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His wife is making the announcement on his radio show right now

His wife is making the announcement on his radio show right now

(post is archived)

[–] 36 pts

RIP Rush.

We lost another giant.

[–] 7 pts (edited )

Of course, considering his weight, a word, other than "giant", might be more respectful. :-)

[ No disrespect to Mr. Limbaugh, but I make humor where I can. ]

[–] 13 pts


He lost a lot of weight. Even before the cancer.

[–] 5 pts

Plus he's on the path to lose a lot more soon

[–] 0 pt

Let me see your dong

[–] 22 pts

Yep just heard the same, really sucks. He was an uplifting voice on the radio. Enjoyed his show on my breaks.

I'm sure they will replace him with a (((Levin))) or (((Shapiro))) in no time.

[–] 18 pts

Anybody but Shapiro, I can't stand that guys voice.

[–] 6 pts

Levin sounds like a cow getting a hysterectomy with a rusty knife

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Michael Savage (Weiner) said Levin sounds like Groucho Marx having a hysterectomy...

[–] 2 pts

I don't think he sounds that nice, but we are in a public forum, so I understand your wording. Think of the children and all.

[–] 6 pts

Me neither not even for one second. Levin is just as terrible, especially when people call in just to say how great he is. He even calls himself "our great leader". He should get cancer!!!

[–] 0 pt

I have never understood why Levin calls himself "The Great One". You can't give yourself a nickname, and what greatness has he achieved anyhow?

Also, I find it interesting that "conservative" Mark Levin used a Linkin Park song as his commercial break segue music for years and the band didn't care, but as soon as Donald Trump became elected, the Linkin Park singer killed himself out of angst over conservatism.

[–] 0 pt

Shapiro is bearable, right up until he rams in a segment of adverts at his guests.

It's cringe on another level.

I never actively seek him out though, just accidentally when he talks about himself in 3rd person on his own channel.

Which is fucking odd tbh.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Shapiro is like a yapping, ankle biting chihuahua.

[–] 0 pt

My buddy likes him but his voice is enraging. Even if he has good points or info I just cannot listen to him. I just hear sniveling and hand wringing.

[–] 7 pts

I really hope it's not Mark Stein, he's fucking annoying

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

mark steyn is a damn genius.

[–] 5 pts

I love him. He’s funny.

[–] 0 pt

I just get annoyed at how he's constantly trying to be funny with the most unsubtle boomer humor.

[–] 1 pt

I like Steyn, minus his gay singing. Anyone but Todd ‘The Kike” Herman. He’s a left coast cuck and it shows

[–] 0 pt

I'd pick Sebastian Gorka, if nothing else for his awesome 80s music clips.

[–] 11 pts

I'd like Joseph Goebbels.

[–] 4 pts

All these guys are already around, and not worth a shit. Rush cant be replaced. I only ever shut him off when I was getting out the car or during those obscene profit time outs. He never would go off on stupid uninteresting tangents, or waste an 30 minutes talking to whatever moron dropped a generic book that week. Everyone else on talk radio makes has bored me off their show multiple times. Beck can be an insufferable faggot. Hannity is just boring and repetitive. Hugh Hewitt is pretty good but hes up to early for me and he has too many guests.

[–] 1 pt

I'd guess they would use someone who's already been a guest host on the show.

[–] 0 pt

I'd pick Sebastian Gorka, if nothing else for his awesome 80s music clips.

Oh, it's not just Mikey Savage who uses those?

[–] -1 pt


[–] [deleted] 6 pts (edited )

steyn. not jewish.

Steyn was born in Toronto on December 8, 1959.[citation needed] He was baptized a Catholic and later confirmed in the Anglican Church.[4] He has stated that "the last Jewish female in my line was one of my paternal great-grandmothers" and that "both my grandmothers were Catholic".[5] Steyn's great-aunt was artist Stella Steyn.[6] His mother's family was Belgian.[7]

[–] 5 pts

I don't want another Jew telling me what to believe. We're up to our hips in Jews.

[–] 4 pts

If you don't want jews telling you what to believe, what are you doing listening to corporate radio?

[–] 0 pt

Only 2% of the pop makes up over 90% of media and government positions. 97⅛% of statistics are made up to make you do your own fucking research.

[–] 3 pts

shapiro loves israel and talks like hes on meth and helium

[–] 3 pts

And his sister has MASSIVE khazzar milkers.

[–] 1 pt

He's sucking that baby dick. Shalom rabbi

[–] 2 pts

No fucking way they put Shapiro in his place. But 99.9% sure it will be a jew..

I called him a coward for not naming the jew on his death bed theblast couple weeks he could have warned everyone and we know he knew and he still said nothing.

Makes me wonder how the jews have gotten this much power and control

[–] 1 pt

It sucks when I'm driving home and want to listen to talk radio. It's Mark Levin, Shapiro, or NPR. And NPR comes in the clearest.

The only way you're going to hear the jew being named is if you listen to the old William Luther Pierce radio show American Dissident Voices.

[–] 13 pts

Nobody left to trust, he was the only one that didn't fear monger.

[–] 7 pts

Rush was very much an establishment kind of guy. He reminded me a bit of William F. Buckley. You never saw either of them without a suit and tie. Both preached a kind of liberalized conservatism that played the game with the war industry and the media. Both were a little too slick for my taste, but I have to admit, Rush had class.

[–] 4 pts

Buckley was a bit slick, especially when on TV interviews. But he was 4 times the intellectual that Rush was. I am from Missouri and never could stand pompous loquacious Rush. He preyed on foolish/frustrated old Reaganites and hooked them into supporting Dubya.

[–] 4 pts

Buckley sold out America First for (((conservatism))) and was heavily connected with the CIA.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

You betcha. Nice work if you can get it. Remembering his sycophantic adulation of the NFL. Not a fan of either.

[–] 1 pt

impossible 2 believe wasn’t “in the know” where mechanics and operators of the Babylon system are concerned. 2 each his own but no hero 2 me.

[–] 3 pts

He was a Pub simp, true and true. He would refuse to back a candidate in the primaries then when the Pubs ran a McBush or Rombo it was them or the "biggest liberal" since the last guy ran.

[–] 0 pt

Democrats have been moving further left exponentially, so I'd say that's accurate.

[–] 10 pts


[–] 3 pts


[–] -1 pt

The caps help Rush hear him in heaven, idiot

[–] 7 pts

I grew up with Rush Limbaugh listening in my junk car AM only radio and smoking cigarettes over lunch in High School. For many of us and before Internet he was the counter narrative information source as well as entertainment and conversation. The original subversive social media!

[–] 2 pts

It's probably hard for younger people to put this into proper context.

[–] 1 pt

There are some things that Rush shows us looking backwards, and I've never considered these until today.

One of his standard lines was that listeners tune in to have their own opinions validated. Before the internet Rush was a lone voice - this kind of content and analysis was not available in adult dosage other than the Rush Limbaugh Show. Today we see the (((slavers))) working diligently to make sure that the internet will be a place where your deviant opinions will not be shareable and will not be validated. You may think that Rush Limbaugh self-censored, or was censored, or not, but Rush was always broadcasting live from outside the Overton Window.

Rush Limbaugh allowed going viral before the internet. To the (((people that own the country))) it is critical that you do not have that kind of distribution. You can be shadowbanned and throttled on social media today, but with Rush a good caller could gain 10 million ears for 90 seconds or better if they could present the message. You could honestly call him up and change the national discussion if you were good. This was the first venue where everyman had a shot at that kind of reach. Today we see the big microphones or faceberg groups or themtube creators derated when they counter (((the narrative))). The next Rush Limbaugh will have to build their own powerful distribution network. Today (((the agenda))) is what to do about those podcasts which aren't adequately censored.

It was hard to find forbidden information before internet, but Rush Limbaugh regularly delivered the goods and it was timely. He changed the trajectory of the US government when he broke the story on the national stage that the federal budget was automatically increased by 10% every year before the specifics were worked out ("Baseline Budgeting.") Nobody knew this stuff, but insiders brought it it him and the information spread using his large platform which propelled Newt Gingrich to take Congress from the Democrats. Want another? Obamacare was widely discussed in public as the bill made its way through the house. Along comes Rush telling us that we haven't seen the bill - there was this thing called a "Managers' Amendment" in the Senate - "That's the bill, folks." Sure enough when ACA gets to the Senate from the House the entire text is substituted with Harry Reid's amendment. Leaks would get to him and he could get them out. These leaks have an outsize impact on culture when they change the game by reframing the entire conversation.

[–] 6 pts

He went out like a man. He knew he was going to die, and he continued working when he was physically able to do so, because he loved it, and because he thought it mattered.

[–] 0 pt

Not something that should be overlooked. If I had the money he did, I can't say I would have the same drive. I give him a lot of credit for that.

[–] 5 pts

I am so very saddened by his passing. Like losing a dear family member. It was very brave of his wife to make the announcement on his show this morning.

[–] 4 pts

Jesse Lee Peterson is the only logical replacement. The actual choice is going to suck. Nobody could banter like Rush or could even approach him intellectually. sad day folks.

[–] 4 pts

I would give 10:1 odds the replacement will be a diversity hire, not saying they won't be a good commentator, but it will be done with optics in mind.

[–] 2 pts

I'd be fine with a JLP diversity hire.

[–] 1 pt

Irony being they're concerned with optics in radio. I guess it's just a nice way to say they want to pander and virtue signal.

[–] 2 pts

Michael Savage is smarter and funnier than Rush, there is just one little (((problem)))...

[–] 0 pt

If we are going that route, I was going to say Walter Williams would be better, because he has guest hosted before is a lot more academic and articulate. Then I remembered he died a couple months ago.

[–] 0 pt

JLP doesn't have a voice for radio, he sounds like he has some sort of slight speech impediment.

[–] 0 pt

Slight speech impediment? I love the guy but I'd say his speech impediment is beyond slight.

[–] 0 pt

Rush was good, but an intellect he was not.

[–] 3 pts

"full pardon kushner" limbaugh, huh?

Talk about fizzling out

[–] 0 pt

From ranting against the "Jewish Lobby" in the days of GHBW to shilling for them in the time of Trump.

If only he'd stayed true to the original vision.

[–] 3 pts

At least he doesn’t have to be deaf anymore

Edit: can confirm, just saw this news on tv

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