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[–] 13 pts

Well it looks like we got to the whole scale and extra legal seizure of private assets really quick. I was not expecting that until the summer. I bet this is a trial run for what is to come.

Anyone guilty of wrong think will simply have their assets sized. Stores and establishments will be 'repatriated' and carved up and given to cronies and what is left will become absorbed by the state.

Next we will see all of the shuttered restaurants being 'repatriated' and run as state owned establishments.

The restaurants will be staffed by the state. The unemployed will not be given a job... they will be given a Universal Basic Income and told where to work.

The communist revolution will not come with a big bang... the system will be set up in parallel and will slowly creep into every corner of our economy.

[–] 9 pts

Next we will see all of the shuttered restaurants being 'repatriated' and run as state owned establishments.

I think it's far more likely that the (((banks))) will use the trillions of dollars (wallstreetonparade.com) they received as indefinite interest free loans to buy those restaurants and businesses. The banks will then generously allow the former owners to work at their former businesses for rock bottom wages.

[–] 2 pts

same game plan as banks after the 1928 stock crash

[–] 1 pt

If the bank buy business it will only be an intermediate step... Banks don't want to take on the hassle of running hundreds of thousands, if not millions of small businesses. Only the State is willing to take on the bureaucracy this would require. The banks may buy them initially, but then they will be sold to the state for a profit. Also, if the banks are the 'owners' it will breed resentment. The State needs to position it's self as the savior opening up shuttered businesses and providing a wage to the destitute.

[–] 5 pts

You know, you have just described the exact way it happened in East Germany (Sowjet occupation zone) in the 50s and 60s. And to top it off, they already used healthcare regulations as excuse back then. I was born in the GDR (German Democratic Republic). I could never wrap my head around how people just let the communists take over everything. Today I can see the process right before my eyes.

[–] 2 pts

Is there such a thing as an anonymous lockbox?

I'm trying to wonder what he could have done outside of keeping $165k in a mattress...

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt

Its called bitcoin

[–] 0 pt

Yeah that's probably the closest thing, unless we get a good sized solar flare or other grand scale power outage.

[–] 4 pts

You see people, this is why you don't keep money in a bank account.

Use the bank to facilitate transactions, and nothing more.

Governments run the show because they are the biggest crooks of all.

You don't even let them see your assets.

Unfortunately, many small businessmen only learn this after their assets are taken.

Experienced businessmen look poor as fuck, and drive shitty cars, while they have millions in hidden liquid assets.

They own stuff not listed in their own names. Always through family and close friends, sometimes the church.

You can sue them and win, and still you get nothing, for there is nothing to seize.

Small players are like fish just waiting to be eaten by bigger players.

Law and order does not apply. Justice does however, for the right price.

Sooner or later, justice will return to America, one way or the other.

There are levels of hardcore that have not yet been reached.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

I hope he destroys them but who knows with that kike justice system.

[–] 2 pts

When the peasants come with torches and pitchforks , the Politicians will genuinely wonder why they're angry

[–] 2 pts

Married to a kike and works for her banker daddy. Murphy's lips are so blue you could mistake him for a judge at a raspberry ice pop festival.

[–] 2 pts

"when Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty".

[–] 2 pts

Our county is suing businesses that are staying open, saying they have an unfair advantage over the people who closed.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Think of the advantage the closed businesses have over businesses that never opened in the first place. I've always wanted to open my own business. I think my county should sue the existing businesses for the unfair advantage they gained by taking the risk and actually doing it while I decided to play it safe.

[–] 0 pt

Right!?! Isn't this the dumbest reasoning ever?!

Here is another nice lawsuit, The states are rolling in Covid Relief bucks. Start suing them for their unlawful mandates. There are so many laws the states broke that just throw them in a hat and start suing them. Take that money from the state.

[–] 1 pt

People sbit on crypto but if this guy had gone to all crypto could they have done this?

[–] 0 pt

Yes and No.

Yes if he is low level enough and made all transactions at internet cafes (then save the coins in his offline wallet). He could also have traveled outside the country using devices with no connection to himself to access the internet and save in the offline wallet.

No if he was too big. The alphabet jackets (especially) FBI will publicly talk about big fish they take down. This leads me to believe they are more than happy to take out players who are opposed to the state for much less.

If you get into crypto you should read and research then reread everything and ask so many questions on forums people get annoyed. If you open anything on a network/device connected directly to you then your coins are not safe. Way back when bitcoin was about $60 I lost 1.09btc in instawallet. I only had beginner knowledge and made all that from randomly using faucets and getting them for free. I haven't touched crypto since as like this thread has said, if you have a bank account it can go to zero anytime/any day.

something as simple as ammo is a great investment.

And if we used precious metals for trade, hmm, maybe they'd not have taken all his money.

Heh. People look at me funny when I tell them I don't have a bank account and I only accept CASH.

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