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[–] 0 pt 4y

I'll eventually watch it when I need rage fuel. I have plenty built up inside of me.

[–] 2 pts 4y

I think you should watch it. It's bizarre. The blurring hides the woman's face, which is covered in little bandages (they look brand new) for some reason. Looks like both victims are totally nude, but they had their faces beaten a little... but they were allowed to treat their injuries before the killer went for "muh dick" round 2? Idk, the whole scene and scenario is very strange, and I feel like by not seeing the actual raw footage, you might miss things.

As gruesome as it is, I think it's important for us to occasionally look this shit in the face- THIS KIND OF THING IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD, TO SOME POOR HELPLESS VICTIM. But most of us don't even think about it. We'll see a headline, get a very tame description of the events, see some heavily edited footage, and then poof- down the memory hole. BUT IF YOU WATCH IT, IF YOU SEE THOSE DEAD, LIFELESS EYES OF THAT POOR GIRL, THERE IS NO MEMORY HOLE. WHEN YOU HEARD THOSE SCANDINAVIAN GIRLS SCREAMING FOR THEIR MOTHERS AS THEIR HEADS WERE HACKED OFF, YOU WERE REMINDED THAT THERE ARE VICIOUS SAVAGES LURKING EVERYWHERE.

The murder of those backpackers should've been much higher profile- but people were too afraid to watch or try to get other people to watch the footage. "That's fucked up, why would you want to watch that?" Well, those poor girls deserve justice for one. Their fate can also serve as a warning/lesson. And it will only really hit home if you watch the event happen. It'll burn the image of a young, helpless White girl being sliced up by a dull machete in the hands of a brown desert savage. Those still exist, even though we think we are sheltered from it. Remember that guy in France who was beheaded in broad fucking daylight, in the middle of the street with dozens of onlookers?

People need to see the absolute horror that the monsters we are forced to live next to are capable of. The flippant, amused manner in which they torture people to death- we must remember.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt 4y