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[–] [deleted] 4 pts

So who was the person that arranged the funding? Sorros again?

[–] 2 pts

Or one of his co-tribals.

Sorros’s name keeps cropping up in the US where ever trouble appears, was linked previously to funding the pantifa and burn loot murder riots. Makes his wealth shorting a countries currency after causing major chaos. Done it to many countries round the world.

[–] 1 pt

That's because he's made much of his fortune by financing color revolutions while positioning himself to profit from the misery he causes. A very jewish way to make money. He's openly stated that his greatest achievement in life will be to destroy the USA.

[–] 4 pts

It was a setup. Police stood down and allowed the protestors up to the doors. One person broke a window and opened a door and the crowd flooded in. This wasn't a coup. If it was a coup attempt there would have been gunfire.

[–] 1 pt

So,...he's stating what WE already knew and have known since nano seconds after it happened jan 6th! Nothing get's past these politicians. How the hell do these jackasses get their pants on straight in the morning!

[–] 1 pt

I don't see what the controversy is. He is a republican. Every republican should be aware that the the congress-caust was a caust (fake event used to create moral outrage).

[–] 1 pt

the controversy (files.catbox.moe)

Is it controversy or excitement that someone is speaking the truth for goddamn once? I honestly don't know how most people are reacting to this. I know I'm "Good for him."

he spoke the truth but doesn't have the courage to fight for the truth. he's a psy of the first magnitude and on the take.

the controversy is that he is in on it too. he caves to the left all the time and then has the balls to say "the tension (at the polling station where they covered the windows with cardboard to hide the fraud being committed) was caused by both sides.

i believe that the polling stations where fraud was being committed should have been razed to the ground by the citizenry. the citizenry should have been more "insistent." when the sheriffs/cops do not hold up the law and the courts turn a blind eye to injustice, what else is there? really. not trying to incite violence here, but what is the answer? all authority is enforced by the threat of or by actual violence.

he is a piece of garbage, too.

[–] 0 pt

i believe that even the ex prez was on it. the moment that he tweeted that it was going to be wild and then when he told the people that attended that rally to go and march to the capitol that he was going with them then i knew that the whole thing was a trap and a setup

remember, drumph unleashed the nat guard on the protestors and later pardoned people that did worse things that what these people allegedly did.

everyone was on it. he knew very well in advance and watch it all on high def tevee

[–] 0 pt

Evidence is a worthless currency. Nobody will take it. Not sure why people are still collecting it.

[–] 0 pt


He came out and apologized after kike pressure.