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[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Those numbers are with the cheating I mean help they get. But hey it’s California they got rid of the entrance exams so nobody will notice they can’t read until they get employed and others have to walk them through every task. But then it will be to late to fire them because also racist to do that.

[–] 0 pt

The reality is employers know that the black employees will do 1/3 the work, but there is nothing they can do about it. Jews are in power and they will continue forcing this on everyone, destroying american businesses, so long as they are in power.

Over the last decade we have had thousands of business relocate to the Atlanta area. The reasoning being the land, labor, and government fees and regulations were cheaper for business. Well it turns out you get what you pay for. Most of these warehouses operate much less efficiently than the locations in other places. The reason temp agencies supplied nothing but crack heads and drop outs. Watched a guy literally crash a forklift tell the manager don’t bother with a drug test because he had just smoked crack. Another guy got a DUI on break didn’t get fired until next week when he robbed a bank to pay for his lawyer. Another guy came to work clocked in then left to sell crack for a whole year got caught selling, decided he needed to do the right thing and come to work fails a post accident drug test for crack gets fired. On and on and on.

[–] 0 pt

Why are you relying on temp agencies for your workforce? And why are you blaming the location when your policy is to literally scrape the bottom of the barrel for your employees?

California has a lot of people who move there with the illogical belief that the way to make it is move first and figure it out later. They are then stuck working shit jobs thinking it's earning them an opportunity.

You dont have that bottom of the barrel workforce many places. That just means you shouldn't be scraping the bottom hoping to capitalize on the broken dreams of motivated morons.

[–] 0 pt

No it won't. Commiefornia is an at will state. You can be fired here at any time without cause. It will be up to the idiot that was fired to prove he was fired for racist reasons. Hating people that can't do their job because they can't read isn't a racist idea...yet.

The courts, unemployment offices, and regulatory agency's are all packed with these idiots and their sympathizers. You would be a fool to operate a business there. Not saying you’re wrong about the law but laws don’t matter to these people.

[–] 0 pt

I'm well aware they don't care about the laws. The thing is though, it is hard as hell to prove you were fired because of your race. There's so many legitimate ways and reasons to fire someone before you even begin to scratch the surface of questionable, and almost all of it falls on the one bringing the suit to prove just to get to trial. The first trial the aggrieved would have is convincing a lawyer they have a case.