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[–] 14 pts

Unbelievable what is happening in this country. This guy gets thrown under the bus and antifa and blm are let go free

Unbelievable does not mean what it used to mean btw

[–] 12 pts

I mean they basically are responsible for killing his kid. I wouldn't blame him if he goes postal.

[–] 2 pts

This is one more reason why we need maternity flight suits (whitehouse.gov). How can his wife properly go postal in civilian clothes. This is just more evidence of how Biden's progressive agenda will help all Americans achieve what they want in life.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Q.) does your own salvation lie in the salvation of the planet or your own refinement for the sake of unbinding from stress?

for those satinists, their defineing food is more than laughing at car accidents as they pass on the road, or make them. and the wisest among them care not to be seen provoking misery or even nessicarily being the cause, just be around it while in relative decadence. the reason for this is that they know about karma. they dont think life ends after death and they have seen the corruption and maddening qualities of the food they ingest. these people may not be at the highest echelons in their group but from the aspect of safety, they lie at the top.

people ought to realize that just causes more hysteria, shill

[–] 2 pts

lol stop whining. Go cower in your house and dont do anything but call people on the internet shills. Get your fucking gun ready soyboy. Civil war is coming.

a gun wont save you. i dont understand the senario in which it would. maybe fight off looters.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

It's weird how all the mass shootings are against other citizens if the right is to blame. Why hasn't anyone on the right gone absolutely postal against the government since it's supposedly their archenemy? It's like we have a mismatch of manufactured motivations and manufactured facts in the official narrative.

Was McVey really the last one? IRS plane guy maybe?

[–] 2 pts

The OKC Bombing was a Deep State false flag and McVey was a patsy.

The documentary A Noble Lie (bitchute.com) covers a lot of the real facts of the case.

If there has ever been any us citizen killing gov officials, it was likely covered up completely

[–] 5 pts

They should be charged with manslaughter.

[–] 3 pts

Everyone who went there is getting Kyled. So tell me more about how they are afraid of us.

[–] 3 pts

They're going after people because they're afraid of us. Trying to scare people into not doing that again.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

According to the Q-Cult all this bad shit happening is either A.) Not real and an illusion, OR B.) Real, but done on purpose to wake the normies and therefore nobody should get upset. Just sit their quitely like docile sheep.

Q is the worst fucking thing to ever happen to the right wing in this country. Also, really glad trump planned a 1/6 rally and then jumped ship to leave all the patriots to the wolves. Real good. Probably kushners idea.

[–] 0 pt

Don't forget patriot, they outright stole the election from trump, but then trump said 'Fck you slo-jo, i'll be back in 24. Vote for me, it'll be wild'. What can go wrong ??? ...

[–] 0 pt

They certainly don't appear to be afraid of the populace...

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Hope they sue and shut them the fuck down.

[–] 2 pts

Reason # 6 gorillion why no-knock raids should be illegal. They just murdered his child.

the reason why i can't reply to you properly is because fuckface AOJEW nuked my score / fucked my account.

[–] 0 pt

But I do love the cute (((merchant))) badge!

it loses its power and becomes a joke when mods apply it to Nationalists

[–] 0 pt

Oh, sorry, I thought you could still reply after an account was nuked.

yeah if you want to spend minutes clicking send message.

[–] 2 pts

This is a sad story. America is lost...what a shame. This is what the jew did to the greatest nation on earth, and it all started with a letter from Moses Seixas to George Washington in 1790 begging for the new America to accept the Hebrew brotherhood. The world has never known a more devastating plague.

[–] 0 pt

letter from Moses Seixas to George Washington

I just read that letter. Holy fucking shit. Its Grima Wormtounge level ingratiation and deception. It is typical woke jew word games and fellow Judeo-Christian bullshit. Washington was definitely not Red-pilled on the JQ or he would have seen right through it. What shame. What a waste!

Note that letter is from the jew congregation of Newport, Rhode Island which was at the time the headquarters of the North American slave trade and the liquor racket.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Enjoy your leafletting and local politics spits

[–] 1 pt

What happened to America I grew up in.... its rhetorical I know.

[–] 1 pt

The Faggoty-Buncha-Instigators is a weapon primarily used against working class Americans who step out of line.

[–] 0 pt

And it has been since it was founded by that cock sucking, cross dressing weirdo Gay Edgar Hoover. In the early days was used to crush all populist resistance to the Jew Federal Reserve, World War Jew, and Forced Integration. This is while Communists and the Mafia were allowed to run wild. Just like how Antifa/BLM are allowed to run wild.

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