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(post is archived)

[–] 30 pts

The video evidences show he was running away from the commiekikes who tried to lynch him.

[–] 25 pts

And he was doing the community a favor by taking out some human garbage anyway.

[–] 11 pts

he took out a child molester and a wife beater

[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[–] 0 pt

Divine shot placement too.

Child rapist - shot in the crotch

Wife strangler - shot in the lung

Armed robber - shot in the arm

At this point I think we need more vigilante justice like this. Cops have proven themselves to be useless at best and the enemy at worst, so it falls upon the citizenry to protect ourselves.

[–] 11 pts

What are the odds that, out of a crowd full of "peaceful protesters," the three he tagged were not only jews, but convicted felons. Not just convicted felons, but also included a child molester and a wife beater.

That should be statistically impossible in a random grouping. Tells you a lot about who makes up these groups.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

They are obviously an under represented demographic systemically oppressed by other murders commit by nogs.

If you were to use delusional left think.

[–] 1 pt

All convicted felons and all joo-s, but oh vey it's a just a cohencidence you silly goy, i'm sure fact checkers will tell me how the kenosha kid was definitely emboldened by trumps purposeful and continual support for and non-denial of right wing supremacy with the attendant anti-semitic rhetoric, radicalizing an underage white patriarchy follower into these disgusting acts of public violence !! , with a big black assault rifle no less, it's a military tool of destruction... oh vey those poor mostly peaceful protestors, wahahahaa ....

[–] 8 pts

There's also video and pics of him cleaning graffiti and providing medical assistance before he was attacked.

[–] 1 pt

What an asshole. Undoing what those peaceful protesters were working so hard to accomplish. Next you're going to say he was putting out a peaceful dumpster fire.

Doesn’t matter. He will get the death penalty. What is to stop them?

They won. Thoroughly. It’s over and has been for months. Now they are going to get payback. Watch your back. Thanks, Donald. Supporting you really helped us.

[–] 0 pt

I'm starting to think DJT was just a smokescreen frankly. Banned bump stocks, promoted red flag laws and removal of due process. Bought up a bunch of ammo for the military creating an ammo shortage for the citizenry. Then "Oh no! I lost! Now this authoritarian party has taken power and you might have all the guns, but we have all the ammo! Wow, that suuuucks."

Things will get worse before they get better. I can't see any ability to organize without being infiltrated by the FBI and dubbed a terrorist organization (and dealt with accordingly).

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Doesn’t matter. He will get the death penalty. What is to stop them?

You're under the mistaken impression that outcome would be allowed or tolerated.

It won't.

Even a ten year sentence would lead to the immediate call up of the militia.

And not the LARP militia either.

[–] 0 pt

why was he armed? He's not even old enough to vote, much less make a decision on who needs to die.

[–] 10 pts

An ex-cop on youtube did an excellent breakdown almost immediately

Pointed out the gunshot that proceeded Kyle's first shot


[–] 4 pts

If he's convicted the jury/judge should have to experience the same thing. See if they respond different

I like watching that guy. There's another one but I cant remember his name. He's alright, too.

[–] 1 pt

I like the shooting breakdowns

[–] 25 pts

As he should. But if the corrupted jury finds him guilty, he will spend a looooong time in prison, unfortunately. Dude needs to be released immediately, a new AR15 of his choosing purchased for him and Medal of Freedom awarded by El Presidente.

[–] 8 pts (edited )

If some antifa faggots can break a criminal out of jail we should be able to rise up and free an innocent man if it comes down to it. Any guards, police officers, or government agents that interfere are forfeiting their right to life.

[–] 0 pt

antifags jailbroke their fellow faggot?

[–] 3 pts

Well not really, but supposedly covid cleaning crew just happened to leave the jail cell unlocked as antifa was rioting outside the station to free the faggot. Dont feel like googling for the story but it was all over a day or two ago, shouldn't be hard to find.

[–] 0 pt

How'd you get the suspicious tag? You seem to fit right in :)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Downvoted qtards and faggots too much, and the dumbfuck owner of this site doesn't like it when people use the button he provided for them to use, because he knows it is usually used to downvote qtards and migafaggots, because he is a qtard migafaggot.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

If one of these small AR builder outfits were to give them one they would end up getting a ton of business and losing none

[–] 3 pts

I believe that as well. I'm sure they'd get an uptick in business if they produced a one off special AR-15 for the Kenosha Kid. Would be awesome.

[–] 9 pts

What will it take to get you faggots to use archive links for submissions on news sites? All news sites share the same horrible format & features such as auto-play videos.


[–] 4 pts

I won’t use archive for OAN or Epoch Times articles.

[–] 4 pts

Why? To give them traffic? Epoch Times articles have this bullshit:

For the expando, huge gaps where ads would be (I have them blocked) whereas archive makes their articles look cleaner. (files.catbox.moe)

Then on the live site, it asks you to sign-up to read their article. (files.catbox.moe)

Archives are better for sharing here, period. If you want to give them traffic all you have to do is visit the live link obtained from the archive page.

oann.com links I really don't have much of an issue with, but you should always archive stuff in general for future use.

[–] 2 pts

You were always one of the best goats!

Epoch requires sign in to see articles so I don't even bother if they aren't archived. OAN has shown themselves to be just as shit as the rest of MSM lately.

[–] 1 pt

There are ways to get around the sign-in but why bother? Also those methods may not work for everyone or may be beyond their skill level.

At least OAN doesn't have the auto-play videos. Those drive me nuts. News sites are the absolute worst on the net.

[–] 0 pt

Not going to do it. Too bad p****. You should go join Reddit. You'll be happier there

[–] 1 pt

I remember you from Voat. What a piece of shit you are.

[–] 0 pt

I don't remember you. You are inconsequential

Too stupid to archive but he should leave, k..

[–] 0 pt

Hera ya go weenie boi


wah daddy I don't wanna!!!!

[–] 0 pt

Is that how you whine to your daddy about not wanting to wear a mask

[–] 0 pt

Why did you put asterisks? Is your nigger faggot kike bitch ass worried about something? Pussy

[–] [deleted] -1 pt

Cry more

[–] 4 pts

Just trying to help you make better submissions. I didn't upvote this but I would have if you linked to the archive.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

TY these faggots link to twitter and jewtube. Completely avoidable.

[–] 1 pt

pretty much they're linking to jew sites direct giving them hits and ad revenue, plus they can see where redirects come from. Archive stops that. Fox used to be ok but then was exposed.

[–] 0 pt

no one gives a shit about you

[–] 5 pts

The only thing they actually have him on is violating curfew (while possessing a firearm). That firearm possession charge is what they'll try to use as an enhancement.

The curfew violation charge should be dropped on account of the fact the DA released people on the left for doing the same thing. A law unequally enforced is no law at all.

[–] 0 pt

which people?

[–] 2 pts

Don't know their names off the tops of my head but there were plenty of arrests and releases without bail during the riots in kenosha and elsewhere.

[–] 5 pts

The pleas came during virtually held hearing amid the coronavirus pandemic, which continues to disrupt day-to-day business across most of the country.

There is no pandemic, zio-media. Fucking holocough hoax.

The only possible charge that could possibly stick is he was violating curfew, and SO WAS EVERYONE ELSE THERE.

Also, we still need to see gimpy arm charged for being a felon in possession of a firearm.

[–] 4 pts

That was a wicked shot to make his bicep get blasted away in a red mist. Holy shit that must have hurt like a muhfugga.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

If you really want to see a jew throw his computer out the window, tell him the holocost is a hoax, then tell him that Kyle is a hero and post this https://pic8.co/sh/PVdsnt.jpg

[–] 3 pts

They love to repeat the lie as much as the 6 million cases and diversity being strength

[–] [deleted] 6 pts (edited )

i am probably going to be arrested soon because i am pissing off the folks at the grocery store. but i also did some good works because i passed on one of the best things that will happen in that young man's life for a good while. i told the produce guy who was chatting with me to come to poal. i told him to not be shocked with all the free speech flying around here. he got out his pocket notebook and wrote it down. i could see in his eyes he was glad when i said "a chubby dyke that works here is giving me lip."

that made it worth having to deal with the dyke supervisor with the shaved head and chain wallet. bitch actually said "if things could go my way the whole country would just shut down completely until this is all over."

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Kyle reacted with courage, more courage than "some" grown men. The ones that stand by and watch while others are harmed. The ones who say not my business when some old lady is knocked to the ground. The ones who let strangers verbally and physically attach their own and put their heads down and shut up. I admire Kyle

[–] 4 pts

Imaging being Kyle. Being clearly innocent and clearly defending yourself and saving your own life and then being arrested for it when you turn yourself in for self defense.

Kyle Rittenhouse should have never been in jail. This communist piece of shit country is so fucking lost. SPEAK UP NOW

[–] 1 pt

Imagine being Kyle's friend.

We all remember Kyle, we don't remember his friend who is likely being thrown under the bus by the enemy federal government as we speak.

[–] 3 pts

Constitutional Innocence does not need a jury. This is why the fathers gave WE THE PEOPLE the right to police our selves. Cops were created and represent the NWO. The NWO cant overthrow America if they don't create cops.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The kid's a hero.

'member when QRV mods made that announcement against Kyle? I 'member

[–] 0 pt

didn't touch QRV since I first saw that shithole in late 2018

got a pic of it?

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Negative 714? Dang. I never saw anything like that on Voat

[–] 0 pt

when it comes to voat, downvoats means OP is usually correct.

(((They))) exposed themselves like jews like to do.

[–] 2 pts

Jury nullification needs to occur at the least. Ideally found innocent of charges as they are a farce, and if not then a proud juror needs to nullify the whole thing.

[–] 2 pts

The fact that his case hasn't been thrown out already is fucking ludicrous.

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