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[–] 3 pts 4y

This is amazing, but it's going to get depressing. Here's how I see it happening;

  • A few giant hedge funds like (((Melvin Capital))) will go bankrupt and cry to their jewish, political handlers Pelosi, Schumer and McConnel.
  • There will be fake anger directed toward (((Melvin Capital))) and the banks that secured their (((investments))) There was a thread explaining it
  • After a few days of feigned anger, congress will pass a bailout.
  • reddit will rightfully be mad, as will everyone
  • Occupy Wallstreet 2.0 will start with a natural, organic, and anti-jew foundation. Just like Occupy 1.0 started as
  • Occupy 2.0 will then be taken over by kike operations which will shove out White males in place of hearing muh disenfranchised voices.
    • There was some sort of oppression pyramid in Occupy 1.0 that eventually came up where if you had the floor of attention and anyone who was deemed to be of a lower privilege level than you wanted the floor you HAD TO give it up
  • O 2.0 will devolve into a jewish terrorist riot by way of jewish terrorist group of: republican party, democrat party, proud boys, BLM, antifa etc.
[–] 1 pt 4y

The oppression pyramid was called the progressive stack. There were youtube clips of It being explained at a meeting. Even Chomskey admits that identity politics is useful to those with economic power and diverts all the attention away from class .

[–] 1 pt 4y

diverts all the attention away from class .

As it should. Race is all that matters. As Hitler outlined(files.catbox.moe)

but muh class

Is completely irrelevant kikery and is a tenant of communism to force while ignoring race.

Oh wait [blue account] yup.

literally joined JUST NOW

[–] 0 pt 4y

Do you mean tenet?