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Climate child Greta Thunberg is the subject of a new criminal investigation after she tweeted a list of her scripted marching orders, apparently accidentally, to her 4.8 million Twitter followers.

It appears as though the 18-year-old global warming activist was trying to tweet an “organic” post in support of the farmers protest in India when she mistakenly shared a document from her handlers outlining tactics for rallying left-wing Twitter users to join the movement.

“These are just some suggested posts, but feel free to tweet your own,” read the first bullet point on the document, which Greta quickly deleted once she realized, apparently, what she had done.

“It’s helpful if you add images or videos to your tweets (some images below),” the document went on to explain. “You can also tag others who can either reshare and/or the potential tags listed above to put pressure on them as well.”

Below these instructions was a series of sample tweets with a “CLICK HERE TO TWEET” button for each one. All Greta had to do, it appears, was click on one and pretend it was her own, and voila: instant support from her drone followers.

“The list gave a series of tips on what to post, asking her to also repost and tag other celebrities tweeting about it, including pop star Rihanna,” reported the New York Post.

“As well as the Twitter storm, the ‘toolkit’ she shared also suggested highlighting planned demonstrations at Indian embassies.”

Climate child Greta Thunberg is the subject of a new criminal investigation after she tweeted a list of her scripted marching orders, apparently accidentally, to her 4.8 million Twitter followers. It appears as though the 18-year-old global warming activist was trying to tweet an “organic” post in support of the farmers protest in India when she mistakenly shared a document from her handlers outlining tactics for rallying left-wing Twitter users to join the movement. “These are just some suggested posts, but feel free to tweet your own,” read the first bullet point on the document, which Greta quickly deleted once she realized, apparently, what she had done. “It’s helpful if you add images or videos to your tweets (some images below),” the document went on to explain. “You can also tag others who can either reshare and/or the potential tags listed above to put pressure on them as well.” Below these instructions was a series of sample tweets with a “CLICK HERE TO TWEET” button for each one. All Greta had to do, it appears, was click on one and pretend it was her own, and voila: instant support from her drone followers. “The list gave a series of tips on what to post, asking her to also repost and tag other celebrities tweeting about it, including pop star Rihanna,” reported the New York Post. “As well as the Twitter storm, the ‘toolkit’ she shared also suggested highlighting planned demonstrations at Indian embassies.”

(post is archived)

[–] 27 pts 4y

once again we who can think beyond our emotions are proven 100% correct.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Isn't naturalnews total Lügenpresse?

[–] 1 pt 4y


Natural news is responsible for the majority of egg on conservative and rightwing faces, those hacks ran articles claiming the rona was a zombie virus, un-ironically.

[–] 4 pts 4y

Looking at the masked, they weren't wrong.

[–] 0 pt 4y

true. the outlet is crap, but the meat of the article is verifiable.

[–] 0 pt 4y

fair point. i certainly am not claiming they're a great news outlet, but the Greta thing isn't interpretation, she sent out her marching orders by accident totally exposing herself for the complete fraud she is.

[–] 11 pts 4y

For those who haven't read Mein Kampf, Hitler talks about jew media constantly pulling the stunt of pluking someone from obscurity and instantly making them an authority figure for some politically convenient narrative

[–] 11 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Jordan Peterson anyone? Now, before anybody who likes Peterson objects to this (I personally enjoy many of Peterson's lectures and Biblical analyses), this isn't about whether or not you feel the man has helped you with your personal life.

I'm pointing out something implicit and explicit. Implicitly, I'm pointing to a history of the use of public intellectuals, typically a few heavy handed 'stars' of academia every generation. You might look at Foucault or Chomsky as a couple examples - typically people housed beneath the umbrella of academe while positioning themselves as 'rebels' that are trying to check or rebuff their own system.

Explicitly, Jordan came to prominence virtually overnight. For context, the things he is saying in his lectures are not new. Jung, Campbell and the mythopoetic movement of the 70s have been saying these things for many years. They are not even new to Peterson's career. He published Maps of Meaning something like 22 years ago, which he spent 13 years writing. It got very little attention - about as much as you'd expect from an obscure academic: a few reviews from colleagues at his own school. Before 2016, Jordan had been doing his style of mythical analysis and posting all of his lectures to Youtube for around a decade.

Suddenly, in 2016 he jumps on a bench with a megaphone to do a monologue about compelled speech on campus in Canada, and he becomes a sensation overnight. I wonder, would he have possibly sacrificed his academic status for this stunt had he not known something better was coming?

I'll ignore the intelligence community's ties to universities in that part of the world, including UofT and others in upstate New York. But we can't ignore Jordan's work with the United Nations.

Someone could explain the whole thing away. "His thought is groundbreaking, but that doesn't mean it will instantly be recognized. He needed the publicity of his protest at a politically charged time in history to get him the notoriety to promote his other work."

Fine. Perfectly possible. I personally find the entire story arc far too peculiar, especially once you start looking into how crucial the podcast circuit was for him, namely Rogan and the IDW, and the history of institutes like Esalen using intellectuals for social engineering.

Now add in the fact he married a Jewess, has a commissioned mural of Lenin as a literal wall of his home's living space, and his sudden disappearance to Russia for detox treatment coming off a benzo addiction.

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[–] 3 pts 4y

he seemed suspicious

also elon musk and the black science guy

[–] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

I can't speak to Elon's true role in some of the early companies that brought him wealth. Whether he is a skilled programmer, or whatever, I don't know.

I know that today he is an absolute prop. He is an icon being used publicly for social engineering, to introduce concepts (really, to plant psychological seeds) for the technocracy. These tactics have been used for decades and decades, all the way back to the 'World of Tomorrow' tv segments.

To me, this was evident for several reasons. First, his appearance on Rogan. There are some gullible folk who will come to believe he is merely eccentric, mildly autistic, etc., and this accounts for his strange punctuated way of speaking about his company's projects. In reality, he simply couldn't articulate a single thing about the concepts themselves, because they are all prop concepts. Rogan pressed him for some explanation about the so-called underground tunnel system beneath L.A. Elon couldn't put together a coherent description that would suffice for a high-schooler. "Uh, you uh, just dig a pit."

The most autistic person on the planet could have said something more substantial about the idea. No, Elon, you don't, uh, just dig a pit.

Second, Elon is often used to promote the Neuralink idea (basically, that mankind is on the precipice of plugging our brains into computers and achieving a sort of hive mind capability). It's absolute fucking nonsense, based on fiction. How do I know he has absolutely no concept about the mind? I saw him in a panel discussion with several prominent philosophers of mind and a few physicists. Elon contributed literally nothing - it became very clear he was a publicity object to attract attention to the meeting.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Why would the Jews choose a guy defying the state's prescribed doubleplusgood Newspeak (flagrantly and successfully, remember) as a method of catapulting a dude into the public consciousness so he can...say the exact same shit he's been saying for decades, like, "Everybody should read The Gulag Archipelago "?

Do you think it's possible for a voice to gain popularity organically? What does that look like and what characteristics can we use to recognize such phenomena?

[–] 3 pts 4y (edited 4y)

I acknowledged it was possible in the comment you replied to.

But don't forget Jews play both sides of the aisle with the ultimate goal being to move groups as a whole to the containment of the pasture.

As long as you are pointing out Jordan's defiance of the newspeak, we can also note his refusal to deal with the topic of the Jew (including that embarrassing moment on stage when he was confronted about 200 Years Together and could not even muster an answer to the question), his total admonishment of group identity where it concerns whites, and his not subtle encouragement of every man to enter the current establishment and rise through its hierarchy. At no point does he acknowledge what it means when that hierarchy is turned upside down or when it tracks values anathema to the host society, all the while speaking about the horrors of white group identity while shirking the Jewish identity.

Again, if you believe that Jordan has done something personally beneficial for you, great. I'm not claiming his writings won't do that, but I also specified that I was looking at the bigger picture.

To answer your final question, there is nobody who reaches that level in popular culture today without endorsement. People that are truly outsiders and represent a threat to the existing order are crushed. We've just witnessed high-level politicians, including members of congress, get existing publishing contracts cancelled. Jordan never had a publishing contract cancelled. He was at one point in talks to host a recurring segment on Dr. Oz. Not only wasn't he cancelled, he was very quickly slated for appearances on a publicity circuit around the world. News stations across the developed world picked him up, and threw softballs at him like Cathy Newman. It wasn't simply a matter of him gaining organic popularity by bootstrapping, the establishment picked him up and put him everywhere. Now consider some of the other voices historically who were truly exposing the establishment narrative: crushed. The second Fischer came out and began speaking about the Jews, they made him a pariah. David Irving also comes to mind.

I also think about an author like E. Michael Jones. The man has written highly anticipated books through his own independent publishing company because he had to. He was fired from a professorship at Notre Dame (did Jordan ever lose his job with UofT?), and was blacklisted from publishing. Amazon removed his most controversial titles. Despite his fandom, Jones has been relegated to taking interviews with obscure personalities on Youtube, getting perhaps his biggest audience through Owen fucking Benjamin. Meanwhile, Rogan is parading Jordan around with, what, 4 episodes in two years?

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[–] 0 pt 4y

Where's the MSM promotion of this guy though? Mostly I'm seeing organic interest from normies taking him as their first redpill.

[–] 0 pt 4y (edited 4y)

That's a fair question, but I'd return with a couple of points.

(1) I don't take Jordan to be an authentic redpill. I suppose this depends upon your definition, but there's no mistaking the fact that Jordan discourages thinking in conspiratorial terms. He has used several mainstream psychological arguments for why such thinking is effectively irrational (the system is too complex to identify these kinds of patterns, except if they're Jungian archetypes of course) and a cop out (delocalization of self-control through externalization).

A public rebuke of Communist ideology and the psychology that gets you there might be on the way to a redpill, if it causes a person to question today's cultural Marxism, but I don't think it constitutes a redpill proper. His counterpoint is basically to warn against group identity, which constitutes potentially perilous advice when a highly ethnocentric class of enemy with a powerful historical group identity is what you're up against.

(2) Are there many academics getting huge legacy media exposure (matching the level Jordan is online)? Your question seems to imply that this is necessary for my earlier comment to be true. Today's 'mainstream' media caters to a shrinking and specific market segment. Influential personalities in the digital world like Rogan or Jones or Shapiro were never mainstream media starlets either (with the exception of Joe's Fear Factor ). Given the demographics that Jordan demonstrated his appeal to, it's clear that television was never going to be his springboard. This division between information sources (legacy versus the internet) has been a kind of hallmark of a movement that paralleled Jordan's rise, along with the other pet names like Rogan, Rubin, Shapiro, Crowder, etc.

[–] 0 pt 4y

since when did anyone think JP was anything better than an idiot?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Excellent analysis, articulate and pointed.

Where can I find documentation on upstate NY institutions being compromised by intelligence?

Kyron the Icon

[–] 0 pt 4y

I have seen the references in many places. I apologize I don't have them on hand. But Toronto was a hot spot, and you should be able to do some searches on MKUltra and find plenty of mentions of both University of Toronto and McGill. The US and English researchers crossed the border between NY and Canada. I believe you'll find some information for Dr. Don Cameron and his involvement in MKUltra.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Game's been rigged from the beginning. Tape your friends name to the bottom of the fishbowl and have your sister-in-law from out of town do the drawing; after that, the people in town will defend the fairness of the drawing if someone protests.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Remember Paris Hilton and the Kardashians? They have become famous for doing nothing.

[–] 7 pts 4y

They became famous for being whores with sex tapes.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

Classic judeo-satanist way to show their degeneracy.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Well not nothing, they took it up the ass from a nigger infront of a camera.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Paris Hilton actually isn't so bad. She played a ditzy retard for a fake reality TV show so now that's how everyone recognizes her. But if you listen to her during real interviews she's smart and good at business. She's way more in league with someone like Ivanka Trump (born into wealth/status, but took responsibility for it and did something with it).

Kardashians I 100% agree with, though.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Paris and the Kardashians are all paid psyops. Personally, I've always thought that the way Paris would dote on her little chihuahua Tinkerbell was a way to brainwash an entire generation to place more value on pets than your human babies.

[–] 0 pt 4y

plus..when Paris did porn, she gave it her all.

[–] [deleted] 8 pts 4y

This is mostly true. But since it’s an article from Natural News there still just HAS to be a lie in it. They can’t help themselves.

This little bitch is disgusting and she did get caught posting talking points, but these fuckers still have to exaggerate or lie in every single fucking article.

She didn’t “admit” to being a puppet.” I know it’s a minor thing, but it’s inaccurate and it’s right in the headline.

And then they whine when no one takes them seriously. As much as I hate the left, the dishonest conspiritard faggots on the right aren’t much better.

Just try it, just once, Natural News. Just write an article without lying. Just try it.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yea I automatically take NN with a huge grain of salt (basically like you, just assume they're lying) and consequently never read the articles. Try to glean what actually happened from conversation around the article.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I just go straight to the comments to find out the real story

[–] 0 pt 4y

I always saw NaturalNews as a lefty Climate Change, HipoySpiracy Theory Bernie Or Bust faggot site.

I never noticed there was change in direction. But yeah, I pretty much of ore everything they say.

[+] [deleted] 3 pts 4y
[–] 2 pts 4y

In some way i feel a little bad. An autistic girl being propped up for show by others who know better. Hmmmm i say they should be responsible and greta should learn to mind her own fucking business the rest of her life and go free.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Do you think she is able to live on her own?

[–] 1 pt 4y

of course she is not, she is being used by lousy parents that are part $$$ of the cabal that looks in to reshaping the world in to their own image while, making a profit at it

[–] 2 pts 4y

She can eat a bug for all I care.

[–] 2 pts 4y

But she could be a muppet, the swedish chef has a daughter in the Disney Reboot and her name is 'Greta'.

[–] 1 pt 4y

We now know that Canada’s Poetic Justice Foundation was behind the leaked list

LMAO! The justice here is so... poetic!

[–] 1 pt 4y

I think this revelation deserves a response from the millions of people she called to task over her bullshit climate conspiracy.

Greta Thunberg - How DARE You! How DARE You!!

[–] 1 pt 4y

How do we get on the talking points mailing list? It would be nice to see them.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Right. Investigate Thunberg not this entire election.

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