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[–] [deleted] 14 pts

i would rather move to Poland or Hungary myself. they don't want muslim welfare cases or let fags dictate to the government. hell they told the kikes to pound sand up their ass over war reparations. my kind of government . piss on all muslims and kikes and faggots.

[–] 2 pts

Well said!!! Right there with ya bro

i admit i am based 😉

[–] 0 pt

Poal should be the government.

[–] 11 pts

Don't live in a fucking city

[–] 5 pts

Yes, did that. So far, I've had no problems with any of the deer, bears, squirrels, chipmunks, turkeys or birds outing my evil white ways or stealing anything.

[–] 3 pts

Fuck off with that noise. Deer have eaten my corn, my goddamn Myers lemon tree, and my Nesbitt grape buds (couldn't even wait until they were fucking grapes!). Squirrels regularly gobble up my bird seed no matter how many defensive parameters I put in place.

However, I am free to kill both of them and eat them, which I do as much as time and the law allow. Most meats taste similarly to how they smell. So that said, I'd never eat nigger.

[–] 0 pt

>Most meats taste similarly to how they smell. So that said, I'd never eat nigger.

Forget the smell, I wouldn't eat nigger because I don't want my body tissue to be made from digested nigger meat.

[–] 1 pt

God damn raccoons raid my bird feeders and the asshole chipmunks steal my blueberries and take one bit and leave them.

[–] 0 pt

Catch a chipmunk and send me a picture

[–] 3 pts

The best thing about the plandemic is that homeoffice is getting more and more popular. If I could permanently work from home, I'd leave the city for good.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I'd leave the city for good.

good luck getting a new job when all the companies figure out you can be replaced with Indians and niggers all working from home.


[–] 3 pts

Have you worked with Indian engineers? It might look like a great idea to a greedy Jew, but it soon brings you more troubles than it's worth.

Until the quality of work goes down the shitter and the bottom line number gets worse and worse.

[–] 0 pt

good luck getting a new job when all the companies figure out you can be replaced with Indians and niggers all working from home.

very good point and they are about 65% of the way toward completion...

[–] 0 pt

I get so tired of the sounds of the city. Sirens 24/7. Cars honking. You go outside and you have to walk past smelly niggers. You can’t ever be alone no matter where you go unless you’re at home.

[–] 5 pts

Russia is looking pretty good right now.

Just think, we were about to have a convention of the states to take back our country when Trump appeared to be in control with a master plan to save us all.

[–] 3 pts

Niggers killing niggers isn't a big problem

[–] 1 pt

It makes me hard thinking about it. I only wish they did it more

[–] 0 pt

Besides the hard part I'm with you

[–] 1 pt

Are you gonna catch some chipmunks?

[–] 3 pts

Animals are running around beating up olde asians (abc7news.com) here in the SF Bay area. I predict the triumphant return of based "Rooftop Koreans (google.com)" any day now.

[–] 1 pt

They’ve been doing that for some time now. The funny thing is liberals though conservatives were beating up Asians because of the ‘Chinese flu’, but almost every video that proves it have a black thug involved. They shut up quickly.

[–] 1 pt

No matter where you put niggers on this planet they will fuck it up. Imagine going to a country 100 times better than yours where everything is takin care of where your worst enemies are your own people then bitching how the entire system is rigged against you. Pathetic animals.’

[–] 0 pt

Yep. Every black country that was once colonized by whites eventually turned to shit after the blacks have ‘independence’. They are too stupid to be able to govern themselves. Every time a black has any power they abuse it to their own advantage.

[–] 2 pts

The purging has begun. Let the liberals and their nigger pets kill each other.

[–] 2 pts

The most important factor is, First they have to disarm the honest citizen (Chicago, NY City, Baltimore) with the Communist Lie of Gun control. The lie is, disarm and 'WE' will protect you, which is obviously a criminal lie because a million policemen can not stop crime, but a million armed citizens Can, because the criminal Knows they will shoot him.

[–] 1 pt

Police don’t stop anything they don’t even show up till after the fact.

[–] 0 pt

Exactly. When it gets to the SCOTUS, there is already a lead pipe cinch waiting for their ruling. The SCOTUS has already ruled that the 'police' have No duty to protect the public or individual (the citizen). That ruling alone demands that WE are able to protect our Own.

[–] 2 pts

Good! Keep that nignog shit in the cesspool cities. In fact burn em down, oh wait they already have.

[–] 1 pt

I lived in Milwaukee Wisconsin for 5 years. I sware 1/10 of all cars driving with out plates. Car theft/jack was crazy and cops dont even pull over cars with out plates because they’ll go suicidal speeds in residential areas. You could drive a stolen car in that city until the wheels fell off. Don’t get me stared on everything else... done living there

The police will come and id your body if it’s an consolation.

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