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[–] 10 pts

There needs to be a second barrier, one made of concrete. It needs to be placed around 30-100 yards north of the current wall.

But I guess all that doesn't matter if they just let the door open.

[–] 4 pts

Just imagine if these people weren’t such retards. I hear about illegals paying coyotes to cross. Why not get a passport like an adult, and you know, just walk the fuck across a nice bridge? The systems broken bro, completely.

Texas needs to write a law prosecuting business owners, criminally with 5 years of prison minimum, if they employ illegals. It would end overnight. It’s within the power of any state to regulate employment. But you and I both know that ain’t happening...

[–] 0 pt

Because most of them are not eligible for a passport for one. And two, it can take months or years to get a visa to enter the USA. Most of them, even if they have a passport, do not possess the patience and forethought to wait months or years for something.

I know people who have married hispanic women from various Latin American countries who had to wait 1-2 years before they were even allowed to bring their wives into the USA. A couple of them even got divorced because their wives didn't want to wait that long, lol.

[–] 0 pt

I’m suggesting they get a passport to vacation in the US.


Only instructions I could find in English. But it appears 8 weeks and most Mexican nationals should be able to fulfill those requirements. Given the number of people I’ve seen walking across the border I believe many have figured this out.

Lolbertarian: MAH REGULASHIN!

[–] 0 pt

Nice strawman you got there.

[–] 2 pts

I want massive auto turrets with motion detection that just mow them down if they try to get in. Then other illegal immigrants and sickening criminals will be too scared to break in or use their children as human shields.

[–] 2 pts

100yds inside our border, 100yds of flattened cleared land. Then a wall. A 50ft tall walkable wall with guard stations every so many yards, and a single-rail troop train to quickly move troops to problem areas. All around the outside of the wall are cctv connected automated turrets that the troops watch over during their shift. Geostationary satellites will be used to find problem areas and possible attacks. There will be a team of expert geologists using ground penetrating radar stations to search for tunnels. Each tunnel found will be collapsed and expenses for rebuilding charged to Mexico. As well as each bullet used to kill an invader. There should be no northern border either.

But that's only if we win the next war and clear out all the mudbloods and parasites.

Imagine all the employment opportunities that would arise in constructing, maintaining, and guarding the wall!

This is why Prora and other architectural feats were built gentlemen. Unemployed folks will flock to these massive projects and you can create grand designs in half the time.

[–] 2 pts

Remote controlled tanks and drones armed with tranq darts. Let Texas citizens pay a small hourly fee to control the tanks online.

The fee will pay for the infrastructure, online services and a crew to collect the border jumpers and drag them back over the border.

Leader board and prizes for the best border protectors.

I'm good at War Thunder and all that...

I'd love to pull security with a Wall-E armed with a 240B.

Won't work.

Regular people can use puppets to exhaust your ammo. Mafia can sacrifice children to control your opinion.

People are clever.

Yeah, the wall alone is not enough. They need to dig ditches, too, so vehicles can't get through if the wall is busted open.

[–] 0 pt

There needs to be a second barrier composed of machine gun nests with intersecting fields of fire spaced 200 yards apart.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Does it work by confusing people? I'm confused.

[–] 4 pts

Texas needs to start working on a wall that goes around the entire state. Then they need to build a moat, put in a minefield, some automated turrets, etc... Then they need to secede.

[–] 0 pt

Trump preferred to build the wall in california.

Placing mines and turrets on internal borders sounds illegal.

[–] 0 pt

Did you miss the last word? SECEDE? Won't be illegal in Texas!

[–] 1 pt

Knowing Texas, they will build the Wall to keep whites from leaving. Have you taken a look at the Texas State government lately? It is essentially a jobs program for niggers, mexicans, and indians.

Then they need to secede.

The federal government won't allow you to properly prepare for secession. Anyone would be able to secede otherwise.

Before this is finalized, I'd like to advocate Oklahoma's entry into the White Star Federation.

[–] -1 pt

Who are they going to come crying to when their power fails?

[–] 1 pt

The only reason the current administration doesn't want to finish it is " fuck trump" and they.are.also fucking America.

[–] 1 pt

The people of Texas should round them all up and put them on a train, bus, Ford Explorer, and drop them in Dc inside the capitol fence

[–] 1 pt

Yeah and Obama sued Texas into oblivion for trying. Short of secession, this wont do anything except syphon Texan funds back to DC through fear and intimidation

[–] 0 pt

incoming second (((green energy))) caused "natural disaster"

[–] 0 pt

introducing a bill does nothing with this corrupt gov. cmon man

[–] 0 pt

The wall ain’t gonna do shit. Idk if you guys know this but Mexico is so fucked up right now. It’s wild. Murders and disappearances which is just another word for murders. Look up Mexico’s crime statistics. Right up there at the tippy top of scariest places to live. Do you really think Mexicans are going to be stopped by a fence. I don’t want them here but I can’t blame them either. Hmmm america 🇺🇸 Or Mexico where my family will disappear. Btw they can just fly up to Canada and walk down. It’s very easy. Very very easy. Wall ain’t doing shit. The only way to stop immigrants is to go into Mexico and kill the cartels. But that won’t happen. So nothing will happen.

[–] 0 pt

None of this matter as long as you have jews running your government. When will people get it?

[–] 0 pt

That should work out just fine. After all, it has already been determined that states can't interfere with each other's internal processes, right?

Also, kick out the spics and niggers first.

[–] 0 pt

Does it really matter? Biden just let's them walk in "legally" the wall won't stop that

[–] 1 pt

It impacts drug mules and traffickers.

[–] 0 pt

what if the border territories behave in ways similar to the heebraic judges, mayors, etc did in trumps term?

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