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Charles University in Prague just released the DNA results for King Tut. He's 100% haplogroup R1b, specifically R1b1a1b, which is Western European.


Charles University in Prague just released the DNA results for King Tut. He's 100% haplogroup R1b, specifically R1b1a1b, which is Western European. https://www.docdroid.net/EC8uFeh/gad-et-al-hawass-fs-final-2020-pdf

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Here's a response to someone trying to claim Solutreans and Cheddar man were niggers. I want y'all to read it and tell me what you think. Danke

LMAO just like how (((they))) try to claim cheddar man is nigger. Cheddar man was not black the Solutreans were not Congoids. People of European ancestry have no sub saharan dna point blank period. They keep trying to claim Everyone was black at one time until migrations from the equator and genotypes and phenotypes etc... it's a retarded claim the goes with the bs debunked out of apefrica theory. We all come from africa we wuz all European and shiiieeeet. Listen we are not nor have we ever been shitskins. Niggers are completely different species closer in relation to chimps than White Man. Congoids are at least 150 Thousand years less laterally evolved than the rest of Humanity. These "scientists" or "journalist" are pushing a kiked narrative. Europeans were never Black like congoids and the sub saharans would never have survived the ice ages they couldn't absorb Vitamin D they would had developed Rickets and died out. Nice try but I'm not even going to entertain that sensationionalist jew propaganda rag if an article you put up. I hope you don't believe that trash either

[–] 5 pts

I'll elaborate a bit more in Spencer Wells book called "Journey of Man" he tried to dictate we are all descendants of the San Khoisan Bushman and there is even a documentary about the book where he tried to allude to that same theory. In the book he traces back the mutations of Genes which could trace us back to the same Last Common Ancestors and if we keep going back it will lead to San Khoisan 60 thousand or years or so whenever a bottleneck happened after some volcano erupted *I can't remember it right now I'm just waking up. Anyhow he traced the Bushman to the Aborigines of Australia as well as Dravidians of Southern India and then the Mongloids as well as "Native Americans" to the Mongloids. Spencer also worked with Chris Stringer who is the Anthropologist who coined the out of Africa theory as well as Archaic Hominid Geneticist Svante Paabo of the Max Planck University who discovered Non Sub Saharans have Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA. Since they all started working together Chris Stringer has changed his theory to Out of Africa 2 Theory and now we all didn't come from the same tribe in Africa 60 thousand or so years after the bottlenecking because of the explosion of the volcano. Since then Spencer Wells wrote a book called "Deep Ancestry" where he admits he can't trace R1a Haplogroup to the San Khoisan Bushman. R1a it even says in the glossary in the end of the book supports the Aryan Invasion Theory where White man came from the Kurgan Footsteppes of Russia into India on Horseback and created the Caste System that still separates the people of India today. While Dravidians, Aborigines and even "Native Americans" can trace their ancestors back to the Capoids ie San Khoisan Bushman of Kalahari the Aryans ie Europoid, Caucasoids, Crackers, Whites etc... were not traced to the Capoids. The Whites as well as certain Asians in my humble opinion both have a different stock and they also have Neanderthal and or Denisovan DNA. Both the Neanderthal and Denisovan are related to another even more Archaic Hominid called Heidlebergensis. The Europeans as well as Asians were all over Eurasia and quite possibly other parts of the planet way before Mt. Toba erupted and those of Africa Bottlenecked Out of Africa. There I'm a bit more awake now Mt. Toba was the volcano that erupted. Nonetheless my point still stands European were never black like the congoids of Sub Sahara and anyone who believes that jew tripe has been watching to much bbc or reading to much the guardian etc... I hope that explains it a bit more for you.

[–] 2 pts

The shit you're saying would be way more credible and easier to digest if you didn't write like someone who failed English in high school and has no idea how the fuck to punctuate and structure a thought without rambling in run on sentences.

Don't get me wrong, it's obvious from the subject matter that you're not a brain dead nigger, but fuck dude...

[–] 0 pt

Thanks and yeah I'm the king of run on sentences. I'll work on my punctuation it was just early and I was barely waking up. I know it's irritating as fuck and will work on how I write shit up next time.