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ANTIFA , Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, BLM

Every one of them a political psyop or infiltrated and used for government purposes if you want my opinion.

Stay Home. If nothing happens and Biden is in on the 21st it is going to be a trailer park chimpout.


ANTIFA , Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, BLM Every one of them a political psyop or infiltrated and used for government purposes if you want my opinion. Stay Home. If nothing happens and Biden is in on the 21st it is going to be a trailer park chimpout. THERE IS NO MASSIVE ARMED PROTEST. DON'T BE A SHEEP.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

They don't have to round up 80 million people, they just have to make them afraid of losing their jobs, their homes, or their kids if they dare speak against Our Dear Leader or the Politburo.

[–] 1 pt

You think they can do that?

You think they are anywhere close to being able to do that?

They don't control the means of production. They couldn't keep an actual lock down for more than a week.

[–] 0 pt

You think they can do that?

They're doing it now.

[–] 0 pt

They are not doing it now. Are you working? Were you locked down? How long?

If you were locked down for more than 2 weeks, out of work, find a better job. "Essential workers" were about 75% of the work force.

Texas won't lock down again because when they pulled that shit here, someone sued, and won. Texas didn't have the authority to shut businesses down and when someone challenged it in court, she won. Now, if they try it again, more people will sue using that first lawsuit as a precedent.

Major building construction halted for 2 weeks. The financial sector, not at all. The government doesn't have the grip you think they do. Only the television watching lemmings or small mom and pop businesses that depend on customer sales are even slightly concerned about losing their jobs.

When people start to worry, actually worry, lawsuits will flow and that will end this shit immediately.