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[–] 13 pts 4y

I guess he is another victim of systemic racism that made him do it

[–] 3 pts 4y

Try to be less white and black people might kill you less. Duh, goy. Their violence is understandable and it will be apologized for. What's not forgivable is your whiteness.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

If I were more black I might be shooting up funerals and doing drivebys and shit.

Good thing I'm white. I'd never do that crap. I wouldn't want to appropriate their culture.

[–] [deleted] 7 pts 4y

The men accidentally left behind all three of their cellphones at the scene, one of which belonged to Barnwell and was used to help identify him.

The strange thing about niggers being litteraly retarded is that their low IQ causes them to commit more crimes but it also makes them easier to catch.

[–] 5 pts 4y

This is also Philly were speaking of, nigger central. The place that touts itself as the silicon valley of the East, i actually laughed at that one

[–] 0 pt 4y

The city where hundreds of feral nogs ride through on dirt bikes and atvs destroying property and reeking havoc.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Philodendrons. Woa idk wtf that word is Philadelphia has the worst looking ghettos in all of all america

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yup, Philadelphia is like the borg, it keeps swallowing the nearby poor counties, thinking tax revenue will somehow increase by taking money counties dont have for itself.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y

Never fails they are beyond low IQ. They aren't human.

[–] 1 pt 4y

and easier to chase down while they're wearing those saggy pants.

[–] 1 pt 4y

They commit more quantity with very low quality. Dumbass tries to commit a mass shooting and can only kill 1 person?

[–] -1 pt 4y

I can’t imagine it’s hard. Don’t announce it. Walk up and bam one right in the head: they won’t be ready for it. Then all you gotta do is drop one more. Easy right

[–] 0 pt 4y

Why would you bring a device that tracks everything with you when you’re going to commit mass murder.

[–] 0 pt 4y

That made me thinkk this was a glow operation. All three left their phones. Are they really that clueless? I mean they are joggers but come on.

[–] 5 pts 4y

thank god it was a black kid. we wouldn't want "domestic terrorist attacks" to increase under sleepy joe

[–] 0 pt 4y

They'll still do it. I recall an article calling som certain nigger a "black white supremacist."

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 4y

How many times have white nationalists done the reverse? Never, maybe. I can't believe people don't see this for what it is. Clearly we cannot continue to live with anyone but our own kind. We need to go back to being separate groups already.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

It's happening naturally. My state is exploding in population due to White people fleeing leftist degenerates and burned out, broken cities. This is White flight like what happened in the 60s when LBJackass started the gibbs system of reparations for the blacks.

[–] 0 pt 4y

LBJ was the worst president ever. I wonder if Bogus Biden will top him?

[–] 0 pt 4y

LBJ was the worst president ever.

Hello! Do you have a second to talk about Franklin Delano Rosenfeld today?

Fucking kike is worth a lookup - he started the jewish takeover of government. Before him, it was always control from outside.

[–] 3 pts 4y

We cannot live peacefully with them. I say we help and be kind and make we don't leave one nigger behind.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Some of that right wing violence I've heard about

[–] 2 pts 4y

How the hell is that gorilla only 17? Also, it’s hilarious he only killed 1 person. Hell even Nikolas Cruz, a literally retarded white kid got 17 kills 😂 can’t even do mass shootings right

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

North America is on route to becoming South Africa.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

not surprising at all . as whites we are always the cause of them committing crimes. they just have to get back at whitey for keeping them down . they are feral animals and people need to remember that. they are a couple of generations from swinging through the trees and living in mud huts. never ever relax around blacks. and for you female sjw's ? burn the coal pay the toll. the day is coming when you'll either be a single mother with a niglet or get beaten to death. hell gorillas have a higher IQ than them.

[–] 0 pt 4y

This is what they want to happen, obviously. They want whites to be killed. Don't you get it? Carry a gun with you or you're a massive faggot.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Its also why they push for (((common sense gun control)))

[–] 0 pt 4y

The (((MSM))) stopped reporting on nigger crime back in the early 60s.

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