sodomite" when I was 18 in San Francisco. I exploded his nose...blood all over the place...I was in such a state of rage I don't even remember pummeling the homo. I was working for a security guard company at the time and would have lost my job, but the "Boss" was a fellow Italian...I kept my job and everyone had a good laugh...except of course the sodomite nigger!

[–] 0 pt

Yeah bullshit, something like that would be an easy open/shut case that could be used as propaganda against whites, demoralization, pushing for surveillance, and justification for a gun grab. Not jumping on that opportunity seems like it would be one of the few ways to lose that government job.

[–] 1 pt

Luckily this time they just killed a sandjew kiddyfucker, not a White person.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt