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[–] 31 pts 4y

A virus so dangerous that law enforcers are prepared to tackle and get up close and personal with those not following orders.

[–] [deleted] 16 pts 4y

Yeah, a virus so deadly you have to get tested to know that you have it. And that lady was walking out when she was grabbed by that asshat security guard. He needs to get his ass whipped.

[–] 5 pts 4y

In all seriousness, covid is the biggest joke I've ever seen. Last april a good friend of mine skipped a job interview because he felt sick...I made fun of him at the time because it really wasn't that bad and he felt ok enough to go shoot guns with me the next day....now this guy's mom has all kinds of health problems, overweight, getting older, smokes, uses a walker because of a bad back, i think she had some kidney stones too. Well right after he got sick she got a little cough for about a day. We joked and said, "uh oh you got the coof!!!" Well, fast forward to present day, she goes back to the doctor and gets routine blood work only to find out she has antibodies for the virus....now my friend is always in contact with me and he lives with his parents still so we all got exposed somehow and I'm 95% sure him and her both had it along with everyone else in his house.... I had been in Ireland a few months before and got a cough, which spread to several of my family, but mysteriously enough, I didn't catch whatever my friend had despite sharing guns and riding to the range together while he was sick... so to make a long story short, me, my family, and my friend plus his family all probably got the Chinese aids and didn't even know. The symptoms were so insignificant that an old out of shape person didn't even realize she had it.....That's what we closed everything down for... a little cough and some sniffles. Fuck this world...we are being lied to for political use. Biden is now our president because globo homo convinced us that going out to vote was too scary and the public just accepted mail in ballots at 3 am. God help us.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

so to make a long story short,

Yea that didn't happen

[–] 11 pts 4y

A virus so deadly that the annual death rates have stayed the exact same for the last decade according to the CDC, even after the "pandemic" started.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Bu bu but mu mu muh new strains!!! Puts mask on a drives away.

[–] 16 pts 4y

Does anybody else notice how every "covid symptom" is just a common ailment? Cold, flu, diarrhea, pink eye, nausea, pneumonia..

It isn't real, China and the US rigged an election. Take the masks off.. mind you though, in China there is a mask culture because of the pollution for over 15 years. Look it up. Fight and resist or Chinese troops will be standing in front of your homes soon.

[–] 9 pts 4y

"Does anybody else notice how every "covid symptom" is just a common ailment?"

Or that 90% of "covid" deaths correlate with a vitamin-D deficiency. What's the easiest way to get vitamin-D? Sunshine. Going outside.

And what do these retarded lockdowns keep you from doing? That doesn't just apply to jewflu, either. Lack of vitamin-D hampers your immune system in general, making you more vulnerable to everything .

But no, we don't see officials recommending people take vitamin supplements. We don't see them recommending outdoor activity in the sun . We see them telling people to stay inside, stay as covered as possible, and to live in fear.

The lockdowns are literally making things worse all around. Including the common cold.

To more directly answer your question, yes, we have noticed. We noticed at the beginning, and tried to tell people. But the sheep were too scared, and too trusting of "the experts" (nothing more than talking heads on the electric-jew), so they simply did what they were ordered instead of thinking for themselves.

[–] 4 pts 4y

Yep. It's every ailment known to humankind as a "symptom" while they crashed the economy, created a state of fear, created civil unrest and rigged a fake election.

[–] 1 pt 4y

design intent in my opinion. “Mission Accomplished”. see Catherine Austin Fitts.

[–] 2 pts 4y

finally people are waking up to this.

thank god.

[–] 1 pt 4y

The only somewhat unique symptom (loss of smell/taste) isn’t even unique because it can be caused by several factors. And it’s totally subjective. You can’t test for someone’s sense of smell, you just have to believe them. It’s so poorly defined and vague ...... clearly made up and improvised.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Hemorrhoids? Anal leakage? Bloody underwear? How do people always know

[–] 0 pt 4y

These are also symptoms of Covid19. Everything is. A stubbed toe, hit by a car? Check in. It could be Covid.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

But some how amazingly this tax payer funded investigation into the origins of the virus will be memory holed after about a trillion goes missing and the US gets blamed for releasing this so deadly virus a paper face mask stops it. I wonder WHO the money will go to.

[–] 6 pts 4y

Gotta get the officers names on camera.

It’s important to make this personal.

[–] 2 pts 4y

sounds mexican

[–] 4 pts 4y

Ya it is.

How much do you think the cartel members get harassed for not wearing masks.

If these “cops” are doing dumb shit like this, then it’s personal, and they need to be held personally accountable.

[–] 0 pt 4y

City of Galveston and Galveston County is a jobs program for spics and niggers. I think it might be a law down there you have to be brown to get a job with the City or the County. Galveston is a shit hole.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Things sure have changed. Only a couple of years ago my credit union wouldn't let me deposit a check because I wore a hat into the CU.

[–] 2 pts 4y

She was on a business's property (not public property) that decided to still require customers to wear masks. She refused and was told to leave at which point she had become a trespasser... She still refused to comply or leave... WTF else was the cop supposed to do? I hate this fear culture too and all that it envelopes but this seems pretty clear cut to me... and to see the prior replies foaming at the mouth over it... bunch of fkn tools on this site.

[–] 10 pts 4y

If that’s true why are businesses forced to serve blacks and gays and foreigners?

What else was the cop supposed to do? Nothing. Just like they did when the blacks chimped out and burned down city after city.

WTF else was the cop supposed to do?

Nothing. Just like when they stand back and let real crimes happen like illegal immigration and nigger chimpouts.

Apparantly whites have no expectation of fairness from cops until they too terrorize cops and their families. Chimp outs work. Breaking the law is rewarded.

You’re an idiot.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y


If he was to protect and serve, and I were the cop, I would have escorted her to the counter, helped her get her money, and escorted her out so no one would fuck with her. It’s private property but it’s her money. She should have given the opportunity to withdraw her money.

[–] -1 pt 4y

Cops can't make up what to do on the fucking spot. They have procedures they must follow or get fired. Life isn't an redemption drama film, you fucking moron.

[–] 7 pts 4y

Look at this fucking faggot. Go back to reddit you stupid fucking goyim. No wonder joos call people like you cattle. I hope the joo henchmen tackle your mom, daughter or sister next you fucking spineless piece of garbage.

[–] 4 pts 4y

Are you actually retarded? Whats next, the banks can take your house and hold your money hostage if you dont get a vaccine?

[–] 6 pts 4y

That's exactly what spineless cowards like this would accept. "Oh I have to take it in the ass to be able to get into your bank to get MY OWN MONEY? Oh okay I'll bend over, please use lube."

[–] 4 pts 4y

I would usually agree, but now think of cases where a doctor has advised against wearing a mask. Also how is someone supposed to withdraw their money from their bank, when the bank just refuses to let their client in because "private property".

[+] [deleted] 2 pts 4y
[–] 1 pt 4y

Tackling a woman to the ground is not the way to do it.

The so-called mask mandate is not based off the conclusions in medical literature therefore it is absolute nonsense - in fact, the literature states that masks do more harm than good when it comes to general situations. I don't do nonsense things, and that woman has the right to be there when the law says she doesn't have to wear a face nappy, regardless of their shitty rules.

If we're all "a bunch of fkn tools" why are you here? Fuck off back to plebbit or whatever social media shithole you came from.

[–] 2 pts 4y











[–] 1 pt 4y

Yup. Bank of America is super corrupt. I'm not surprised at all this happened at one.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Correct, Abbot just left the decision up to property owners. Which is how it should have worked all along. She was arrested for trespassing. Bank of America is 100% responsible for this ridiculous policy of requiring people to wear a mask that the CDC themselves say only results in a 1.32% reduction of spread.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

That bank had as signed contract with that lady, and I am guessing that the signed agreement does not include any "we can force you to wear medical equipment to access our services in person" rule in her contract. This was a unilateral alteration of her contract once that governmental emergency order was lifted. And they trespassed her for it. In a reasonable and just system, she'd now be able to sue that bank for a lot of punitive damages for putting her through a police encounter based on their unilateral alterations to her written contract with them that guaranteed certain services would be available to her under reasonable circumstances.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt 4y
[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

She could have gone through the drive thru

[–] 4 pts 4y

If you had read the article, she was driving a big rig, and couldn't, you jew-loving Commie bastard

[–] 1 pt 4y

real crimefighter there

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

con77 -

did you even bother to read the article? she wanted her money back for God’s sake! not fair play!!

p.s - cop has high potential to make Chief of Police if don’t miss my guess.

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