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Videos of the speech. English subtitles. https://streamable.com/aj5gom https://streamable.com/fwvmqh https://streamable.com/q56xd5 https://archive.is/wip/NkA8s

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Say what you want about Mediterranean cultures they are not easily shamed into silence. They will say what they think.

[–] 2 pts

1) No shaming tactics work

2) Shuns the nuclear family, multi-generational households

3) Proud of Iberian and Roman past.

4) Don't sunburn as easily as other Aryan racists (can work in the fields in the ethnostate)

[–] 0 pt

Proud of Iberian and Roman past.

They unfortunately try to deny their nigger and kike past though, and that gets them into trouble. For example, that is why everything south of the Rio Grande has been a complete schiffhole for over 200 years while the USA prospered.

Brazil should be a rich first world nation, and it would have been if the Iberians had not tried to pretend that Whiteness can prevail over nigger and jew genetics.

The Iberian Folly, painted for posterity: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Casta_painting_all.jpg

Thanks for the jew propoganda. Mexico’s leaders came from (((Spain))) Mexico has been a slave state for jews to rule since the jews discovered mexico. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY SAYING THAT EVERYTHING BELOW THE RIO GRANDE RIVER IS FUCKED UP FOR ANOTHER REASON and it was not the (((JEWS)))? If you are then you are a lying jew or one hell of a shabbo goy.

[–] 0 pt

South America was overrun with Saphardic Maranos, Conversos, Cryptos and Donmeh and every fucking one of them somehow linked to the Atlantic Slave Trade and the " Golden Age of Piracy. " Portugal and Denmark became infested with exiled jews after 1492 and once the rats boarded a ship headed for the New World there was no looking back, jews played their hand well...just look at where the parasites are today, in control of a lot.

[–] 3 pts

The enemy of humanity has always been close, whispering lies into our ears, using our emotions to kill our brothers...to want to see our children die and disgrace our heritage while begging to be enslaved by their usury.

The next phase of humanity can’t begin, our final form can’t exist, until the parasite is removed from our society.

[–] 1 pt

What scares the fuck out of me is the fact that our enemies are in charge of tech that is heading to a Final Form that is based on the mechanized slavery of humanity. They are deciding our Final Form.

I agree with you 100% (((Their))) final form is the antithesis of our final form and it will be an existential battle that we must win, not just for ourselves, but for what we know to be good. For what they want is pure evil.

[–] 3 pts

neo-Nazis in Spain that's badass

[–] [deleted] -1 pt (edited )

Spain was the first country the jews conquered after carthage was conquered in the 7th century. They were the two most important spots to own if you dealt with slaves. Spaniards have been woke slaves for a long time. Their women have been fucked stupid by jews. So much so that many spainards have nappy hair and schrill voices with big honker noses.

[–] 2 pts

The Jew fears the single Roman salute.

[–] 0 pt

Is much better than the French salute.

(both hands up, surrendering, by the way)

[–] 0 pt

white spoiler tag

White surrender flag

[–] 2 pts

Even her new mainstream media title sounds sexy in Spanish: "Influencer fascista de 18 años: Isabel Peralta..."

[–] 2 pts

This is a direct result of allowing all the Shepardim back in.

Inquisition 2.0 is not far away now.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

We're literally on the brink of the Jew World Order.


It's literally goyim unite and end the jew or we submit to their dreams of shackling us into their slave utopia

Tell EVERYBODY. It doesn't matter if you distance some people from you for thinking you're a xenophobe or racist or wtf ever else that want to call us. Doesn't matter anymore. It's either fight or die. And the #1 way to fight the jew is with information and facts. That's why they hate free speech so much.

They can censor what we say on T.V. or the internet, but they can't censor what we say to each other in person.

[–] 2 pts

Neo-Nazis holding a banner that says nothing more than "anti-communis[...]". That should speak volumes to the uninitiated.

[–] 0 pt

And further left the overton window of public discourse continues to slide...

[–] 1 pt

It's just making the snap-back bigger.

[–] 1 pt

shut it doooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwn

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Where would the jews be without their protection by the state? In America they own the state, in europe they struggle, but here they have not as much billionaires and millionaires as in america, maybe that's the reason.

[–] 1 pt

Tomorrow's enemy lives today

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