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[–] 0 pt

Yeah thats it, that's why i added ' or some retarded shit ??' at the end.

But i do seem to remember you were defending them and complaining about people constantly calling them out as niggers all the time, same with people calling out joo-s too, and wanted it to stop, and giving your same little 'feels gud, man' story of your experience with your 'best black friend ' larp.

[–] 0 pt

So, all black people and all Joos are bad. Got it.

[–] 1 pt

Just bc you don't wanna call out "niggers and joo-s" , why the flex on those that do ?? ...

[–] 0 pt

Good question. Because, it's not helping anything or anyone. Yes, I've used terms before, but I make it a point to not intentionally show disrespect to people just for their ethnic background or color of skin. That's just stupid and small minded on the face of it. It's about behavior and standards.

Obviously, people who cross our borders illegally should be severely punished. I'm not seeing that happening. Other countries enforce their border security religiously and there's no reason USA can't do the same other than politicians in this country actively trying to destroy us as a nation.

When black people beat up white people just for being white, they should be locked away on terrorism charges. Same goes for a white person who would deliberately target a black person just because. But then, blacks would scream racism because there'd be a hell of a lot more doing hard time. Oh well. When people rob stores, commit arson, vandalism, and generally disturb the peace with their antics, penalties should be harsh. We know what group of people is the most violent, most murderous and always the mother's of these people come crying to the cameras how their precious boy was a good boy and just made a mistake, blah, blah. Harsh penalties and hard time. Maybe work camps busting rocks into gravel on a chain gang.

When Jewish people flock into education, politics and other positions of trust to spread their vile Satanic Talmud ideology, they need to be tossed out on the curb. Yes, I totally agree that within the Jewish community is a vile Satanic ideology that works to break down society.

I'm Messianic Jewish and I can tell you, we know and we abhor the Talmud and every other evil book produced by Judaism. We only accept the Torah and Tanakh or what you would call the bible. I even give quite a bit of merit to the writings of the apostles and especially the book of Revelations.

But just tossing out blanket accusations about the "Joose" is worthless. Name them, by their deeds and who they are and then you have something worth talking about. If it's a thousand or ten thousand or even a million, ok. Fine. The damned cancel culture needs to be turned back on them.

So what are we doing? Blathering "The Joose" and "The Niggers" on marginalized social media platforms while we've been driven off of every platform where we could have had an influence? Poal got shut down and Parlor got taken down and then resurrected as a site that I wouldn't bother using.

At this point conservative minded people need their own spaces, their own servers, their own websites and business connections and if a person is a Jew and want in, they have to recant the Talmud and all their other Satanic bullshit. Recant their Marxist ideology and SJW horseshit.

The welfare system that has infected our society needs to end. IDK, maybe Biden is the best thing to happen as now things will get so bad we will be forced to organize and fight back.

Personally, we're not far off now from a real shooting war. I just hope we end up with good leaders who have solid plans to totally end what I see going on in America now.

I'm just for getting along with people who've done me no harm.

When I was broke down in Mississippi on a Sunday, far from any help it was a black family that stopped to help. The man offered to go get help from a gas station a bunch of miles down the country road where I knew the owner but his wife protested him leaving me there in the hot sun and I ended up riding in the back of his car with his three bread snappers. LOL. Very awkward as those black kids were looking at me like I was an alien. I guess they just came from church?

I got dropped off and the owner of the station took care of all my problems after that. Oh, the gas station owner is a white guy who always walked around with a pistol on his belt. Salt of the earth kind of guy.

If the same thing had happened to me in Los Angeles or even my home town I'd have been in a world of hurt and if a car load of black people rode up, I'd be afraid to trust them if there weren't kids and family in the car. LA culture is sick and depraved and my home town nearby isn't much better.