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[–] 6 pts

You don't get better performance by lowering the bar.

[–] 3 pts

On paper you do, for a periode for 1-5 years till you can maybe see the effects, just long enough to ssecure enouther period in office.

[–] 1 pt

You don't get better performance erasing whites in a pregenocidal action against Whites either. They should get better bullets in their heads though.

It's a sick and demented cult and not one of them is worth the are they breathe

[–] 0 pt

But, but,, maybe the niggers might pass 5th grade before they turn 18.

[–] 2 pts

The time for homeschooling is at hand.

[–] 2 pts

do you still believe it's about helping kids read at a higher level?

[–] 1 pt

It's about niggwrs seeming to be as intelligent as white kids

[–] 1 pt

One of the most important red pills anyone can swallow is to understand that racial differences in intelligence levels are genetic and cannot be changed by social action, teaching, money or prayers. Niggers are a lot less intelligent than whites or Asians -- so much so that the average American nigger is retarded by white standards. This is s fact, and once it is realized it changes how you look at the world.

[–] 2 pts

These days sending your kids to public school is literally child abuse.

[–] 1 pt

It's all part of the plan to create a 'new' today and future by making us forget our past AKA our heritage. How else can we define who we are without knowledge of where we came from? So by getting rid of our history they get to reshape our present into whatever they want.

"They" are, of course, the Cultural Marxists ie. mostly Jews but also some useful idiots -- feminists, Antifa, hippies, etc -- and a bunch of niggers.

[–] 0 pt

Jews run the cultural Marxist assault on our culture. But they have legions of useful idiots eager to follow their lead and to do what ever the Jews tell them to do. Jews control them by appealing to their basest instincts -- lust, envy, racial hatred, fear, greed, pride, conceit, laziness. When you think about it, you realize that Jews use the same control mechanisms that the demons of Satan use to control and command the human race. No, it's not a coincidence.

[–] 1 pt

"The hugely influential Saint Augustine was probably a black dude" "Cervantes doesn’t even sound like a “white name.” Stopped reading there.

[–] 0 pt

We really need to read great black authors such as

[–] 0 pt

Did you ever wonder how Euope fell into a Dark Age of ignorance and violence after the Roman Empire collapsed, and Roman troops and administrators were withdrawn from successive conquered states such as Britain? Did you ever wonder how it was possible that those peoples, released from Roman rule, so quickly forgot how to use Roman technology, lost the efficient Roman bureaucracy, and forgot how to read and write except for a handful of Christian monks?

Well, my friends, we are all in a unique position in history, because we are about to learn firsthand how nations can slide back into a Dark Age of ignorance. The slide has already begun. It involves such things as racial quotas being favored over ability; the corruption by politics of the universities; the elevation of those unqualifies for positions by bribery, cheating, nepotism, and anti-white racism; the suppression of Christian teachings; the "burning" (in reality or figuratively) of the great books of our culture; the fragmentation of our culture into hundreds of splinters, all at war with each other; the poisoning of science with political and cultural dogma; the erosion and active attack on the family unit ... and I could go on and on.

Actions have consequences, people. The insanity of the left, and the apathy of the right, are together driving actions that will destroy Western civilization -- not all at once, but piece-by-piece over time. And we have the rare privilege by God of being here to witness the start of the decline of the Christian West into a darkness of barbarism that may last a thousand years.

[–] 0 pt

"I understand teacher of my kid, so how about you give me a list of books you don't want my child to read, you know so I can make sure?!"

[–] 0 pt

Lowering the bar will help every time don't you know?

[–] 0 pt

No, I think raising the bar would be a better way to go.

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