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[–] 18 pts

So both the mom and daughter are nigger loving trash? Feel bad for the guy but he put himself in that situation.

[–] 17 pts

pretty sure the jews put us all in this situation

[–] 9 pts (edited )

When I 1st started dating my now fiancee I told her I would never tolerate a child of mine to go out with a nigger. She admitted she wouldn't like that either. She's more liberal leaning than me but is ok with my racists jokes, my heil hittlers, my calling jews parasitic scum that should be erradicated, islam is a cancer and all those middle easterners are cousin loving pedophiles, etc. You iron out all this things in the beginning.

[–] 2 pts

Are you me? Except my wife doesn't lean liberal at all. She hates niggers and all manner of shitskins too. Although she still rolls her eyes when I say it's the jews even though she believes it. She finds it hard to believe they don't consider themselves white.

She thinks just like that but as women, our nature can change so hope you run the show! There's a little book called "Communicating with your Dog" perfect for teaching pack dominance.

[–] 3 pts

Yes but he married the nigger lover and raised his own daughter. He had plenty of say in the matter.

[–] 8 pts

I dont see where it talks about the shooters wife, only the niggers mother.

you have it backwards, the niggers mother is white. no wonder he had such ideas.

[–] 2 pts

Easy to say from the sidelines. Blame the incessant brain-washing instead. Public schools are really bad and then that 'vortex of destruction' allowed in nearly everyone's family room every time its turned on. It's so 'in-your-face'.

[–] 0 pt

If you send your kids to public school post 2010 it's on you.

[–] 1 pt

The mom was the black kid’s mom.

[–] 0 pt

As a former oil driller, when every influence you're using to formulate your worldview is telling you blacks are oppressed and if you only give them the chance you'll see racism is wrong... hindsight is 20/20. When you've been lied to your entire life it's impossible to know you're making a mistake until the mistake has been made.

[–] 2 pts

Kinda true. We always say it's the fault of the father, or grandfather as it was trickled down, that these children weren't raised right.

I wasn't even born in this country and didn't come here until I was 10 (Germany, Finland, England), and I had zero knowledge of the dindus. THEN this propaganda shit gets stuffed down my throat and it isn't until I'm in my mid 30's that I start seeing life as it really is.

I sometimes feel for coal burners, as perhaps, just perhaps, they followed the jew lies they were fed.

Really, the only answer is to kill all jews, deport the dindus to Africa, and hang any politician who doesn't want to be part of the solution.

[–] 0 pt

So how many STDs did you end up with?

[–] 0 pt

Two of the easily treatable "take this pill and this shot" ones.

His family just threw him under the bus and drove it back and forth all over the guy. Don't trust ANYONE to have your back.