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[–] 21 pts

I'm pretty sure those numbers are fake. It's way more than that.

[–] 11 pts

California Blacks are almost exclusively living in the large metropolitan areas. They have a curious lack of interest in education as is the same case with their parents. If you go to rural farming areas you can see the absence of blacks in farming communities.

[–] 18 pts

PARENT. Not Parents.

[–] 12 pts

Point taken. I took welding course in Long Beach and it was mostly black students. First off, I noticed a trend to not study the textbook for classroom tests. The class room was just one hour a day going over the chapter that should have been reading and study of the evening before.

Then the five hours of shop time we were allotted for that day the blacks would maybe get in an hour of actual welding practice in between chatting and generally loafing around.

As for myself, I went over each chapter the evening before, took notes on what I considered were important points I needed to fix in my mind and would possibly be on the quiz. It was a six month course divided into month long sections with testing at the end of each section. Before each major test I would go through my notes again and pick out things that had been on the daily quiz.

I always had my notebook in class as well so I could jot down things the instructor would emphasize. Might be important?

As for shop, I would return after lunch rather than leave as the other students did to make way for afternoon class. While afternoon class was in session I would busy myself with cutting steel coupons for those students. I'm not sure how I got away with it but I'm guessing it was assumed I was doing volunteer work for the trade school so staff didn't bother me? The afternoon students would file out of class and get their steel coupons from me rather than having to individually cut their own so in a way I was cheating them of that learning experience of gaining expertise with the automatic torch cutting system. Oh well, they didn't seem to mind as it's so much easier to just get stuff ready cut for themselves. I'd always have a bunch extra stacked up which I would carry to an empty booth and tack together into practice plates. At any time I would have a stack of these ready to weld practice plates stored in my locker so if ever I wasn't able to access the cutting table I was ready for that as well.

On days I didn't feel like cutting I simply took my prepared plates and would spend the entire afternoon welding until the school closed for the day then go study my text book, write notes and review previous notes.

I figured, since I'm paying good money as well as having taken out grants and loans for this education I would apply myself diligently every day and treat it like a job. No one is born with these trade skills so I was building a skill that hopefully I could use for many years to earn a living and so treated the opportunity very seriously.

The blacks, not so much. All fun and games I guess.

I'm a friendly person and often while chatting with one of the other students I would get teased about my own views. One student mocked me for being married. His view was that why bother, let the state pay for your kids and play the field with any woman you can get for a short time.

Then laughed at for thinking about probate and inheritance laws. These people for the most part have no interest in having a stable family, loyalty, fidelity, trying to build a stable future, etc. They mocked at the idea of being a father to your children and teaching them any values, just none of that. Showing such an interest in self improvement brings on instant ridicule and mockery.

One exception: There was one student who was a bit quieter but obviously a simple minded person of lower IQ. He struggled just to understand the basics but he took note of my dedication in the classroom and a couple times I gave him pointers out in the shop and was generous with practice plates.

He came to me asking to be tutored as he realized he was going to be in debt and if he failed, he'd be suffering trying to pay things off on a low paying job or most likely no job at all. So, in the last month I spent every evening with him tutoring and coaching to get him caught up with the class work.

He passed the Los Angeles City Certification with a perfect score. The only one in our class to do that as I missed three points on trick questions.

[–] 1 pt

Grandparent *

More specifically, Grandmother.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Those numbers are with the cheating I mean help they get. But hey it’s California they got rid of the entrance exams so nobody will notice they can’t read until they get employed and others have to walk them through every task. But then it will be to late to fire them because also racist to do that.

[–] 0 pt

The reality is employers know that the black employees will do 1/3 the work, but there is nothing they can do about it. Jews are in power and they will continue forcing this on everyone, destroying american businesses, so long as they are in power.

[–] 0 pt

No it won't. Commiefornia is an at will state. You can be fired here at any time without cause. It will be up to the idiot that was fired to prove he was fired for racist reasons. Hating people that can't do their job because they can't read isn't a racist idea...yet.

[–] 0 pt

The only thing they're good at is asking for gibs.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

California probably dropped the standards to "recognizes first three letters of alphabet."

[–] 3 pts

This epic level of retardation is unfathomable. Imagine having problems with basic things like reading and writing. Nogs who don't have European admixture are borderline retarded. These protohumans were never meant to do such tasks. Living in white societies must be awful for them. It would be better for everyone if they were sent back.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Living in white societies must be awful for them

When the blacks talk about "oppression" this is what they are really experiencing. Trying to function in a modern 1st World society is too much for their primitive Stone age natures to cope with.

[–] 2 pts

Cali has very low standards.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

You'd be surprised how low the standards are in California.


Their 12th grade standards are the kind of brain dead shit I was expected to do in 4th grade.

[–] 3 pts

In related news, 75% of California blacks qualify for Ivy League "education".

[–] 0 pt

This was three years ago, so you're right I'm sure