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[–] 0 pt

I wasn't being terribly serious, that sounds pretty nuts though. I wonder if the toilet prank pushed her over the edge.

Also... of all the careers such a delicate person could pursue, why would they volunteer for something contentious like a safety monitor on a building site?

That's hilarious. Must've been an interesting place to work.

[–] 1 pt

Haha. Yes, construction jobs are always interesting and all sorts of people from intelligent, to skilled and then mouth breathers and every once in a long while someone who has a serious issue. Yes, of course they got rid of her but in a nice way. It wasn't her fault and she had done nothing really wrong, just can't have someone who is delusional on the job and snapping. After all, we've got enough issues as is with sometimes sketchy people.

Another job I was on at a refinery one of the safety watch girls went seriously out of line with her gangster attitude. Toward the end we had closed up a tank except for a hatch or manway and then it becomes a confined space. Totally different rules as you must have a hood with supplied air. The outside temps were around 110 with inside of course much hotter so we had 30 minutes working time max and she was to sit by the hatch recording entry and exit times for each person. She walks off to use the restroom without asking for relief which would have been given as the safety officer was on hand to relieve her. A guy came out and his exit was unrecorded. She comes back and the safety officer noticed her walking back, checked the log and found the guy outside when he was logged as being inside while I was in there not even knowing what was going on. Safety officer bitched her out and she got extremely hostile with him using some foul language. Like, I guess she didn't know how to say, "Hey, I'm sorry, I messed up and it won't happen again". What she did was a firing offense that could get her TWIC card revoked for life, cost us the contract and a bad mark on insurance. Just a cascade of horrible stuff could come from us getting caught by the refinery making that mistake.

I came out and she went off on me and I had no idea why. Then it was discovered she was having her boyfriend drive her in through security while he had no permission then he'd drive back out. Every day driving in to drop her off and every day picking her up. Turns out her boyfriend was also out of jail for a previous murder conviction and security had not been asking to see his pass. Lax security at the gate. So they fired her that day for insubordination not mentioning the security and safety violations.

So, yes, always interesting working on construction jobs and hopefully you don't see any gore when things go wrong. Like the new kid on a tank job who dropped a long pry bar on his dad who was working below. The bar has a dull point on one end but it still went all the way through his dad's torso. The guy was just standing there with a huge 2 inch thick by three foot long bar through his body. Weirdly enough, little bleeding and the doctors removed the bar successfully. Since it had a dull point he had little organ damage as it simply pushed the organs aside as it went through him. LOL. I wonder how the father son relations were after that, maybe Dad decided to not work on the same jobs as his son.

[–] 1 pt

That last story. Holy fuck.

[–] 1 pt

LOL. "Ooops, sorry Dad" At least he wasn't seriously injured. Whenever something happens the story will get told and retold till an entire company hears about it as crews are split up and guys assigned to go off with a new crew. So, there's tons of stories I know much worse than this from various projects and subcontracts I've been on. The worst stories come out of Avondale shipyard where I once worked.

In tank building, the usual accident is falling. For that, I hated the job but for the pay, it was great. I don't do well with heights so when moving scaffolding where there's nothing to clip off to with your safety harness, at the end of one of those shifts I'd be just drained and worn out from being terrified all day.

Shipyards do have falls but it's getting crushed that's usually the fatal type accident or getting a limb crushed or sheared off. The thing is, these things only really happen to novice new workers or very stupid careless workers and many times it's because a number of safety regulations are violated at the same time.

I've flat out refused to work on scaffolding that was substandard. Just totally outrageous scaffolding that should have had a small shipyard shut down and fined.

I've been around serious accidents but the first time it was a young guy on his first week on the job. I don't blame him because the guys working with him who should have known better let him stand in a bad spot and released a plate that slid down onto his leg. The leg wasn't sheared off but he would be messed up for life as it went right into his knee.

Another guy was made foreman and it was his job to direct the work and make sure it was done properly. Nope, he gets all involved and right in the middle of the work instead of standing back and looking for problems. He let them fail to secure an upright beam and they knocked it over so that it fell on his ankle and sheared or crushed his foot off. It happened right at quitting time so we all walked past the area while people were in there loading him up in the ambulance. The guy comes back to work a few months later as a safety officer. So, he engineers his foot amputation and then gets to have an easy job being the safety czar.